Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 406 Uncle Tun arrives

An asteroid is flying at an extremely high speed in the vast universe.

This planet came extremely strangely. It did not move in any regular way, but sometimes slowly cruised through the interstellar space at a regular speed, and sometimes suddenly entered a curvature motion exceeding 1,200 times the speed of light, even in a curvature bubble. Zhong suddenly changed direction and rushed towards another unknown star field.

The next moment, the star field became clean. Except for one star that was still releasing energy and heat, even the larger meteorites were swallowed up.

When the star field was completely clean, the asteroid just paused for a moment, and suddenly disappeared into the visible light and visible wavebands, without knowing where it went. When it reappeared in the visible universe, it was already in an unfamiliar galaxy hundreds of light-years away.

In this way, it wanders east and west, just like a cosmic street wanderer, occasionally eating one or two planetary systems on a whim, and spending more time flying non-stop.

If we look at it from the macroscopic scale of the universe, and make the trajectory of each of its appearances in the visible universe into a landing point, then connecting these countless landing points is a long and winding line, pointing directly to the hinterland of the Milky Way. .

No matter how far away the universe is, the asteroid gradually entered the Oort cloud during this "cosmic street" stroll.

This is a spherical cloud surrounding the solar system, filled with many inactive comets, about 50,000-100,000 astronomical units from the sun, with a maximum radius of almost 1 light-year. This is the remnant material of the nebula that formed the sun and its planets about 5 billion years ago. The material is so thin that it is almost a vacuum.

Entering the Oort cloud, the asteroid broke away from the curvature bubble and flew slowly toward the sun at a cruising speed of about 0.9 times the speed of light. But at this time, in some invisible places in this nebula, some strange things began to happen.

In the nebula, there are endless microscopic particles emerging at the same time - there is nothing strange about this phenomenon. It is nothing more than vacuum fluctuations. In the vacuum, particles will continue to appear in pairs. A particle Carrying positive mass, one particle carrying negative mass, after appearing for a very short time, they will both be annihilated and become invisible. It is for this reason that the universe abides by the law of conservation of mass and energy at the macroscopic level, and no unreasonable increase or decrease in mass occurs.

But now, there is a slight deviation in this vacuum fluctuation phenomenon...

Certain particles begin not to follow the law of conservation of mass and energy at the macroscopic level - the mass that appears in these vacuum fluctuations, the number of positive particles begins to exceed that of negative particles, that is to say, some energy or mass is born for no reason.

Not only that, some physical constants are quietly changing in this space. For example, the curvature constant has changed from 1 to 1.5, which means that entering the curvature space consumes more energy than usual and is more difficult; another example is the air-to-energy conversion ratio, which has been invisibly increased by two times. , which means that the ratio of space into energy is greatly reduced, and opponents who are proficient in high-dimensional combat will have to spend more energy.

But these did not have any impact on the asteroid. It still shuttled through the Oort cloud in a big way. It even flew stably at the threshold of 0.9 times the speed of light with incomparable accuracy, as if the revised rules were completely incapable of it. effect.

Until it encountered endless water droplets.

This is an artificial object that exudes a faint silver-white brilliance. The entire body is in a perfect streamline shape, with a big head and a small tail. It looks like a solid or a liquid. Its surface has 100% reflectivity, which means it can reflect all high-energy rays.

The asteroid ignored these water droplets that suddenly appeared in the void. It hit them head-on. Hundreds of millions or billions of water droplets stuck to the body of the asteroid like liquid, without causing any harm to the asteroid. interference.

But the next moment, a big net seemed to appear in this cosmic space. The net itself is space, and the criss-crossing threads that make up this big net are countless physical rules and laws. It seemed as if someone gently plucked one of the threads, and the entire network began to tremble. So, in the next moment, these water droplets suddenly turned solid.

"Huh?" A confused and grand consciousness came from the asteroid.

At the moment when the water droplets turned solid, the asteroid, which had been traveling at 0.9 times the speed of light, suddenly slowed down. Countless water droplets suddenly shattered and quickly turned into the most basic particles in the universe. But more particles quietly gathered to form new water droplets, which turned into a solid state again and participated in the blockade of the asteroid.

One billion, five billion, ten billion... As more and more water droplets appeared in the void, one after another blocked the asteroid, and the asteroid's flight speed became slower and slower, and finally stopped at In the orbit of Neptune, quietly suspended in the void.

"Hmph..." Another consciousness came out, and the asteroid began to change. It stretched out its thick and big arms and legs, and its round body turned into purple armor. When a huge head opened When he opened his eyes, an extremely powerful aura filled the entire galaxy.

- Galactus, Galatic!

"Who's there?" He twisted his neck. This action, which seemed extremely natural among ordinary people, was undoubtedly devastating to this giant who was over 2,000 feet tall. Even this small action directly triggered hundreds of millions of people. The water droplet collapsed instantly.

Less than 10,000 kilometers away from Uncle Tun, a meteorite with a radius of seven or eight kilometers was quietly suspended, like a floating continent, floating slowly in the endless void.

"Mr. Galactus, I'm Cauius Bradford! Nice to meet you!"

On the meteorite, a small figure stood up.

Upon hearing this name, Uncle Tun, who was still calm at first, immediately burst out with an immeasurable ferocious aura, and an ancient, violent, and murderous aura swept over unbridled, "You are Cauus Bloodhoof! The owner of Mulgore Inn?"

Following his explosion, endless black mist filled the air, and wherever it passed, countless water droplets were immediately swallowed up and completely disappeared without a trace.

"Why can't we have a good talk?" Kausu stood there calmly, "You know, I have always had high respect for you..."

"We have nothing to talk about!" Galactus' huge consciousness echoed in the universe, "I imagine the moment when I swallow the earth all the time, of course, including you and your infinity stones!"

"So, you can die now!"

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