Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 281 Fair Space

Tony Stark and Pepper Potts were destined to be together. In "Avengers 4", Iron Man finally proposed to Pepper after experiencing countless lives and deaths, and gave birth to a lovely daughter named Yuxue. No matter which way you look at it, Cous has no intention of changing this fact.

This time, even though the timeline has been messed up, there is still no doubt about the relationship between Iron Man and Pepper Potts. The reason why Tony Stark was in a daze was not because Kausu's words were too abrupt, but because he felt that he had not yet figured out whether he should face a marriage.

"Just tomorrow!" Bruce Banner broke Iron Man's hesitation, "It's time for me to propose to Betty! Let's do it together..."

"I don't know..." Before Iron Man could finish his words, Banner interrupted him rudely, "Iron Man is also getting married. At least this is an annotation for a relationship! No grand ceremony is needed. Reception or wedding, these are not important to us, a small church, some friends and family, a priest - you can even invite a real angel to be your witness. Kausu is right, we all need to give each other An explanation!”

Stark pursed his lips and said nothing.

"Then it's settled!" Cowus stood up, unceremoniously tore off the antimatter energy module from Stark's chest, and threw it to the Hulk, "Don't even think about escaping, Bruce, keep an eye on him and bring him with you tomorrow. Take him to buy a wedding ring!"

"I'm extremely happy!" Bruce Banner took the energy block with a smile.

The atmosphere in the entire hotel lobby became joyful. Before the huge work pressure, having such a relaxing topic in the team always makes people feel better.

"You have one month!" Kausi finally reminded, "During your honeymoon, you must pay attention to safety. When you return to the hotel next month, you can enter the basement with paper information. You will have enough Plenty of time to complete the study plan.”

"How much is enough?" Stark was still a little distracted, "Can one day be used for five days?"

"You might even think time stood still there!"

"It would be great!"

After the meeting, Hela found Kaus, "I'm ready!"

"Are you sure?" Kausi looked at Hela with suspicious eyes, "I don't want to see a twisted corpse after opening the space door, and a bad old man admiring the results of the battle."

"As long as I can isolate Asgard, I am confident that I will not lose to him!"

"But you also cannot obtain the blessing of immortality!"

"I won't die!" Hela laughed, she came over and kissed Kavus, "This is a kiss of victory!"

"Do I need to broadcast live to Asgard?"

"It's so necessary!" Hela said with a smile, "Challenging the king head-on and defeating him, and then sitting on the throne of the king, this is the best explanation of Asgard's martial tradition!"

Kausi also smiled. He reached out to lift Hela's chin and responded to her confidence with a kiss.

"Good luck!"

Creating a fighting space for Hela and Odin that is isolated from the Nine Realms sounds like a very difficult thing, because Odin sitting on the throne will not leave Asgard easily.

But Kausi was absolutely sure.

——Because the Odin sitting in Asgard now is actually Loki.

Thor is still doing nothing at the Avengers base on Earth, and occasionally gives instructions on Falcon and War Machine when the mood strikes. The latest intelligence shows that Maria Hill and Mockingbird have also joined the team.

And the real Odin... Yes, just like the original plot, he very wickedly found a nursing home in Northern Europe and lived with a group of old men and women, planning to adapt to retirement life early.

Just as he was lying on the bed after a day of wandering and about to fall asleep, a sudden critical response to distress made him jump.

"Summon your weapons, armor, and mounts—if your Sprenir hasn't died of old age yet!"

After seeing that he was actually in the vacuum of the universe, as well as the Mind Gem held in the hands of the man in black across from him, and the majestic power fluctuations on the enemy's body, Odin reached out decisively and summoned the Eternal Spear into his hand. At the same time, the golden armor also fell on him and he was quickly armed.

——The wave Odin is familiar with comes from the power of ether particles (reality stones). If it were just one gem, Odin wouldn't even need to use the Eternal Spear, but when two infinite gems are put together, the effect is definitely 1+1 greater than 2.

"Who are you?" Odin said as if facing a powerful enemy.

Two Infinity Stones are enough for Odin to take him seriously. What's more, the enemy itself is obviously very powerful. Ordinary people cannot easily pick up the infinite gems with bare hands. They will either be sucked dry by the gems or exploded by the energy.

"Your daughter's current lover!"

"What?" Odin couldn't help but be stunned. He was old after all, and he didn't realize in a hurry what the concept of "daughter's lover" was. When he finally thought everything through, his face became even more ugly.

"Did you take Hela from the Kingdom of Death?"


Odin has recalled everything. He clearly remembers that a man with the Reality Stone took away Hela, and there were strong men like Belial and...

Thinking of this, he hurriedly turned his head and looked around to make sure that Janata was not peeping nearby.

"Okay, what exactly do you want to do by bringing me here?"

"I have no intention of fighting with you." Cauvus said calmly, "I heard that the Asgardians have a tradition of challenging the monarch for the throne?"

"There is such a saying!" Odin had vaguely guessed something, and he wanted to laugh. "Hela told you? She plans to challenge me? You know, everything about her comes from me. I only need to wave You can take away her divine power with just a wave of your hand!”

"What a coincidence, I can do it too!"

A portal suddenly opened behind Odin, like a huge bloody mouth, swallowing Odin in one gulp, just as easily as Karsus used ultimate fear to swallow the holy Kesha in one gulp.

Next, Cauvus also flew into the portal.

It was obviously an unwise approach to forcefully swallow Odin, but Cauus chose a simpler and cruder approach - he used the Mind Stone as an energy driver, and used the Reality Stone to initiate a position transfer. The two Infinity Stones joined forces, Together, we pack away all the space around Odin.

Despite being attacked hastily, Odin still maintained the aura of a warrior. He didn't even pick up the gun, he just held it upside down in his hand and quietly observed the nearby space.

"Andromeda!" Kausi smiled, "I promised your daughter that I would create a space for you to have a fair duel! So -"

A small spaceship flew over from a distance and stopped quietly dozens of kilometers away.

"I have collected the footage of the entire battle in real time. Odin, open Asgard's beacon, and I will broadcast the footage live throughout Asgard!"

Cauus stared at Odin and said slowly, "Watch a king hand over his throne, or witness a king defend his glory again?"

Odin suddenly smiled. He nodded towards Cauvus, stretched out his hand, and the space began to appear strangely distorted, and a nihilistic scene slowly emerged.

"What did you just say? You claimed to be... Hela's lover?"

"It seems you are quite qualified as a lover!"

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