Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 387 Chain Reaction

"Stephen Strange, I'm here to negotiate!"

As the saying goes, things turn around. In a certain timeline, Dormammu, who had killed Doctor Strange thousands of times, arrived with great fanfare, shocking Strange to the point of almost losing his composure.

We can’t blame Doctor Strange for panicking. Over the years, the two generations of Supreme Mages, the Ancient One and Strange, have done countless bad things with the help of the Eternal Barrier - they blatantly absorbed energy from other dimensions and used it for their own purposes, but when they were harmed When the attackers come knocking on the door, the Eternal Barrier will teach them a painful lesson.

So when Dormammu revealed his true form in the solar system, Strange, who had just finished ambushing the Celestials, almost dropped the time stone in his hand - he instinctively thought that the victim came to the door to settle old scores. God knows how much energy Dormammu has been deceived by his master and apprentice over the years...

But the purpose of Dormammu's visit was beyond Strange's expectation, "I heard that you are dealing with the Celestial Gods? I am very interested in joining forces. If you can make corresponding concessions, regarding the previous relationship between you and the Ancient One, For certain behaviors, I think we can reach a reliable agreement..."

Strange, who was still in shock, suppressed his temper and had an in-depth conversation with Dormammu. Then he found Cauius and Mephisto with a shit-eating expression on his face, "Dormammu wants to A group of gods used for research..."


Mephisto also looked strange, "Dormammu is not good at soul spells, what does he want from the gods?"

"Well, things may not be the same as we imagined!" Doctor Strange coughed and took out a long note from his arms, "In addition to Dormammu, there are also lords from the following dimensions who have sent us For transaction application, they are..."

"Why not leave it to Mephisto?"

Kausu calmed down instead. He looked at the time, and then said righteously, "We promise to hand over eighty god souls to Mephisto. If Dormammu wants anything, I suggest that he and Mephisto Mephisto talks..."

So near the ambush point, various dimension lords appeared slowly from all directions. Looking at the familiar or unfamiliar faces, even Mephisto felt a little pressure and... weird.

"Mephisto, my old friend!" Dormammu's first words almost made Mephisto lose his composure. He held his chest in surprise, "Dormammu, I can't believe this is you. I, you actually admit that I am your old friend..."

"Okay, let's not talk in circles!" Dormammu looked at the various dimensional lords who were eyeing him. He felt that his plan to discuss alone was completely ruined, so he simply said, "I want the corpses of ten gods - —Including souls. As for other people, I think they should be here for this too!"

No one expected that such a scene would occur. Under the witness of Doctor Strange, Cauvus, Mephisto, Dormammu, and more than a dozen dimensional lords, large and small, were carved up in just a few hours. He defeated the seventy gods who came one after another, and briefly reached a strategic agreement.

"The blame will be shouldered by the Earth. As for the rest, just leave it to us!" This is what a dimension lord who did not want to reveal his identity said. "As for the rewards that the Earth deserves, we will give them every cent. you!"

In this case, the follow-up countermeasures discussed by Kaus and others were completely ineffective. When the second team of gods appeared at the jump point with great force, what they faced was not the resistance of the earth, but the ambush of more than twenty dimension lords.

Almost instantly, the dimension lords killed ten gods including the OAA leader. Except for Mephisto and Dormammu who personally snatched the corpses of two gods, all the others were snatched away. Even the bones and flesh of the blown corpses were not spared.

"Guys, there are still sixty gods who are about to enter the galaxy..."

Before Mephisto could finish speaking, these dimension lords had already formed a noisy group. Each of them was a battle-experienced king, as well as an outstanding strategist and conspirator. With their additions, one evil idea after another was discussed and continuously improved. In the end, even Cauvus, Doctor Strange and Belial were excluded, leaving only Mephisto. He was at loggerheads with them, quarreling over the ownership of one or two gods.

"It seems we are no longer needed..." Doctor Strange did not expect this situation to arise. He thought for a while, "The crisis on the earth should be resolved now. Can we go back now and go to the hotel for a drink?"

"That's what I meant!" Kausi also felt incredible about this, as if he was facing an enemy's defense and ambush, but who would have thought that after winning the first victory, so many dimensional lords would suddenly appear to share a piece of the pie. ? What kind of fat is the Celestial Group? These dimension lords want to get the benefits they want from them even if they risk retaliation afterwards?

In fact, the countermeasures that had been planned with Mephisto for a long time were completely useless in front of a group of dimension lords who were seeking credit. The whereabouts of the sixty gods were locked far outside the river system, and countless pieces of information came in like pieces of paper.

When these gods appeared at the third cantilever jump point of the galaxy, the dimension lords were like hungry vultures, tearing apart the unprepared gods until they were completely defeated.

The war suddenly calmed down in an unpredictable way.

"What's going on?" When Mephisto showed up at the Mulgore Hotel with great ambition again, Cauvus asked him, "Why did the dimension lords start a war against the Celestials? Don't they know how to kill the Celestials? The consequences of the group?”

Mephisto, who originally expected to receive eighty god souls, but only got more than thirty souls in the end, also looked indignant, "Who says they don't know? But a god's body contains almost the entire four-dimensional universe. Energy. Sending a god who died in battle to your own dimension is equivalent to doubling the resources of your own dimension - if it were you, could you resist this temptation?"

Before Kausu could speak, Mephisto added: "Everyone knows that this incident was caused by the Earth. Therefore, the first goal of the Celestial God Group will be to settle accounts with the Earth... There are no disadvantages, only benefits. They don’t abide by the contract like I do, they are just a bunch of wolves, just a bunch of flies that saw carrion..."

"Okay!" Doctor Strange interrupted Mephisto, "It is foreseeable that this matter will become more and more troublesome. Mephisto, we need a complete countermeasure. Otherwise we will point the finger. Pointing to the hell dimension, I believe you don’t want to see the day when the gods group appears collectively in hell!”

Mephisto suddenly became quiet.

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