Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 254 The New Moon God

"Almighty Supreme God, please grant me more control over the elements..."

Looking at the excited and demanding Stephanie Malik, Kaous suddenly felt a little apologetic.

In this Marvel world where the rich rely on technology and the poor rely on mutation, Stephanie is an extremely rare superhero who has reached this point through her own efforts.

Her elemental affinity is pretty good, but it's only about the same level as Coulson, and not even as good as Maria Hill, who has become an ice mage.

In the late stage of chuunibyou, he thinks about becoming the queen of the earth all day long - actually this is normal, who didn't have the idea of ​​​​a protagonist when they were young? But few people are willing to do whatever it takes to work toward this dream.

And Stephanie actually did it.

It could be said that she was young and frivolous, full of daydreams, but she truly risked everything, even losing herself. The Malik family's crazy gene is on good display in her.

Ever since Cauvus opened a window of supernatural power in front of her, she has been eager to learn everything and seize any opportunity to continuously strengthen herself.

Her talent is nowhere near as good as those super geniuses, but she makes up for it with hard work and time.

She is not squeamish, does not complain, and has no basic private life of a normal American girl except asking Kaus for advice from time to time. There are only two things to do when I open my eyes every day: developing a sect and practicing meditation.

Even from Kausu's perspective, she has now become an excellent shaman, proficient in water spells, good at raising health in a large area and precise treatment, and is also a good team buff. Among the group of Indian teenagers with shamanic talents, she is also undoubtedly the most outstanding high priest.

When Tony Stark half-jokingly and half-seriously proposed the establishment of the Mulgore Council, Stephanie expressed her wish to join, and no one among the superheroes present raised any objection. This also means that they have recognized and accepted Stephanie as their partner, not just the label of "Kauws' lover".

Thinking of this, Kausu suddenly had some thoughts about Stephanie who was pestering him like an octopus.



"Are you satisfied with the current situation?"

"I couldn't be more satisfied...I still want to..."

Feeling that Stephanie was about to make a move again, Kausu quickly stopped her from making any further moves, "Want to go to the basement?"

"I want to!" Stephanie became even more excited and immediately turned over and sat up, "Give me some time!"

The clouds and mist cleared, and the two of them arrived at the entrance of the basement in the dark, and then slipped in like thieves.

"I once planned to take your soul to the elemental world, but this plan failed. It seems that only I can use this method!" Cauus told Stephanie with some regret, "So, I can only find a way to improve your own Basic strength, for example - at least you must become a team perpetual motion machine and have a certain ability to protect yourself!"

"Spirit, speed, and intelligence are the areas you need to improve most right now. Physical fitness is also essential!"

Kaous took the book from the bookshelf, "As for the spell itself, you have already learned it quite proficiently. We can take our time on this and continue to improve our proficiency and skills through countless battles."

"Then come one by one!" Stephanie took a deep breath, "I'm ready!"

In a flash of light, she had been sucked into the holy scripture.

"It's time for me to work hard!" After sending Stephanie away, Kaus found a place to lie down. The next moment, his soul had appeared in the throne of the God of Wind.

Kaus has not been here for a long time. In previous battles, he mastered the mysteries of the realm at the Source of the Earth, and re-tempered his soul with the help of ether particles at the Throat of the Abyss. Only the air and fire elements remained at their previous levels - this also caused the blood The young priests of the Hoof Sect are more proficient in the two elements of earth and water. They are good at defense but not good at attack. This is the biggest problem in the sect.

"I never thought that one day I would become the source of power..." Kausu smiled silently. He extended his soul tentacles far away, like a huge spider web, greedily spreading the violent The air element was swallowed into the body, until every inch and every minute of the entire soul was filled with powerful air elements, and then it returned to its normal state.

I don’t know how many years have passed just by such an action of extending and retracting.

When Caus woke up in the basement, he was surprised to see four books in front of him.

"Four?" He shook his head, vaguely remembering that he had only taken three books: spirit, haste, and intelligence. The fourth physical scripture that was supposed to be taken out was still sitting on the bookshelf.

"This guy doesn't know Azeroth...what did she get?"

Kaus checked the bookshelf and found that a copy of "Sacred Pact of Power" was missing...

Nai Sa trains for strength? Nothing seems wrong.

Although he didn't know when Stephanie would come out, Kausi was not in a hurry. He opened the box and started to take things out one by one. In order to gather everyone's equipment, he squatted in the basement for a whole month and brushed equipment. , all kinds of garbage piled up like mountains, and even a wave of blacksmiths and tailors were rushed in the end, so that everyone could barely have the corresponding equipment.

As usual, all the completely useless equipment was disassembled, and the mixtures, materials, and artifacts were put into bags by category, stacked one on top of another... What the hell is this?

[Moon Scythe]?

One of the four major Druid artifacts, the Scythe of the Moon (Scythe of Elune), this legendary weapon that can change history, combines the fangs of the wolf god Goldrinn and the magic of Elune that contains the power of the Moon God. stick. Furion Stormrage once used this scythe to banish Ral'air and his worgen to the Emerald Dream, hoping that they could stay peaceful with the power of the ancient tree Dalanir. The wielder of the Scythe of Luna is called "Nahlen'do" by the druids, which also means "King of Fangs".

"Graduation weapon!"

Kausi scratched his head and suddenly felt that the orange hammer from the 1960s in his hand no longer smelled good.

I already have 750 Holy Light's Wrath, so the Luna Scythe, which is also a staff type, seems dispensable. More importantly, I have become accustomed to a wave of output and then carrying a hammer to fight in melee. The staff actually has its own power. It's not very easy to use either.

"But none of my friends are close to the virtue of balance..."

"Wow! This staff is so beautiful!" Stephanie's voice of surprise sounded from behind.

Kaous, who had just turned around, was immediately shocked.

Is this still the gentle and considerate middle school girl Stephanie?

Her figure was already quite hot, but now Stephanie looks even more toned and slim. The waistcoat exposed under her clothes has clear lines, and her movements are full of the beauty of vigorous power. When she lay on Kausu's back and made love, she could smell her delicious fragrance through her clothes.

Kausu hesitated for a while and suddenly asked: "Stephanie, are you interested in becoming a moon god?"

"Luna?" Stephanie asked doubtfully, "What is that?"

Kausi laughed, "Here, hold it, and then I will guide you to release the power of the Moon God..."

"A bit thick..."

"You have to get used to it quickly!"

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