Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 266 What happened to Mephisto

The cause of all this starts with Lao Mo's useless son.

Johnny Blaze was educated by the old phantom knights Carter Shirey and Kavus, forcing him to kill the inner demon. During the long pursuit, poor Ghost Rider Johnny Blaze chased from North America to South America, and then across the Atlantic Ocean to Europe. Finally, he stopped the witch-hearted demon who was running around in Erha Poland. .

This is nothing surprising, but Poland has a gateway to hell-Auschwitz!

So the witch-heart demon rushed into the Auschwitz concentration camp in a panic, and the Ghost Rider who followed closely also rushed into the hell dimension.

This time it was like a bowl of boiling water being poured into a pan of oil, and the whole hell suddenly went into chaos.

Relying on the Eye of Judgment skill of "The Bull's Big Star" and the fire of hell, Johnny Blaze went on a killing spree in hell. At the same time, he finally understood the ability of the original timeline - he casually grabbed a Hun Hun who had just died. The soul was roughly stuffed into the body of the Witch Heart Demon, and then he burned the Witch Heart Demon to death with the Eye of Judgment, completing his promise to the old Phantom Knight.

After killing the inner demon, Ghost Rider still refused to give up. In his eyes, the entire hell was a huge source of evil. To this end, he waved the chain and flew towards the most evil place.

Where is the most evil place in the hell dimension? Of course it is the hell furnace of the endless abyss, because that is the birthplace of demons.

Similar to the Crystal Arch of the Sky City, the Hell Furnace of the Endless Abyss is the source of power in the hell dimension. Since half of the spirit of vengeance belongs to hell, Johnny Blaze rushed into the endless abyss screaming and killing without encountering much resistance - not even the extremely powerful dark magic circle. There was not much reaction.

Then a dramatic scene happened. After the transformation, the mentally retarded knight swung his chain and smashed the chain on the edge of the furnace of hell. A corner of the furnace, which was larger than a planet, was actually smashed. The extremely hot magma flowed out from it, instantly igniting the endless abyss.

Even the hardest metal will be vaporized by the infernal magma flowing freely, not only melting Ghost Rider's motorcycle into a pile of scrap metal, but also melting half of his body. At this time, the Ghost Rider reacted, grabbed half of the tire and transformed it into a soul, then ran out of the endless abyss while holding it.

The furious Mephisto hurried back, kicked the Ghost Rider out of hell, and then looked at the damaged Hell Furnace with tears in his eyes.

"Janata only ate a thousand planets from the heaven dimension, and it will take thousands of years to make up for the lost energy. But my hell furnace is broken, and it will take at least ten thousand years to repair it!" Mephisto He gritted his teeth and said fiercely, "In other words, if the next eternal war starts during that weak period, hell will be completely defeated!"

"I have been fighting with Jehovah for tens of millions of years. Whoever wins will surpass the single universe. But in this case, I will probably fail in the next eternal battle!"

"I have been preparing for the eternal battle for so long, but it failed for such an inexplicable reason. I really can't bear to die in despair-" At this point, Mephisto couldn't help but sigh.

"This is very strange..."

After pondering for a long time while holding the tea cup, Gu Yi suddenly said something.

"Of course it's weird!" Mephisto said angrily, "The little Ghost Rider, I can crush him to death with one finger. How could he suddenly break into the hell plane? How did he rush through the Netherworld? Hell? Any one of the awakened demon gods of hell is enough to beat him to pieces. But on his way to the endless abyss, not a single demon god appeared!"

"That's not all. That soul chain is obviously the fire of hell. How could a corner of the hell furnace of the same attribute be cut off by a chain? From beginning to end, this matter is full of doubts!"

"And just after the Ghost Rider destroyed the Hell's Furnace, an incident happened where Janata went to the Sky City and swallowed a thousand boundary points. Who was behind everything? What did that guy want to do? ?Don’t tell me it’s eternity or infinity, they won’t be able to affect Janata at the same level!”

Gu Yi thought for a while and said calmly: "Then what do you plan to do when you come to me now?"

"Help me go back in time..."


"Well, at least you can help me find out what happened!" Seeing that Ancient One seemed to be about to refuse, Mephisto quickly added, "You don't have to tell me the conclusion!"

Gu Yi pondered for a long time, and finally nodded: "Okay, actually, I'm also very curious about this matter..."

She clasped her hands on her chest, and the Eye of Agamotto began to glow with a faint green light.

But the next moment, her face became extremely shocked.

"What's wrong?" Mephisto asked nervously, "What did you see? Who controlled all of this? The First Sky? The Transcendent? The Tribunal of Life? Or..."

He almost didn't dare to say the last name, but Gu Yi was silent for a while and suddenly laughed.

"It's rough work, isn't it?"

"It's really not very precise..." Mephisto said seriously, "If it were those legendary names, it should be perfect, but in our opinion, this thing is full of flaws!"

"For some reason, I can't tell what I saw, because the direction of this timeline has been changed!" Ancient One looked at Mephisto with sympathy, "Well, it's good for Belial. Just a little!”

"What?" Mephisto was stunned.

"This is impossible!" Old Mo, who came back to his senses, shook his head repeatedly, "You mean, Beliyar did this? But she is still on Earth, and there is half of her clone in that hotel, and The other half...even Belial in his complete form cannot destroy the Hell Furnace!"

"Don't think too much!" Gu Yi picked up the teacup and prepared to see off the guests. "The timeline has changed! You should think about other things. For example, Jehovah will wake up in a thousand years..."

"Then I will completely destroy the heaven dimension in this thousand years!"

"When you appear in the Sky City, Jehovah will wake up in advance!"

"Then I..." Old Mo was stuck, and after a while he said viciously, "Then I will clear out all the forces in heaven in advance!"

Seeing Lao Mo acting like a roguish and wallowing scoundrel, Gu Yi couldn't help but laugh.

"When the six Infinity Stones gather together, they will have the power to rewrite the universe!"

"What does this mean?" As if he didn't expect that Gu Yi would change the topic, Mephisto was stunned for a moment, "You mean to let me collect infinite gems? But if the dimension lord gets the infinite gems, it will only attract the attention of the gods. Attention of the group! Do you want me to face the 1,265 gods group?"

"I didn't say that!" Gu Yi began to chase people away impatiently, "I've revealed enough!"

Mephisto stood up helplessly and prepared to teleport away. Just before he was about to enter the teleportation gate, Ancient One suddenly said something meaningless.

"Don't plot against a World Destroyer who shouldn't exist, Mephisto!"

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