Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 235: Lure the Reality

Since being banished by Odin five thousand years ago, Malekith, the leader of the dark elves, has been wandering endlessly in the universe.

As the monarch of the dark world of Vat Alheim, his life is full of legends.

The dark elves are a race lost in war. Malekith has been traumatized by war since he was a child. His father and brothers both died in the war. His mother sold him to the police in order to prevent her son from becoming a frontline soldier. The funeral parlor was forced to work as a corpse burner. At the end of every war, he would burn at least 3,000 dark elf corpses. This was also Malekith's most painful memory.

Because of this, after becoming the greatest wizard of the dark elves, Malekith, who was deeply poisoned by the war, swore that as long as he was alive, he would provoke endless wars.

After accidentally obtaining the ether particles, and with the help of the celestial body gathering, Malekith hoped to use the powerful power of the Reality Stone to return the nine kingdoms to darkness. However, he was defeated by the Asgardian army led by Odin's biological father Bol. Luckis was banished to the vast universe, and the ether was completely sealed.

Now, after sensing that the ether particles have reunited, the sleeping dark elves have awakened again.

In the original work, Malekith, who regained the ether particles, provoked the "War of the Realms" and successfully ignited the war in the nine kingdoms. He united all the forces that hated Asgard to form an evil alliance, and conquered all the countries on the World Tree like a whirlwind.

Odin suffered a tragic defeat, Thor lost his arm, and Frigga took the Asgardian refugees to the earth for refuge. After winning the absolute victory in the war, the dark elves who refused to give up rushed into the earth, even if they were extremely powerful superheroes. They also had to flee to the Arctic Circle to avoid being hunted.

The tragic war was finally ended by Thor. He sacrificed his eyes in front of the Well of Destiny, traveled through time and space and invited the young Thor from the past and the future King Thor, and merged the three timelines of the past, present and future into one. Conceptually defeated Malekith. ("Thor: War of the Realms")

By the way, it was during this battle that the American captain rode the Silver Pegasus for the first time and fell in love with the feeling of riding the sky. So Mr. Steve Rogers in other timelines later thoughtfully installed flamethrowers and paragliders on his beloved motorcycles... ("The Evolution of Captain America's Motorcycle Mounts")

But this time, as soon as Malekith woke up, he found that the ether particles that shocked him suddenly disappeared.

"Is it an illusion?"

He smiled silently to himself, then closed his eyes again.

Malekith did not know that the ether particles he was pursuing were being suppressed in the deepest part of the ocean, in the endless crack called the Throat of the Abyss.

The seabed was pitch black, with only fluorescent aquatic plants swaying. The palace of the Tidal Throne was inlaid with unknown varieties of luminous pearls, illuminating the nearby scenery.

The Tide Hunters are not here, so there are only elves made of pure water elements swimming around merrily - Cauus is their old friend, and that extraordinary affinity with the water element is enough to make even the most stubborn The water elves also naturally maintain a close attitude towards him.

But this time, everything changed when Kaus tried to integrate the ether particles into his body. Large and small whirlpools began to form around the body, and countless water elemental elves panicked and tried to escape from the Tidal Throne.

Among the four elemental planes, Therazane, the Stone Mother, is the most powerful. But when it comes to elemental energy, no one has more than the water elemental plane - the entire plane has nothing but the endless ocean, and even every water molecule can be converted into ever-changing water elemental energy.

"Come on, I want to see how much energy this Reality Stone of yours can consume!"

Cauvus tried his best to stretch out his soul, released all the energy absorption channels, and began to swallow the energy of the Throat of the Abyss unscrupulously. Because the energy was transmitted too fast, his extremely huge soul began to It emits a blue halo, illuminating the entire Tidal Throne.

As a large amount of water elements were extracted, hundreds of millions of tons of seawater roared angrily, turning into pure water elements and rushing towards the Tidal Throne, forming a violent chain reaction. Above the Throat of the Abyss, turbulent waves rose from the sea, and huge whirlpools were formed.

He desperately absorbed energy, and the huge water elements swarmed in, and the next moment they were drained by the ether particles, so that even the ether particles conveyed a "pleasant" consciousness - but in the process, he seemed to be I had that unusual feeling of being at the source of the earth.

"Huh? An unexpected bonus!"

Kaus now fully understands the importance of "field". If the use of elements before was still "borrowing", then what he has to do now is to "take" and turn the power of the elements into his own power. This It is the most critical element in establishing a field.

I don’t know how long it took, it could be a second, or it could be ten thousand years. In short, when the ether particles completely expressed their willingness to "surrender", Cauus slowly withdrew the energy absorption.

"Are you full?" Kausi said angrily, "You have been hungry for so many years, but I have fed you this time... Uh, okay, I said the wrong thing, you think I didn't say anything. .”

He originally thought that the ether particles stopped demanding because they had swallowed up enough energy, but when he began to explore his body, he was surprised to find that the Reality Stone only needed the energy to activate the "key", and it itself was a super energy source.

So after absorbing enough energy, the Reality Stone disdainfully spit out the huge energy it had just absorbed. And it is impossible for Kaus to turn these elemental energies into seawater and spit them out, so - the beneficiary becomes Kaus himself!

In other words, the Reality Stone simply "disdains" the water element of the Throat of the Abyss.

As one of the Infinity Stones, they existed one second before the Big Bang. Hundreds of billions of years ago, they were an entity of great power. After enduring countless years of loneliness, it chose to commit suicide, and its core of divine power transformed into the form of six Infinity Stones. Each gem can give the user omnipotent control in some aspect. If someone has six gems at the same time, he will have omniscience and omnipotence.

In other words, the energy contained in this small ether particle has exceeded the ordinary Heavenly Father level combat power. And when six gems gather together, such as the six-gem Thanos form, it will reach the peak of the single universe level. Even if you meet the five creation gods of the main universe (except for the devouring state of hunger), you are qualified to give it a try.

Here is a simple explanation: the multiverse level is higher than the single universe level, but the single universe limits the upper limit of power. For example, Phoenix and Chaos, as a kind of cosmic force, can only reach the peak level of a single universe in the main universe, but they have different clones and hosts in each single universe, which is equivalent to six If Gem Thanos wants to defeat Chaos, he must find the Chaos in billions of universes and beat them up one by one...

Therefore, Cauus spent all his strength and consumed the huge energy of the Throat of the Abyss. In the end, it was just to make the ether particles "express" satisfaction and willing to let him be his host.

"Okay!" After realizing that he had overestimated himself, Kausu was happy. He patted his chest with a smile, "You will follow me from now on. If I take a bite, you will take a bite. Soup. What's so good about following that spicy shredded chicken? How can it be as happy as following me? So you can't suck me dry..."

"Do you know why I brought you to the Throat of the Abyss? I heard that there is something hidden inside you...'world-pool'? I don't know what this means. Anyway, it literally means a world of water, brother. But owning an entire ocean is nothing to lose to you!”

"Then, let's make a deal! Just follow me and I'll take you to some delicious and spicy food. When we go out later, you can't be rude..."

Sensing that the ether particles in his body were sleeping quietly, Kaus smiled and left the Throat of the Abyss.

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