Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 261 A false alarm

Among the superheroes who hang out in the universe all year round, there are not many who can stay calm in front of Tunmei, but Hela is definitely not one of them.

The reason is very simple. The more you get involved in the universe, the more you know how powerful the five gods are.

Whether they are strong or not, the key is that they are balanced and neutral beings, with no preferences or absolute concepts of good and evil. Maybe it was just a whim, and I felt that this place looked a bit unsatisfactory, and then with a snap of my fingers (or even just a thought), a civilization or even a galaxy was wiped out.

The Silver Surfer should be strong enough, right? As a single universe-level superhero, he is comparable to the Celestials. His attack power can turn matter into molecules; and his body is made of the hardest "unknown substance" in the universe, which can resist attacks from almost all weapons; stepping on the shadow of a skateboard, he can move at the speed of light, and can directly Pass through all obstacles…

But this guy was just a helpless astronomer before, and was created casually by Uncle Tun.

As the next successor of Devour, Tunmei has the same personality as Uncle Tun, and is the condensed body of the will of the universe. No weapon is known to be able to harm her, and her strength, agility, and physique are immeasurable. There is no way to kill them in any sense, they can only find ways to expel them.

Simply put, you may be able to defeat her, but you can't actually kill her. And if she offends the other party, she can theoretically swallow the entire universe in one breath.

That's why the Supreme Mage, who is eternal in the background, lets Tunmei go as he pleases, Mephisto carefully treats Little Carrie like a child, and Odin turns around and leaves the moment he sees Tunmei.

Hela, the heavenly father-level super villain, is a bit uncomfortable.

As long as she sets foot on the land of Asgard, she dares to face all enemies, but these enemies will never include Tunmei - someone can eat Asgard with just one breath, and then only death awaits Hela.

So she saw little Carrie walking over listlessly from the sofa, nuzzling and climbing up Kausu's back like a koala, with her little head lying on her shoulders, letting her long purple hair hang down like a waterfall. Hela's eyes almost fell out when she touched Kausi's chest.

"What's wrong?" Kausu kissed Carrie's pink face lovingly, "Aren't you happy?"

"My dad is coming..."


Belial and Hela both stared at Carrie, and even the big orange cat squatting in the corner stood up straight in surprise.

Fortunately, only these few people and a cat knew what Swallowing Star represented, so the others were just whispering and had no other expressions.

Uncle Tun is coming to Earth? Cauvus was so shocked that he found the tablet almost like a conditioned launch, and then frantically searched for the latest news on the Fantastic Four. He muttered: "This is impossible? Hasn't Reed Richards come back yet?"

Belial glanced at Kaus with concern. She didn't know who Richards was, but judging from Kaus's actions, this person might be the key triggering node of a big event.

She pulled Carrie off Kausu's back, "How far is it from here?"

"Not far away. He was still in the Clock Super Galaxy Cluster some time ago. He just left a message for me, saying that he had arrived at the Shapley Super Galaxy Cluster next door..."

Bruce Banner, who returned to the hotel, explained: "Shapley is the largest known supercluster of galaxies, with a diameter of more than 4 billion light-years and about 6.5 trillion light-years from the earth!"

6.5 trillion...light years? Several girls who are not very good at math have circles in their eyes. They look at their fingers blankly. Some of them are already preparing to take off their shoes when no one is paying attention, and put their toes together to figure out what the answer is. What's the meaning.

"Just say long does it take for your father to arrive?"

"There are still a hundred sidereal days." Jia Li roughly calculated and gave an estimated time.

Does the earth only have less than half a year left to live?

Before Cauius could lament the shortness of life, Banner spoke again. He slightly corrected everyone's cognitive bias, "The sidereal day mentioned by Jiali should be the time it takes for the sun to rotate once. According to the current academic concept, a sidereal day is about 25 days."

Half a year turned into six or seven years. Although he lived for a few more years, the news that Galactus was coming was like a heavy boulder, weighing him down so much that Cauus could hardly breathe.

After thinking about it, he breathed a sigh of relief again, the time was right.

Dracula will return to Earth probably next month, and the Fantastic Four and Doctor Doom will also appear one after another. When "Fantastic Four 2" comes, they will finally instigate the Silver Surfer to force Uncle Tun to leave.

"Okay, Carrie's father can come as soon as he comes!" Kausi clapped his hands after he felt settled, "The plan to develop Mavis must be accelerated. According to the previous schedule, we will form a team within five years. Space fleet. If the destruction of the earth is unavoidable, at least we have a way out."

Carrie was immediately relaxed. That's right, even if the earth was destroyed, wouldn't there still be Mavis?

The girls with unequal information are still confused. They have no idea why the arrival of Carrie's father makes Kausi and Carrie so nervous, even to the point of destroying the earth.

"Do you plan to form an interstellar fleet?" Hela did not pay too much attention to Uncle Tun's arrival. She glanced at Jiali and said, "Do you have enough technological strength? If not, why not buy it directly?"

"Is there any way?" Kausu was somewhat interested.

"Kree, Sruel and Shia, three high-tech civilizations in the known universe." Hela introduced, "I have dealt with them all before, but thousands of years have passed, who knows what they have become. Looks like? But as long as you have money, buying a few warships shouldn’t be a problem.”

"This is a good idea!" There was a "clang" outside the door, and Iron Man's voice came in. He has been planning the construction of Thunder Bluff these days, so he just rushed back from Mavis. "Bruce and I both have to go. Before there is a breakthrough in more advanced technology, purchasing ready-made space battleships can provide reference and... Although this It’s an insult to my intelligence, but it’s a shortcut!”

"Agree!" Dr. Banner raised his hand weakly.

"So now there are several questions." Stark was still so high-spirited. "What is the currency traded in the universe? What can we provide? Who to trade with? How to ensure the security of the transaction?"

Seeing everyone looking at each other, Hela was a little surprised. "Have you never conducted interstellar transactions before? Beliyar? Kaous? Are you all a bunch of hicks who have never entered the universe?"

This map cannon fires so well that even Tony Stark is a bit embarrassed.

Belial sneered, "When does the Demon God of Hell need to make a deal? Isn't it necessary to use force to get what you want?"

This time it was Hela's turn to be embarrassed. Asgard is indeed a powerful civilization in the universe, but it is not as respected as Hell. Except for the plane of heaven, the demon god of hell is the father and ancestor everywhere.

"Okay, let me tell you what I learned!"

In order to avoid further distortion of the topic, Hela gave up decisively, "Credit value is currently the recognized currency for cosmic transactions. Since Midgard may not have conducted interstellar transactions, there is no credit value, so barter Materials are the best way. As for who to trade with, I can provide some ways. As for the safety guarantee of the transaction..."

She seemed to want to say Asgard at first, but quickly changed her mind, "I think Cauus and Belial are the best security guarantees!"

"Then what are you waiting for?" Stark suddenly became excited, "I think we should make a plan at this time and leave as soon as possible!"

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