Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 249 Assault

Sokovia, a legendary name.

This is a landlocked country in Eastern Europe, a small, mountainous, barren and unstable country.

After World War II, Hydra members hid in Sokovia and established a secret base. And its agents still pretend to be loyal S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. When Sokovia was in rebellion, Hydra managed to send agents into the country under the guise of a S.H.I.E.L.D. peacekeeping force. In the end, in "Avengers 2", Captain America and the Avengers destroyed the base, but a crucial character was also activated.

——Scarlet Witch!

There is no need to use too many words to describe this extremely famous character in the history of Marvel. She is one of the most classic anti-heroes. The phrase "No-more-mutants!" almost made one of Marvel's twin peaks stand side by side. X-MAN is completely annihilated. The chaos magic she masters is also the ancestor of all magic in the Marvel series. The Scarlet Witch can use this ability to easily modify reality, including but not limited to converting matter, modifying cause and effect, creating things out of thin air, distorting space and time, creating clones, and creating... Latitude, modifying physical rules, etc. In "Avengers 4: Endgame", the furious Scarlet even defeated Thanos, who was holding five gems.

Apart from all the miscellaneous plot auras mentioned above, Scarlet is still a super beauty...

Of course, in addition to the starting plot of "Avengers 2", Sokovia also has another well-known plot - the Sokovia Accords in "Captain America: Civil War". The United Nations introduced this agreement, which requires members of the Avengers to identify themselves to the government and accept government supervision, and they must act with the permission of the government.

The Sokovia Accords were approved by 117 countries in the world, including Wakanda, the country where Black Panther is located. The Sokovia Accords were one of the main reasons that led to the split of the Avengers and the failure of Infinity War (Captain America objected to signing the agreement, but Iron Man agreed).

So when Kaousi heard that the US team was planning to organize a team to go to Sokovia, he wanted to pay homage to the location of this agreement that was destined not to happen in this time and space - definitely not to see the beautiful women!

Just when everyone was getting ready, a powerful helping hand came unexpectedly.


"Aha, everyone!" Thor, the God of Thunder, looked high-spirited and held up his hammer happily. "I am a free man now, and my father promised me to stay in Midgard."

"What about your throne?" Bruce Banner asked curiously.

"Loki, now it's Loki's acting position!" Thor was in a great mood. He was smiling. Although he had been secretly competing with Hulk and believed that he was the strongest Avenger, now he took the initiative to fight with Hulk. Bruce hugged him, which showed how happy he was in his heart.

Kausu roughly knew what was going on, so he didn't reveal it. He just looked at Thor with a smile, "I heard that you brought Jane Foster to Asgard some time ago..."

"Yes, she is studying with Sif now and is making rapid progress!"

"Study what?"

"Fighting, weapons...and drinking!"

Well, that’s Thor!

"What are you doing?" The careless Thor finally saw everyone busy and asked curiously, "Are you ready to fight a world war?"

"Preparing to kill a Hydra overseas base..." Steve Rogers wiped the [Bone Fire] clean and put it on his back, "Are you interested in joining us?"

"Very interested!" Thor's eyes widened. "Oh, this is really great. I just said that it would be right to come to Midgard this time... What kind of enemy is it?"

"Tanks, armored vehicles, heavy artillery, a lot of special forces..." Before Captain America could finish his words, Causs added without missing a beat, "And superpowers!"

"Leave it to me, I am the most powerful Avenger!" Thor replied confidently.

"Guys, what are we waiting for?" Natasha had already prepared the Quinjet and started the engine. She turned around and greeted, "Let's have a big fight!"

Captain America, Hulk, Iron Man, Thor, Black Widow, Hawkeye. This is the six Avengers in the original plot, and this time there are three more people - Uncle Punishment, Belial and Kaous.

"There is a question I have always wanted to ask you..." When everyone started to attack, Kausi, who was walking at the end of the team and had nothing to do, spoke up.

"If there is a guy who is so fast that even your eyes can't keep up with him. Do you have any good ideas to deal with him?"

"Trap!" "Prejudgment!" "Lightning..."

The first voice is that of Natasha, the second is that of Hawkeye, and the third one is known without asking.

Captain America knocked over an enemy with his shield and asked, "About how fast?"

"Far faster than the speed of sound!" Kausu briefly recalled, "Run a circle around the equator in 92 seconds!"

Several men whistled almost simultaneously.

Dealing with agile heroes is a world-class problem for all villains. Marvel's Quicksilver and the Flash next door are both guys with agile legs and quick movements. If it weren't for the plot kill, Cowus really couldn't think of anyone who could defeat Quicksilver under normal conditions. Apart from the Reverse Flash with the same origin next door, only a monster like Superboy could defeat Barry Allen head-on. .

Let’s not talk about the out-of-control combat power system next door. Let’s just talk about the Avengers. In battles large and small, apart from the plot kill where he was killed by bullets, Quicksilver only lost twice in frontal battles. , once to Apocalypse, and again a few hours later to...Hawkeye.

Cauvus is not worried about being plotted by Quicksilver in the next plot, because if he is prepared, the Reality Stone is enough to teach Quicksilver how to behave. But if one day you really encounter a situation that you can't even see clearly with the naked eye, you will be killed by your opponent before you even have time to react.

"As long as it does not exceed the speed of light, if you encounter such an opponent, Jarvis will automatically take over my mecha within a thousandth of a second!" After a long silence, Tony Stark spoke.

"Well, don't take off your mecha in the next battle!" Cauvus nodded.

"The moment the fatal attack occurs, I am more than half sure that I can avoid it!" Captain America glanced at Frank, "The remaining half chance depends on God!"

"Me too..." Frank nodded.

"Isn't there any other way?" Kausu was a little disappointed. Captain America and Uncle Punishment were two super soldiers who were rolling on the verge of death. They could barely do it, but normal people didn't have this ability.

"Okay!" Seeing that everyone was silent, Kausi shook his head helplessly, flew up in the air, and a stream of light rushed straight into the large base in front, "Then leave it to me!"

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