Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 394 The picture shows the poor dagger

Although many related plots were modified due to Kavus' intervention, Thor still met and formed a deep friendship with the Guardians of the Galaxy.

It is precisely because of such a relationship that Mantis happily accepted Strange's commission to act as a mind catcher, entering the dreams of Thor and the Scarlet Witch, and helping them experience the desperate scene.

Seeing Thor, Star-Lord was overjoyed at first, then became a little nervous, and greeted: "Man, why are you here in the void? Are you planning to do any business?"

"What business do I have?" Thor laughed heartily, "I came to you with Kaous!"

"Looking for us?" Star-Lord crossed his arms arrogantly, "We are very busy..."

Cauvus had already walked to the shop owner and picked up the head-sized topaz and looked at it for a few times - the boss was absolutely right. This thing has no magic medium ability and cannot be used for industrial manufacturing. , the value is pitifully low in the practical-oriented universe market.


Such a large piece of jade that is crystal clear and almost colorless, even if it is sold as chicken nugget, the jade merchants on the earth will go crazy and snap up it at a sky-high price.

"Five hundred points!"

The shopkeeper who looked like a big mouse was stunned for a moment, and immediately smiled, "Sir, this is against the rules. I have just negotiated a price with this Mr. Hunter..."

"Twenty percent handling fee and management fee!"

The shop owner quickly calculated. He could see that this lavish customer was not a fuel-saving lamp. He could not buy it with that stupid interstellar hunter based on the value of 220 points. If the two parties traded privately, he would be a big man. Neither can be obtained.

What's more, credit points are quite hard currency in cosmic transactions. Before, Kaous was traded in the regular market of Hamos Civilization, and a ton of magic steel only cost 30 points. 100 points is a price that makes many small vendors jealous.

"Thank you for your generosity. Do you need to provide transaction guarantee and handle transaction procedures through the store?"


So a group of people watched Kausi press a button on the small instrument that the shopkeeper took out. The red light on the screen flashed, and an interstellar-level transaction worth 500 credits was completed easily.

"Thank you for your generosity! Now it is yours..." The shopkeeper skillfully packed the topaz in a box and handed it over flatteringly. Kausu took the box but did not leave. He just looked at the shopkeeper calmly.

The shrewd shopkeeper immediately thought of something and called back, "Good luck boy, come here, you deserve this..."

Star-Lord did not take his reward. He stood in front of Kausi with his arms folded, looked at him seriously, and then said after a while: "What do you want?"

After all, after working hard in the universe for so many years, this demigod who "acts as a god to act funny" is not a complete idiot. The other party has obviously heard the dispute between him and the shop owner, and there is no need to spend a fortune. For an extra credit point to trade, no need to ask, it must be for other reasons.

"I can provide you with a well-equipped high-civilization armed spacecraft, and I can also provide you with a large amount of funds, which you can use to recruit the elite warriors and mercenary crews you want. I can also give you a low-level civilization planet. You It can be used as a bargaining chip for you to trade in the universe." Kausi smiled and looked at the Star-Lord who used dance as his ultimate weapon, "In exchange, it is your current crew!"

"My crew?"

A series of huge temptations made Star-Lord's eyes widen wider and wider, but when he heard Kausi's showdown, he shuddered and looked towards Mantis and others.

"Hey, that guy with golden hair!" He simply said, holding a ray gun that was longer than his height, "Do you know what you are talking about? Although you may be rich and powerful, your behavior is Very rude..."

"Oh, dear Mr. Rocket!" Kausu quickly put on a gentle smile, "I have heard of your name in the universe, and I also know that you are a truly capable engineering expert. In fact, this time I I came from the Nine Realms to the Land of Nothingness just for you and your companions!"

The crispy noodles suddenly got stuck in the shell.

Rocket Raccoon is probably one of the most underrated characters in the entire Marvel Universe.

This biochemically modified raccoon, whose life experience is a mystery, cannot even be classified as a "superhero". After all, he does not have much strength and only has numerous scars after being modified. In the eyes of many people, he is a monster and a shunned loner. He is synonymous with meanness, pain, and loneliness.

In "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1", Rocket Raccoon gave people an impression of being irritable, rude, and selfish. It wasn't until he and Star-Lord were sent to prison to change into prison clothes that the hidden screw holes on his back were seen for the first time. and metal racks. After drunkenly confronting Drax the Destroyer, he revealed his pain in hysterical shouts:

"I don't want to either! I don't want to be torn into pieces and put back together again and again until I become... a monster!"

Hidden beneath his twisted and rude character, Rocket Raccoon possesses master-level knowledge in engineering, physics, and medicine. He can handle all damage control and repair work in a starship by himself. Joe, the director of "Avengers 4" Russell once commented: "The second Infinity Gauntlet was made by Banner, Tony and Rocket... In my opinion, they are the top three geniuses in the Marvel Universe."

Because of this, after eliminating a series of candidates such as Reed, Doom, Shu Rui, etc., Kausi set his sights on the universe, and finally landed on this little furball who was far underestimated.

"Do you know what you are talking about?" Rocket stared at Kausi closely, "Do you know who I am?"

"I know!" Kausi nodded, "You are from 'Half World', an administrator who has been genetically and mechanically modified. I can hunt Leila throughout the universe, and I can also help you take revenge on the Kree. Of course, if you If you want to kill Black Jack with your own hands, I will do my best to provide you with all conveniences!”

"Hey, don't scare my friends!" Mantis reminded Cauvus in a shrill voice. She had cooperated well with Cauvus in the previous dream-making incident and had been in touch with his heart, so she was very interested in him. The impression is also very good.

"I will not scare our future chief designer!" Kausi winked at Mantis and showed a bright smile.

A shocked look appeared on Rocket Raccoon's fur face for the first time, and his lips opened and closed weakly a few times, "I think we need to talk!"

"As you wish!" Kausi nodded politely, "I just saw a small bar when I passed by the first floor. I think there should be a good place for conversation."

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