Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 286 A wedding without a best man

After all, Iron Man's wedding couldn't be kept low-key. After he casually bought a diamond mine in South Africa and had a pigeon egg implanted, the all-pervasive tabloids accurately guessed his move.

In the reserved restaurant, they had planned it, pretending to be an ordinary small dinner, and then Iron Man and Hulk proposed to Pepper Potts and Betty at the same time - Bruce Banner and Stark went to the diamond mine together , and Banner also grabbed a quail egg, second only to the one in Stark's hand.

"How old are you, and you are still proposing with something like diamonds?" Kausi was very disdainful of this.

"What's the use? Put a box into a starship?" Stark said in a vulgar upstart tone, "Why don't you keep urging me to get it done quickly? I actually want to go to the universe to see if there is anything. Rare ores..."

Of course Kausu would not be so bored. He didn't even go to the proposal scene. So a tabloid reporter dressed as a restaurant waiter grabbed the headline photo - and the lucky reporter got a promotion and a large bonus.

Faced with a flood of congratulatory calls and countless friends and relatives who wanted to know the wedding time, Iron Man, who always liked to be in the limelight, simply waved his hand and used the entire Central Park in New York.

This is definitely one of the grandest weddings in the history of the earth. Tens of thousands of guests from all over the world turned the 340 hectares of Central Park into a romantic ocean. The wedding costs a whopping $640 million—and that doesn't even include the superstars willing to star in Central Park for free.

With so many people, how to solve the security problem?

Good question!

But when the two newlyweds are members of the Avengers, plus a certain Secretary of State’s father-in-law who is very dissatisfied but still acquiesces to the fact of the wedding... these are not problems!

As you can imagine, the wedding scene turned into a big gathering of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and the military - a regiment of elite U.S. troops plus countless secret agents, even armored vehicles and armed helicopters appeared near Central Park. The militants in the cross did not dare to cause trouble here.

What's more, the place closest to the wedding scene is the territory of the superheroes. Iron Man and the Hulk gave the best positions to the superheroes. The Avengers and the Mulgore Council were all present, and the related superheroes It comes extremely complete.

So you can see Uncle Punisher and Daredevil whispering together; Damn playing Duggan and Nick Fury's "Fuck Fuck" flying all over the place; Claire Vaillant scolding Natasha, the Black Widow heir; Phantom Knight is teaching Ghost Rider; the Valkyries are leisurely and contented in their casual clothes. After learning their identities, Mockingbird and his little fan girl Shockwave's eyes turned into little stars...

By the way, Shockwave Girl Daisy finally grew up and was discovered by Coulson. Miles Lydon, the leader of the "Rising Tide" organization who was supposed to appear, was locked up in New York by the Kingpin, so Daisy did not Chang Wai, after inadvertently revealing hacking technology and supernatural powers, was picked up by Coulson and sent to S.H.I.E.L.D. Maria Hill is very optimistic about this little girl with a bright smile, and plans to train her in depth as a reserve member of the Avengers.

Also not crooked was another superhero, "Treasure Girl." Kaus felt very relieved to see Jessica dragging Little Spider around the superheroes' territory.

In fact, what he didn't know was that after Jessica started working at the Mulgore Hotel, she felt that Carrie, who was "about the same age", was cute and beautiful. In addition, the two big lolita were both waiters in the hotel, so they kept messing around. Very familiar. So she invited Carrie to her house to play when she wasn't at work. And just this time, Zebdia Kilgrave, the "Purple Man" who was lurking near Hell's Kitchen and preparing to find someone to control, was unlucky...

What is the outcome of mind-controlling Tunmei? In short, without everyone's knowledge, the mental backlash caused the "Purple Man" to become an idiot. This old enemy of "Daredevil" and "Precious Girl" can only drool and stagger forever. He wandered around the streets of New York, letting out ghostly cries and howls from time to time, and was driven away like a pile of garbage.

In fact, even if Carrie was not around, Kausi, who already knew Jessica's outcome, gave Jessica a small key ornament based on the concept that his employees should not be bullied, and sealed a purification totem inside. It can purify all curses and negative effects on the body after a period of time.

As for the little spider, on the one hand, it is because he also works in a hotel, and on the other hand, when he is doing chivalry on the streets of New York, he will inevitably encounter the "Moon Goddess" Stephanie who is making gods, and her two dog heads who are making suggestions. Strategies Erica and Elsa...

Because of this, Spidey thrives in the inn through these relationships, and is lucky enough to get a little attention from Stark. Especially after discovering that Peter Parker had extraordinary technological literacy, both Iron Man and the Hulk took a keen interest in him.

"After graduating from high school, no matter which university you go to, Stark Industries will leave you an internship position!" At that time, Stark patted Spider-Man on the shoulder with appreciation, making the young man who admired Iron Man excited. Unable to do it myself.

After wandering around on the lawn for a few times, Kaus suddenly remembered a very important question.

Where are the groomsmen and bridesmaids?

Western weddings also have groomsmen and bridesmaids. The earliest groomsmen were to avoid assassination by enemies or curses from the devil. Therefore, at large weddings in ancient Rome, wealthy families wanted to keep the bride and groom safe. The groomsmen were actually bodyguards who wore the same clothes as the bride and groom. , waiting for an opportunity to kill the enemy and perform meritorious deeds, and later gradually evolved into the current etiquette.

So who are Tony Stark and Bruce Banner’s best men?

Kausi looked around for a long time and found that all the familiar superheroes were on the lawn. Even Stark's best friend Happy was chatting happily with a fashion model while holding a glass of wine.

"Coming, coming..." The crowd not far away suddenly made a noise.

come yet? Cauvus also turned to look at the commotion.

Instead of Stark, large screens were raised all over Central Park, and images quickly appeared on the screens and stabilized.

Two couples appeared in front of the camera, and their background was...

"Damn! You're such a pushy guy!" Kausi recognized where they were at a glance and couldn't help laughing.

This is a space shuttle with the Stark Industries logo. This space shuttle is currently parked at the L1 Earth-Moon Lagrange point 320,000 kilometers away from the earth. Two couples are wearing nano-mechas and talking slowly. Tunde rose from the space shuttle and floated in the endless void.

"Everyone! I'm sorry for scaring you!" Stark proudly turned the camera and pointed at the streamlined space shuttle, "Stark Industries' latest technology can reach the moon in twenty minutes!"

Everyone who was watching the wedding live broadcast was suddenly in an uproar.

After spending five minutes bragging about the new technology, Stark finally got down to business, "...Bruce and I discussed it and decided that we would have a romantic wedding, so we built this spaceship and came here. "

"This is the Lagrange point between the Earth and the Moon. It is the most stable point on the binary plane, which indicates that our love will be unbreakable!"

"Of course, we have also thought of many ways to invite a pastor who dares to walk in space. Let us welcome Mr. Eggers James, the pastor who will preside over this wedding!"

An old priest wearing a mecha slowly crawled out of the cabin, with a rope tied around his waist. He "climbed" to the back of the space shuttle in a shaky and dancing manner - there, there was a man who was ready in advance. of prayer platform.

Kausu suddenly had a bad taste, turned around and asked: "Who is willing to go to the ceremony with me?"

"That's what I meant!" Captain America walked over to Kausi, "But I don't know how long I can stay in the vacuum..."

"Can I go?" Hawkeye also asked tentatively, "Will we be late?"

"Cauws will take care of it, let's go together!" Stephanie danced with excitement.

"Okay, everyone, come here!" Kausi gestured in a circle casually, "If you dare to hold a wedding in space without telling us, you will have to bear the consequences of being frightened!"

I don’t know who took the lead, but all of a sudden, forty or fifty superheroes stood over. Even Secretary of State Ross, who was talking to Nick Fury, hesitated for a moment, then silently walked into the examination room with a wine glass and black braised eggs. Circles drawn by Us.

The surrounding guests didn't know what was going on, and they all looked at this side eagerly from a distance.

"If they could see clearly, they would be haunted..."

Cauus smiled silently and motioned for Belial and the Valkyries to also enter the circle.

The space gem was activated, and the opened portal swallowed all the people in the circle in one go. The next moment, the Reality Stone completed the environmental transformation of the vacuum area in an instant.

On the space shuttle, even though his face turned pale as he was shocked by the depth of the universe, the old pastor still read the speech.

"It was my honor to be the pastor of this special wedding, thank you Tony, thank you Bruce, and also thank you to the beautiful girls Pepper Potts and Betty Ross... Ouch!"

A portal suddenly appeared near the space shuttle, and nearly a hundred people fell out, shocking the two couples.

"Keep going, keep going!" Kausu was very satisfied with the effect he had created. "What, if I don't come, are you going to kiss in a mecha and a helmet?"

"You guy..." Tony Stark disarmed the mecha and came up to hug Kavus warmly. "I just wanted to give Pepper a surprise. In fact, I forgot that you can change the universe environment."

Just as the wedding was going smoothly, a small spacecraft staggered into the atmosphere.

"Finally back!" The three men and one woman on the spacecraft hugged each other excitedly.

"I will never go to heaven with you again!" one of them chanted angrily, "Reed Richards, you almost messed up what should have been a very simple navigation mission!"

"Just come back alive, Ben!" the blond man said with a smile, "Look, although we encountered deadly cosmic rays, we all survived!"

"I always feel like something is wrong with my body!"

"Let's check it out when we get back and do a comprehensive physical examination!"

The spacecraft passed through the thick clouds and disappeared.

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