Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 252 The era of great construction

This is a veritable era of great construction.

After ending the plot of "Avengers 2" ahead of schedule, the focus of Kausu's work fell on Mavis, a planet far away in the Andromeda Galaxy.

He, Stark, and Bruce were the first to pass through the portal and set foot on Mavis' land.

"The breath of freedom..." Tony Stark looked at the empty planet in front of him in confusion, stretching out his arms as if he wanted to embrace the entire planet.

"Never open the mask!" Dr. Banner reminded Stark in a disgraceful manner, "The atmosphere here is not suitable for breathing, and it is very toxic to you..."

"Isn't this what we are doing?" The feeling of conquering aliens made Stark feel so good that he could fly, so he didn't feel offended at all by Dr. Banner's little stimulation.

"Then... let's get started!"

Flames rose under Iron Man's feet, causing him to rush into the sky very quickly. On his hand, a ring began to shine brightly.

This is the biggest magic weapon that the Ten Commandments Gang relies on to settle down and survive - the Ten Commandments. One of the most powerful rings of material reorganization is in Stark's hands, exerting its capabilities.

A huge tornado suddenly set off in the sky, and countless air crowded in the direction of Stark, and then reorganized in an indescribable and wonderful way. A large amount of carbon dioxide was decomposed into carbon atoms and oxygen atoms. Under Stark's whim In the wonderful thought, one after another turned into carbon molecules and its isotopes. Nitrogen, helium, and sulfur-containing gases are purified and solidified to become important industrial raw materials in the future.

Dr. Banner was not idle either. He used the impact ring to create a huge shock wave, compacting and compressing the nearby soil, preparing to build an alien base here. In order to prevent some unknown alien viruses from having an impact, fire rings, freezing rings, and disintegration rings also came into use.

Behind them, transport vehicles began to appear in portals that were tens of meters high, and construction robots began to unload and erect. These robots designed by Tony Stark shuttled across the flat ground at less than a quarter of the gravity. On the land, like diligent worker ants, they turned the mountains of steel and other metal materials into the foundation of the new base bit by bit.

Just a few days later, more robots were transported in through the portal. They waved their mechanical arms, rumbled to the pre-explored mines with four wheels and huge metal bodies, and reassembled the mine equipment that had been disassembled in advance. got up and started collecting ore from the shallow strata.

The surface of the deserted planet began to become lively. The mine's robots were mining, rough screening, and sent to the smelting yard not far away via crawler transport vehicles. The nascent smelting plant is also in full swing, and three special blast furnaces are slowly being erected. Some steel can be transported from the earth, but the base still needs to realize the recycling and utilization of the planet's mineral resources as soon as possible.

In just two weeks, these three blast furnaces integrating ironmaking and steelmaking have been erected. Since the oxygen in Mavis is not sufficient yet, the geothermal heat is very abundant. So Tony Stark built several geothermal power plants to use the high temperature of electrode arcs to refine ore.

After a period of trial operation and continuous adjustments, the three blast furnaces have basically reached the level of daily output of 1,000 tons/furnace, and a large number of metal foundries and precision machining workshops built during the same period have been put into use. The construction of the base has Extending outward at a rate of fifty meters per day.

Two months later, the base covering an area of ​​​​four square kilometers has begun to take shape. The industrial area is brightly lit, with blast furnaces lined with numerous robots of various types shuttled back and forth, busy; the airtight living area has begun to have... Workers are stationed one after another. With the increase in the types of factories being constructed, unmanned mechanical equipment has gradually been unable to keep up with production needs, and necessary technical personnel are still indispensable.

After the construction of the base was roughly completed, the detection helicopter was also sent into the portal. This big thing equipped with the latest anti-gravity engine has no propellers and only four sets of injectors. It looks like an upside-down bowl. They are all equipped with the latest mineral detection equipment, and their purpose is to find out the details of this planet as soon as possible. And their cruising speed of up to three times Mach is also a huge advantage that detection equipment on earth cannot match.

Subsequently, security forces and engineering and technical personnel have gradually entered the base. Under the cover of mechas and tracked armored vehicles, they will continue to extend their field of vision outwards. At the same time, they will judge the mineral resources detected by helicopters, and then demonstrate whether Has development value.

When the detection distance reached 500 kilometers, the monitoring room let out earth-shaking cheers—they discovered a large amount of ice in an inconspicuous underground area, which represented the existence of a vital water source on the planet.

Of course, Cauvus couldn't understand the excitement of these scientific and technological workers. He just found that the equipment and personnel passing through the portal had been greatly improved. At the same time, the second, third, and fourth sub-bases had also begun rapid construction, and finally What's outrageous is that a group of robots are piled up somewhere like ants, and then they are rubbing each other... This horse is actually a rocket launch site?

"We need at least 30 communication satellites!" This is Tony Stark's explanation. "The planet is round. When it leaves the horizon, our communication will fail, and then we will lose control of the unmanned equipment. So. We have to build a global communications network - satellite is the simplest and crudest way."

"But if we just launch a batch of navigation and communication satellites, it would be too wasteful. So observation satellites, detection satellites, remote sensing satellites... In short, the gravity of this planet is not large, and it is not difficult to launch them, so we might as well do more at once. Order, three hundred pills first!"

So in the next three months, this rocket launch site became the busiest place. Six stars with one arrow, eight stars with one arrow, and twelve stars with one arrow flew upwards. Looking up, I suddenly felt that it was perfect to get Tony Stark to develop alien planets. This guy was born to be a colonizer.

A year later, although Mavis was still so desolate, there were swarms of busy worker bees building hundreds of sub-bases of various sizes in major mining areas. The atmosphere has basically allowed humans to breathe normally, especially after several water sources were discovered. The water resources that passed through the purification equipment formed a dense network like a spider web underground.

Now, the main control room of the base has expanded to tens of thousands of square meters, with hundreds of thousands of display screens monitoring every detail of the entire planet in real time. In just one year, the huge Mavis was destroyed like this. A group of rude humans stripped off their coats and unscrupulously peeked, developed, and used its rich body.

"Do you know what is a sign that civilization has left the planet?" Tony Stark proudly pointed to a computer room behind the glass, "Yes, a supercomputer! This is the greatest creation of me...and Bruce!"

"Don't be complacent, there will be two geniuses stronger than you coming back to Earth soon!" Kausu could only use this kind of news to try to dispel Stark's arrogance.

But he also had to admit that the computer room in front of him was indeed an epoch-making progress.

Regarding the next generation of computers, there are many research directions on earth. Generally speaking, they are divided into photonic computers, quantum computers, neuron computers, etc. Tony Stark's main focus is photon computers.

Photonic computers have the advantages of low energy consumption and high computing speed. With the same volume and the same energy consumption, photonic computers are hundreds of times faster than ordinary computers. After a long period of research, Stark and Bruce finally broke through the technical barriers with the help of the Ten Commandments. Photonic computers have also officially entered the application stage from the laboratory.

Thousands of robots are busy in the computer room, placing photon hard drives one by one into the cabinet. Inside is a liquid nitrogen cooling pool. More than 300,000 photon CPUs are placed one by one in a distributed structure and immersed in liquid nitrogen. on the slot.

This computer room covers thousands of square meters, with data storage areas, computing areas, link areas, cache areas, etc. Countless black-coated optical fibers connect every component.

Stark snapped his fingers in a very pretentious manner, and then the entire computer room began to buzz. The lights in the huge base suddenly dimmed, and then returned to normal.

Photonic computer, activated!

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