Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 337 Give her a better ending

The time goes back a few years to Niflheim, the kingdom of death.

For the small sense of satisfaction and achievement deep in his heart, Cauvus once spent a huge price to display soul vision on the entire planet, collecting the broken Valkyrie souls bit by bit.

——So he got a team of Valkyries who were completely loyal to him.

It was at this time that the Scarlet Witch, who was brought here by Belial to "see the world", also participated. The kind-hearted woman cast immature soul spells in an attempt to appease Kausi's soul that was on the verge of reaching its limit.

She felt the hardships of Cauvus through telepathy, and witnessed with her own eyes how he accurately selected the soul fragments belonging to the Valkyries from the souls in the sea of ​​stars, and then pulled these fragments back bit by bit and condensed them. Come together.

In this state, Crimson unknowingly touched part of the emotions in Cauvus's heart.

Cauvus split his soul into billions and spoke to the Valkyrie's soul fragments. But isn't the Scarlet Witch intertwining souls with Cauvus?

No one cared - not even Belial noticed how entangled the Scarlet Witch and Cauvus' souls were in the process. And all this is not Kausu's fault, but Wanda asked for it...

But now, how could the confused Cauvus think of this? He just stared at Vision's face that looked exactly like his own, completely confused.

"Wanda must be taking revenge!" He tried his best to explain. "She must have realized that she was dreaming, and deliberately modified the dream, replacing Vision with my face... She can definitely do it!"

"She can't do it!" Mantis explained weakly, "In the first layer of superficial dreams, she can still realize that she is dreaming, just like ordinary people are clearly aware of their current situation. But in the third layer, she can still realize that she is dreaming. In the second-level dream, her spirit has been completely assimilated into the dream - if she wakes up, she will definitely return to the first level now, and the dream will even collapse in an instant."

"Did you hear that?" Belial glanced at Kaus with a smile, "It seems that you have a special status in people's minds..."

"There must be some mistake!" Kausu was still trying his best to resist.

But Strange just turned his head and glanced at Kaus, and then let out a long, long sigh.

"How come such a good girl has Matt Murdock's problem?"

What does it have to do with Murdoch...

Kaus suddenly realized, what is the greatest characteristic of Daredevil? This stupid Doctor Strange is obviously criticizing himself in a roundabout way, saying that Wanda is blind!

"Bastard!" Kausi bared his teeth and was about to rush forward to teach Strange a lesson when suddenly a violent vibration came, almost shattering the dream space.

In the presence of mentally powerful people, dreams are not entirely under the control of the dreamer. It's like now, although Wanda already believes that she is in reality, she still guides the dream to make small adjustments according to her own ideas...

"Oh, they were fighting on the bed -" Mantis hurriedly increased the energy output of the Mind Stone to stabilize the dream, while she watched with interest. Belial went too far. She simply made a sofa and sat down on it. From time to time, she would praise her, "I didn't expect Kausu's capital to be quite big..."

"Bullshit! It was Wanda who changed it subconsciously...whose thing is made of vibranium?" Kausu wanted to scold her without hesitation, but as a pretender, he couldn't act rashly. Being able to allow one's own soul clone to be squeezed out is extremely painful.

Only Doctor Strange turned around politely, without forgetting to tilt his head and joked: "Cous, can I choose to pay to watch? Ten minutes... no, just five minutes! How much does it cost to open a VIP? Up?"

If dreaming could be fast-forwarded, Kausu would definitely skip this section of the progress bar directly. But unfortunately, dreaming is a very strict and logical process, and it must be completely consistent with reality.

The extremely embarrassing scene was finally over. Kausu was already as discouraged as a dead tree, and just wanted to end this dream as soon as possible.

But he ignored the character of Scarlet Witch.

Gentle, kind, and fragile, once she decides to fall in love with someone, she is also full of passion.

So a few people could only watch as Wanda turned into a little woman, entangled with Vision every day, and tons of dog blood and dog food were distributed. That kind of happiness made Beliyar tremble. Can't stand it.

"I feel like I'm committing a crime!" Doctor Strange finally couldn't stand it anymore. He hesitated and nodded towards Cauvus, "Give her a better ending. The Scarlet Witch's fate... shouldn't be so tragic."

Before Kavus could speak, he left Wanda's dream.

He knows what will happen to the Scarlet Witch in the future, and even knows that one day he will personally fight against the blackened Lord of Chaos. In order to anesthetize herself, Wanda actually changed the reality of the entire world and became addicted to the fictitious happiness. Even Strange, who was extremely determined, couldn't help but be moved.

Kausu was silent. He saw that Wanda's dream timeline had reached "Avengers 3". She was filled with grief and anger, holding the five-jeweled Thanos (Beliar the Pretender) with one hand, and was carrying After destroying the Mind Stone on Vision's head, she finally burst into tears, and something deep inside her heart was on the verge of breaking.

Belial didn't speak, just looked at Kausu quietly.

Mantis, who was maintaining a turbulent dream, also turned her head and stared at Kavus.

The Mind Stone was finally destroyed, and Wanda fell to the ground, sobbing.

But this was just the beginning. Thanos used the Time Stone to go upstream, once again letting Wanda taste despair and great sadness - and this time, Wanda no longer had the strength to stop it.

With a "pop" sound, half of the creatures in the universe gradually turned into ashes under the powerful rules.

Wanda was no exception. She ignored that part of her body had become nothingness. With tears in her beautiful big eyes, she looked stubbornly at the vibranium corpse, her eyes full of sadness, attachment and uncontrollable resentment.

Belial was ready to fight. Now Wanda thought she was dead. Until her soul began to spontaneously fight against the Mind Stone, she discovered that Wanda, who had been deceived, must use chaos magic in an extremely violent manner. Sweeping all dreams.

But Kaous took Belial's hand.


"Leave it to me!" Kaous patted Belial and took a deep breath.

Just when half of Wanda's body disappeared and her soul was about to trigger the defense mechanism, a voice suddenly sounded.

"I should choose to fight alongside you."

Wanda suddenly turned her head and looked at the vibranium corpse on the ground in disbelief.

"Am I embarrassed?" "Vision" slowly sat up, "Let the person who loves me bear everything - just like this, I can only rely on you to solve everything!"

"You..." Wanda took a step back.

She suddenly found that her body had recovered. There was no Thanos, no Infinity Gauntlet and six stones. There was only herself and "Vision" in the entire clearing.

"The problem is...I'm not as weak as you think! Wanda——"

"Vision" stretched out his hand towards Wanda. Scarlet hesitated for a moment, then slowly walked over and helped "Vision" up. As he stood up, the vibranium shell on his body began to change wonderfully, turning into normal skin, clothes, and short golden hair.

What hasn't changed is that familiar face and those gentle, compassionate eyes.

The gems flew over one by one, first the mind gem, then the reality gem, and the space gem. When the last power gem flew into the hands of "Vision", he lowered his head and looked at Wanda tenderly.

"With four infinity stones and all the inheritance of shamanism, in your mind, am I just a noob who was hung up and beaten by Thanos?"

"I...I..." Wanda was already confused. She didn't know what to say. She just lowered her head, like a child who had done something wrong. After a while, she whispered, "But, I think it should be so!"

Before she could finish her words, she found herself being pulled into a familiar embrace, and the long-lost sense of happiness filled her whole heart in an instant.

"How should I punish you, Wanda?"

"How about - having a baby?" Wanda didn't know where the courage came from, and she raised her head stubbornly.


The dream was shattered and invisible. Belial curled his lips, turned around and left with Mantis.

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