Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 268 The Second Journey to Hell

When he came to the hell plane again, Kausi felt much more relaxed.

In the depths of the Judgment Field, countless three-headed hell dogs were wandering around with bared teeth, and yellow flames could be faintly seen in the gaps between the green fangs. A swarm of terrifying bats like dark clouds gathered in mid-air. They shook their fleshy wings and made noisy sounds. This group of descendants of the blood race possess powerful strength, possessing powerful bodies and nearly immortal bodies. Since Cain adjusted their genes, these new vampires have stronger bodies and nearly immortal bodies. .

The ghosts gather in inconspicuous corners, twisting and intertwining their bodies to form huge tree-like structures. As close relatives of ghosts, seven kinds of spirits, namely demon elves, creatures, phantoms, evil spirits, undead spirits, undead souls and phantoms, together constitute the legendary "Eight Spirits of Hell".

Various monsters stand on the vast land, crowded together in a dark mass, but keeping a distance from each other.

Kausi didn't bring Carrie with him this time, because Belial, the local bully, was enough - she was the commander of the fallen angel legion and had an innate deterrent to hell creatures.

In fact, the work this time went extremely smoothly. Under the inherent pressure of Beliyar, Kaus walked all the way to the Santu River, and no hell monster dared to take a step closer. Then he skillfully read the message , return the soul, absorb dark elements and reshape the body - for a few hours, even the most ferocious nine-headed monster only dared to look at it from a distance, and then moved its heavy steps and huge body into the Into the depths of the earth.

"Is that stuff delicious?" Belial asked tentatively, looking at the nine-headed monster that rushed over after smelling the scent of a stranger and then ran away in a panic.

"I don't know, I've never eaten it!" Kausi thought for a while, "But there is a saying here that everything with four legs except stools, everything that flies in the sky except airplanes, and everything that swims in the water except submarines... can theoretically be eaten. !As for whether it’s delicious or not, it all depends on the ingredients!”

"How about giving it a try?" Belial suggested.

"Try?" Kausu looked at the bones on the ground that were still slowly condensing dark elements, and felt that it was still early.

"Then try it!"

Belial made a decision quickly, and then she looked around for a while and judged that there were no fellow demons nearby, only groups of hell monsters hiding far away. Then he suddenly spread his wings and rushed out extremely fast.

Accompanied by a huge explosion on the ground, an ultimate nine-headed monster the size of a mountain broke out of the ground. One of its hind legs was pulled by Belial, and it struggled desperately to escape crazily, but the petite-looking figure In the hands, any struggle is in vain.

"I caught a young one, so the meat will probably be more tender!"

"Are you young?" Cauvus watched from a distance as the nine heads and three legs of the big monster struggled together. It was dragged horizontally and vertically all the way. The earth shook violently, and any obstacles in the way were blocked. It was instantly razed to the ground.

"I don't know, but I caught the youngest one..."


Kaus took out the orange hammer and started to light the fire. Belial swung his sword, and nine heads fell together. The headless body fell to the ground and twitched feebly, and black blood spurted out like spring water.

Bune, who is also one of the seventy-two demon gods, has already hurried over. He is ranked 26th among the seventy-two pillars. He is a dark dragon man with three heads. His three heads are a dog's head, a human's head and a griffin's head. The human head in the middle has two secretly cursed pentagrams on his forehead - this means that he is a powerful Dark Dragon. The hell nine-headed monster is the legion creature he commands.

"That's Beliyar? What is she doing?" From a distance, Bune had already seen Beliyar skinning his legion creatures. He was so angry that he was about to yell and stop Beliyar from doing that. A bloody and brutal act.

But the next moment, his body was grabbed by a big hand evolved from the black mist.

"Let her go! Let Beliyar kill whatever she wants!" A familiar voice sounded in his ears, which made Bune's angry head suddenly clear.

"My king..."

Bune stopped in a panic and allowed Mephisto's transformed hand to drag him far away from the wilderness. Mephisto didn't let go until he could no longer see the situation on Belial's side. Bune.

Bune knelt on one knee and said, "My king, I don't intend to conflict with Beliyar, but what she did is too much. The production of nine-headed monsters is rare, and every time one is lost..."

The black mist slowly condensed, and Mephisto's figure stepped out of it. He shook his head slightly and said solemnly: "You are wrong! No matter how powerful the hell creatures are, they are just cannon fodder. Only you... are the ones I rely on most. !”


"Yes!" Mephisto put his hands behind his back and said slowly, "It's just what you think. I can sacrifice everything for the victory of the eternal battle. But I will never allow anything to happen between our demon god and the big demons. Conflict, any seed of discord, will trigger a fierce confrontation between the legions of hell. We must unite and work together, for the sake of hell-"

"For hell!" Bune solemnly raised his right fist and placed it on his chest.

"One nine-headed monster is nothing. Go back to the Hell Furnace to choose a suitable location and spawn ten demon leaders to compensate for your losses!"

"Thank you, my king!" Bune pursed his lips and asked cautiously, "But why did Beliyar suddenly attack our legion creatures? Could it be..."

"Nothing!" Mephisto didn't know what he thought of, and wiped the corner of his mouth as if nothing had happened, "Maybe she's just a little greedy..."

"What? Are you greedy?" Bunei's eyes widened. "The question is... can the nine-headed monster be eaten? It is highly poisonous, and it is bitter and astringent!"

"Is Belial afraid of toxins?" Mephisto suddenly woke up and stared at Bune with a playful expression, "Bitter and astringent? It seems you have already eaten it?"

"Uh-" Bune was immediately embarrassed and wanted to find a place to dig a hole and get in.

"Perhaps the method you used is wrong!" Mephisto waved his hand generously, "We may not be experts in this area. You can take a look at Belial first. Judging from her expression, you should be able to Let’s see if it tastes good or not…”

"My king is brilliant!"

The sizzling barbecue on the orange hammer was already cooked. Belliyar picked a piece and tried to take a bite, "It doesn't seem to be that good!"

Kausu also tried it and quickly determined that there was a problem.

"It should be dealt with!"

The simple truth is that the earthy smell is best removed with wine, honey can remove the astringency, and the bitterness can be offset with lemon juice, plus salt, cumin powder, allspice, pepper and a small amount of sugar...

"What... Kaus, why didn't you say hello when you came to hell? As the host, I should give you a good reception!" Mephisto's voice floated over, the older, respected old man The gentleman was holding a cane and leading a burly black-faced man who was rubbing his hands and smiling innocently.

"Then why are you so embarrassed to bother me?" Kausi waved to Lao Mo, "Let's eat something together?"

So Mephisto sat down with Bune.

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