Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 400 Forced to open business

"Elsa and I have discussed it and plan to go to Stephanie's country for a few months' vacation..."

Coming out of the basement, Kaus received such a message.

"You really know how to play..." Kausu is not worried about the safety of the two girls. One is the incarnation of the Dimension Demon God. He has been stealing it secretly over the years, but now he is almost reaching the peak of the Heavenly Father's strength; the other is the incarnation of the Dimension Demon God. With the infinite regeneration ability of a complete blood stone, let alone ordinary threats, even if it is cut into pieces, it can be restored to its original state.

In any case, there are really not many people in the universe who can threaten the two women. Even if there are a few superheroes/supervillains who can pose a threat to them, the monsters in the Mulgore Council are not vegetarians. Even if the Celestials secretly want to capture some hostages, the [Claw of Ursoc] in Erica's hand and the [Kor'kron Cannon] that Erza never leaves her body will definitely surprise the Celestials...

A Healing Spring Totem was inserted at the door of the basement with a "ding" sound. Tony Stark and Bruce Banner, who were staggering and looking haggard, had just walked out of the basement. Blue light immediately flashed on them. As the Healing Totem continued to The effect gradually came into play, and the two of them became visibly energetic.

"So damn tired..." Stark cursed, but his tone was filled with rare excitement and satisfaction. To be able to exhaust this "person cursed by knowledge" like this shows how much knowledge they have learned over the years.

"How many centuries is it now?" Dr. Banner's steps were a little frail. He seemed to have not yet adjusted from the huge time difference, and looked around to see the time outside.

"Three days have passed!" Stark found his Destroyer mecha from the counter, assembled it in three clicks, and then learned the exact time from the intelligent AI Jarvis.

"Don't guess, we stayed in there for at least a hundred and fifty years!" Strange slowly walked out, shaking his body, "This is really not a very...pleasant experience! But it is indeed very effective."

"One hundred and fifty years? How long did we stay last time?" Stark asked with interest.

"That time... it must have been more than ten years at most!" Dr. Banner grabbed a glass of iced milk and drank a few gulps before finally regaining his composure.

"One hundred and fifty years?" The two Belials were the last two to come out. She had been frantically plundering the energy from the two dimensions in her soul state, until her two bodies were almost about to explode, and then she was swaying. He walked out with help.

"At least two hundred years or more..."

"Okay, okay, stop guessing!" Kausi said with a bitter smile, "I don't know the extent of the time distortion inside. Anyway, it must be right to come out after finishing the work!"

He handed Erica's message to Belial, "These two guys can't wait for us, so they went on vacation first!"

"I think we should also find a place to go on vacation..." Seraph Belial suggested, "Look at how old Stark is!"

"Are you old?" Iron Man was suddenly shocked and wanted to look in the mirror.

"Nothing!" Kausi glared at Belial, "The time in the basement is anchored. Even if you stay there for a long, long time, your physical skills will not age. At most, it will only be because of your energy. If you are exhausted and exhausted, you will not die inside!"

Stark breathed a sigh of relief.

"Everyone should go back to his own home, don't stay here!" Kausi started to chase people away. "As soon as Erica left, the hotel didn't open, and you have nothing to do here."

"I want to have a drink first..."

"Go back and drink your 1982 Lafite!"

"Stingy - I am now considered a person with advanced level four civilization technology, and I just happened to go see that furry guy. Bruce, do you want to come with me?" Stark curled his lips and glanced at the counter There was still a lot of morning dew wine in stock. He picked up a bottle and put it in his arms. He turned to Banner and asked.

"That's fine!" Banner nodded, "There happen to be some tricky technologies that I need to talk to him about."

The two walked out side by side, and Strange had already silently opened the portal and returned to the temple. Only Cauus and two Belials were left in the empty hall.

"I'm leaving too!" Fallen Angel Belial winked, "Next, I have to take some time to digest these dark energies, and then find a new identity to enjoy life..."

"Digest energy?" Seraph, who was still checking the energy situation in his body just now, hesitated for a moment, and suddenly reached out to hold his other self.

The two angels of light and darkness, who looked exactly the same, were originally twins in one body. When the Seraph came up with a bad idea, the Fallen Angel immediately sensed it.

Digest energy? Isn't there a master here who has just digested the soul gem?

Anyway, he now has the three infinity stones of power, reality and soul in his body, who wouldn't use them?

"What do you want to do?" Kausi took a half step back warily, staring at the two angels with a conflicted expression.

"You know, I have traveled to countless civilizations!"

"I have seen all kinds of strange cultivation methods!"

“I’ve dabbled in most of them!”

“And I’ve always been pragmatic.”

"Whether it's evil or good."

"I will record whatever is useful."

The two angels each said one sentence, and the piece was completely completed. But Kausu was confused, "What exactly do you want to say?"

"In some civilization."

"There is a kind of dual cultivation technique spread..."

Hearing the exclusive term "double cultivation", Kausi already knew what they wanted to do, his expression changed, and he was about to run away. I felt my arms tighten, and I was already being held upright by two beautiful angels.

"Sister, it's not necessary. It's really not possible. Can we do it one by one?"

Are you kidding? This is a serious demon from hell! Dual Cultivation and Dual Cultivation are talking about one-to-one practice. When did it become three Cultivation? Even though my body already has the power of triple gems, I may not be able to withstand these two newly strengthened light and dark heavens!

It has been "shared" by Hela, Erica and others before, but can it be compared with this twin king-level demon? And the first step is to ask for dual cultivation...

"Don't worry!" The fallen angel smiled charmingly, "We will be quick!"

"Don't worry!" Seraph said seriously, "We have devoured the energy of four small micro-planes in total. With your ability, you can help us digest it quickly, right?"

"Yes... size!"

Kausu still wanted to shout for help, but felt too embarrassed to do so. What's even more annoying is that after hearing the movement in the hall, a Valkyrie who came from next door glanced at the three of them, and immediately showed an "I understand" expression, then turned around and stepped on her high heels. The long legs walked without a trace in the boots.

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