Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 239 Fierce Battle

Sensing that the distance of the ether particles was getting closer, Malekith became excited.

"Having been sleeping for thousands of it finally time for the dark elves to rise again?"

The tall cursed warrior stood quietly beside him. He was wearing a black armor, with curved bone spurs protruding from both sides of his head. The ghost mask shone with a strange light in the firelight, and his burly body stood as solemn as a statue.

"Entering the atmosphere—"

"Height 20,000 feet!"

"The height is ten thousand feet!"

"The height is five thousand feet..."

Pushing away the thick clouds, the dark elf's huge and weird spaceship turned on its anti-gravity engine, and its descent became slower and slower. Malekith's mood suddenly calmed down as he stood in front of the ship's porthole.

"Algorim, are you ready?"

Algorim, Malekith's most loyal subordinate, was last defeated by the Asgardian warriors led by Bol, the father of the gods. In order to realize Malekith's revenge plan, he was awakened and volunteered to become the last A cursed warrior of the dark elves, he exchanged the power of the curse for incomparable power - it will stimulate his full potential for a period of time and make his power reach incredible strength.

In "Thor 2", this powerful and loyal warrior has power beyond that of Thor, and even knocked Mjolnir away with one punch, which shows how powerful he is. In the end, Loki stabbed him in the back and blew him up with a black hole grenade. This was undoubtedly a plot kill that greatly reduced his strength.

"I'm already impatient with waiting!" Algorim lowered his head slightly and looked down through the clouds.

"Then..." Malekith said calmly, "Let's have a big fight!"

The spacecraft shook suddenly, and someone shouted hurriedly: "Distortion of space was discovered! Course deviation!"

"Anti-gravity engine emergency braking——"

But it was too late. Just when the huge spaceship of the dark elves appeared in the sky over New York, and countless people witnessed the black spaceship flying out of the clouds, a big mouth suddenly opened in the air and swallowed the spaceship in one gulp. Go in.

The next moment, the spacecraft arrived at an extremely empty place.

"Where is this?" Malekith turned his head and glanced at the star map, and couldn't help frowning - the coordinates were very unfamiliar, and they didn't seem to be near the solar system.

Since the anti-gravity engine was still running, the sudden change in gravity caused the spacecraft to shake suddenly. Soon the spacecraft remained stable, and then landed heavily on the ground with a loud bang, raising countless floating dust.

"Welcome to Mavis, this is a planet located in the Beta Belt constellation of Andromeda, and it will also be your burial place!" A voice suddenly rang in the cabin of the spacecraft.

"Andromeda?" Malekith gasped. No need to ask, his spaceship was forcibly hijacked by the other party who opened the portal. But what kind of strength can open the portal the moment the spacecraft lands and swallow a large wandering spacecraft carrying tens of thousands of dark elves?

"Could it be..."

A terrifying possibility suddenly occurred to Malekith.

"Yes, it's just as you imagined, Malekith. Aether particles are very useful."

"Aether particles!" Malekith suddenly became furious. He opened the cabin and stepped out first.

I saw that a hill in the distance had been cut off in half, and a group of people stood there quietly.

This group of people obviously came with bad intentions. Except for a young man with blond hair standing at the top, the others were wearing strange-style armor and holding weapons in preparation.

"Are you ready?" Kausu took a deep breath, "Let's start!"

A [Wrath of Holy Light] was used as the signal for the two sides to start the war. There was no talk or formation on either side, and the battle became intense from the first moment.

Tony Stark, wearing a nano-mecha, flew high. His shoulder armor, arm armor, and back armor opened at the same time, and dense micro-missiles were launched. In just a moment, the entire open space was filled with smoke, and countless dark elves were killed. Exploded to the point of leaving no bones.

The Hulk roared angrily, and a huge monster broke free from its body, suddenly rushed forward, and punched Malekith who was walking in front. Before Malekith could react, Algorim, the loyal cursed warrior, snatched out from the side and punched the Hulk hard. There was an earth-shattering explosion, and two equally tall and majestic figures flew backwards.

"Come on, you haven't grown enough. I hope you can further unleash your potential this time..." Kausu didn't move. He stared at Iron Man and the Hulk, two guys known as super geniuses. , has challenged the infinite possibilities time and time again. He firmly believed that their abilities were only limited by the screenwriter. As super geniuses, they should not be overshadowed by Shengun De and Shenjun Doom like this!

Beside Kaus, Belial and Erica, who was wearing leather armor, stood quietly on both sides to protect him. Needless to say, Beliyar, who has experienced hundreds of battles, has not even changed her Seraph form. For her, this small scene is basically equivalent to an outing.

And after rummaging around in the basement for several days and nights, Kausi also took out something he had neglected for the first time - equipment! Because of irresistible force, the Rogue who disappeared in Azeroth no longer exists, and was replaced by the name change of Rogue. But whether she is a thief or a stalker, leather armor is always Erica's best choice.

As one of the two losers in mail and armor, the hunter is an extremely damaging profession. Their combination of extreme attack range, powerful damage, and trap abilities make Hunters an excellent controller for any team. This also perfectly fits Elsa's abilities. A set of bright silver mail armor and a heavy-duty [Dragon Breath Handheld Cannon] make Elsa like a fish in water on the battlefield.

The best special operations instructors on the planet are none other than Captain America Steve Rogers and Punisher Frank Custer. So Uncle Punishment, who was wearing a crimson mecha, was also invited to be the commander this time. He did not rush into the crowd with weapons like a superhero, but slowly walked around the battlefield with a cigar in his mouth, using headphones. He kept issuing orders one after another, while using the [Dragon's Fury] in his hand to continuously kill the injured enemies.

But in this battle, including Commander Uncle Punishment, superheroes such as Iron Man, Hulk, Elsa and Elektra are not the focus. Most of Cauus' attention was focused on the forty-three Indian teenagers fighting ordinary dark elf soldiers. This was their first battle, and it was also the first battle in which the Bloodhoof Sect showed its strength.

Dressed in purple and black mail armor, Stephanie held a staff and stood behind the teenagers, her long golden hair flying in the wind under her helmet.

"Come on, children!" Kausu's voice echoed in the battlefield, "May the wind guide your path and make us the enemy's biggest nightmare!"

Stephanie shook her staff suddenly, and as each totem was erected on the battlefield, these teenagers suddenly became more courageous. They wore mail armor, carried two-handed axes, warhammers, and staffs and howled at thousands of dark elves. Launched a charge.

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