Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 278 Return

When the huge fleet released its warp state and entered the star system where Mavis was located at cruising speed, the satellite previously launched by Tony Stark immediately issued an alarm.

Almost all the staff were dumbfounded.

The planet Mavis is still in the stage of major construction. There are only a large number of mines and manufacturing plants on the planet's surface, and there is no time to build a decent defense system. There are only a few thousand technicians and hundreds of thousands of intelligent engineering robots on the entire planet. The only ones that can be called a defense force are the hundreds of gangsters in training on Thunder Bluff.

Looking at the fleet group and the highest-level red alert on the surveillance screen, the person in charge of the base broke into a cold sweat. He immediately grabbed the communicator and notified Quicksilver, who was training with the gangsters in Thunder Bluff.

"Mr. Maximov, please inform Earth as soon as possible. We are in big trouble this time!"

Just a few seconds later, Quicksilver rushed into the office at lightning speed. Looking at the ferocious space fleet on the screen, he immediately became nervous.

"Mr. Cauvus and Aunt Belial are both in the depths of the universe. Who can resist these fleets?"

"I have no choice but to inform my sister first..."

He was about to go through the portal and return to Earth to find the Scarlet Witch, but a familiar voice reached the base through clear communication and also reached the office.

"Don't be nervous, everyone, we are back!"

"Mr. Cauvus?" After being stunned for just a moment, Quicksilver immediately became excited and couldn't wait to shout, "Alarm is cleared, it's Mr. Cauvus and the others who are back with the fleet!"

The first to enter the galaxy was a vanguard team composed of thirteen spaceships. This team had a continent-class cruiser as the core, four national-class destroyers and eight tribe-class frigates arranged around it. There are three such forward teams.

Behind the three teams are several giant spaceships that are more than ten kilometers long. These are the highest symbol of force of the third-level civilization - planet-class spacecraft. The Chitauri had used one to attack Earth, and now there are six such planet-class spacecraft in the fleet.

This is not the flagship of this fleet. In the center of six planet-class spacecraft, there is a star-class spacecraft that is tens of kilometers long and majestic like a city. Just standing there quietly in the universe is enough to make people feel awe.

Building a spaceship is not a simple accumulation of materials. The larger the size and mass of the spacecraft, the higher its technical content will inevitably be. The technological content of a national-level spacecraft far exceeds that of a tribal-level spacecraft. Therefore, even if a third-level civilization makes a planet-level spaceship larger and uses more materials, it cannot be called a star-level spacecraft, because the larger the spacecraft, the more powerful the engine it needs, including the maneuverability and supporting facilities of the spacecraft. Weapons facilities and other aspects need to be considered comprehensively, and there may even be an embarrassing situation where the actual combat power of a larger spacecraft is not as good as that of a smaller spacecraft.

But this ship is definitely not an empty spaceship in the mess. It represents a symbol of a fourth-level civilization technology tree and is the most intuitive and full display of its military-industrial system.

This intact stellar-class spacecraft is the creation of the primary fourth-level civilization, the Cecilia civilization of Andromeda. In order to win the battle with its powerful opponent, the Cecilia civilization packaged them and sold them to the Hamos civilization in exchange for a brand-new military technology-tachyon tracking technology.

"Yes! The Cecilia civilization has initially mastered tachyon technology, but after all, they have only entered the fourth-level civilization for a short time, and they are not yet able to resist the attack of super-light weapons."

This is the information that Hallai, the head of the trading market, told Kaous. When the war was about to lose, the Cecilia civilization had to exchange two intact large formations for some key technology of the Hamos civilization, hoping to crack the opponent's tachyon weapons.

Now, this stellar flagship is owned by Cauius Braddorf!

The huge war fortress stretches its figure without scruples in the dark universe. Since there is no air in the universe, the spacecraft does not need to be streamlined. Therefore, this star-class battleship is designed with a fully covered module, like a majestic and huge city, with countless black holes protruding from its body and a group of terrifying kinetic energy weapons. More than one trillion nanobots are spread throughout the fortress. No matter if any module is attacked, it can be repaired in the shortest time.

Thousands of powerful antimatter engines provide it with immeasurable super power, allowing this monster-like giant to fly in a curvature at forty times the speed of light. After releasing the curvature state, they can push this behemoth to fly at a speed close to 0.7 times the speed of light. Cruise through the galaxy at the speed of light.

On the left and right wings of the star-class flagship and six planet-class battleships are escort formations with the same specifications as the vanguard team. A dozen huge support ships and arsenal ships follow closely behind, and there are several small formations behind the team. Pressing down the formation, a complete war formation was formed.

——There are two such war formations!

Large warships simply cannot enter low-Earth orbit because the strong gravity will deform the interior of the warship. So Kaus ordered the fleet to stop in the sky more than 30,000 kilometers above Mavis, and use the planet's gravity to operate in a closed manner, like high-orbit satellites.

After the main engines of the spacecraft were shut down one by one, large transport spacecraft flew in from behind the team and began to shuttle through the fleet. These spaceships are borrowed from the trading market. They will pick up the spacecraft operators sent by the Hamos civilization to "deliver" and completely hand over the two fleets to Cauus.

"Thank you for your hard work, have a nice trip!" After the transport spacecraft completed the loading task, Kausu asked Valkyrie to post a message to the transport spaceship. After receiving the reply, Kausi stood up from his seat, high-spirited. Loudly announce, "Guys, we're going home!"

A landing craft with a length of only ten meters flew out from under the stellar flagship. Just a few minutes later, the landing craft landed slowly on the tarmac of the base. Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, who was the first to arrive at Mavis, came up to them. .

"Aunt Beliyar, Mr. Cauvus!"

Kausu was about to speak when suddenly there was a sound of wind, and a soft jade and fragrant body jumped into his arms. He hugged the purple-haired girl to prevent her from falling, and said with a smile, "Have you been good lately?"

"Of course!" Carrie declared proudly, "I have been in the hotel during this time and haven't gone anywhere."

"Awesome!" Kausi kissed Carrie's cheek and nodded to Scarlet, who was a little embarrassed next to him. "I'm not on Earth during this period. Thank you for your hard work!"

"Fortunately..." Scarlet Witch looked a little shy, "A group of new believers with considerable potential have come to Hell's Kitchen. Erica and Elsa are busy training them. Stephanie has recently built churches across the United States - Wayan The lady didn’t have any helpers around, so she asked me to help her.”

"There is a shortage of manpower!" Kausi shook his head helplessly, "I brought back the planned interstellar fleet, but I suddenly discovered that this time we seemed to be able to hold on..."

"This is exactly what I plan to say!" Kingpin came up from behind, "How about holding a meeting as soon as possible? Let everyone discuss it!"

"Then tonight!"

Carrie hung Kausi's neck with both arms, refusing to come down like a sloth, and suggested, "It's just a good time to celebrate your safe return!"

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