Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 411 Molecule Man of the Future

Now that it is known that Transcendence and Molecule Man will be the two main protagonists in the future "Secret Wars" series of events, Kaus has actually gained a huge advantage.

The transcendent is a blank slate. What he wants is recognition and a sense of belonging, as well as learning human emotions. In the original plot, he and Spider-Man got along pretty well at first, and his relationship with Reed was basically within control. However, Wonder Man Luke Cage and reporter David had a serious impact on the Beyonder. .

But this time, the "ghost" Ava, the chess piece arranged by the Scarlet Witch, became the person who had the greatest influence on the Transcendent. She almost reshaped the Transcendent's three views and made him more and more like a human. Although I don’t know if the Beyonder will lose control this time, at least the current situation is slowly developing towards a good situation.

And Molecule Man…

That himself is an engineer at the New York Nuclear Power Plant!

With the influence that Kaus now has in New York, it is easy for him to track down the whereabouts of Owen Reese. But when this guy was brought to the Mulgore Hotel by Quicksilver, Cauvus suddenly felt like he was laughing.

"You work for me... at Bloodhoof Factory?"

"Yes, Mr. Bradford!"

Sitting in front of Kausi was a middle-aged man about forty years old, with flaxen curly hair. His clothes were neat, but definitely cheap. His behavior seemed a bit clumsy, and he only became eloquent when talking about his work. When a Valkyrie served him the morning dew wine, he actually shrank back reflexively, revealing the boy So shy.

Well, another man with low emotional intelligence and high IQ...and a bit insecure.

"Relax, Mr. Reese!" Kausu tried to make the other party not so nervous. He looked through the other party's information. He graduated from an Ivy League school, had a master's degree in electrical related fields, and obtained the corresponding certificate. He seemed to be capable. not bad.

"Just a routine conversation. Since you have been working at Bloodhoof Factory for several years, you should know that we are short of experienced manpower everywhere, so if this conversation is pleasant, you will get a new job."

But this statement did not make the future molecules relax, but instead made them more nervous. His palms were sweating, and he wiped them quietly on his trousers.

"The files show that you were working at a nuclear power plant in the suburbs of New York a few years ago?"

"Yes, sir!"

Owen Reese stammered in reply, "After I heard that the Blood Hoof Factory was open to social recruitment, I left the nuclear power plant, and then passed the interview with Dr. Bruce Banner and became an electrical engineer in the factory maintenance department..."

Kausi cast his eyes on his cheap clothes and smiled: "I think the salary I offer to the employees of the Blood Hoof Factory is not low. Mr. Reese, you..."

"Yes!" When it came to this topic, Owen stopped stammering. He said with a little pride, "The treatment you give is the best in the entire eastern part of the Federation. I am very satisfied. It's just... I have always hoped to be in Brooke Lin has a small house of his own, so I’m trying to save money.”

"Oh, saving money to buy a house?" Cauus suddenly became interested, "This is a very good quality. I don't like Americans' habitual excessive consumption style. I think it is overdrawing one's life."

"Really? You think so? That's great!" Owen Rees explained, "Banks themselves are profit-seeking capitalists. They offer all kinds of excellent conditions to encourage us to consume in advance and let us spend our hard-earned money. Money turns into all kinds of interest, handling fees or other things, using an invisible plunder method to turn our surplus value into their profits!”

It is very rare for someone to understand the decadence of capitalism. Kaous, who was deeply influenced by his previous life, also joined the topic with great interest. The two spent half an hour criticizing the current various systems and chatting extremely speculatively. …

It wasn't until Quicksilver next to him yawned so much out of boredom that Cauvus realized that he had strayed far off topic. He patted Quicksilver and signaled that he could get out early, then turned around and apologized, "I'm sorry. , Owen, few people have such a good conversation with me, so... I hope you don’t mind that I delayed you for such a long time.”

"Nothing!" Owen Reese's cheeks were a little red, and he obviously hadn't recovered from the excitement just now. He sighed sincerely, "Mr. Bradford, your wisdom and structure have opened my eyes. Before that, I always thought that those capitalists were parasitic... But you are different. You are a real wise man and someone who can really bring benefits to us. If you want to run for Congress, I will definitely vote for you. One vote!"

"A very naive, but very stubborn guy!" This is another evaluation of the Molecule Man by Kaus.

"Then I have to thank you for your trust first!" Kausu closed the folder on the table, "Owen, you seem to be single now?"

"Yes!" After the small talk just now, Owen has basically calmed down. He nodded frankly, "The benefits of Bloodhoof Factory are very good. I now live in the employee dormitory, eat in the factory restaurant, and walk to work every day... …This allowed me to save a lot of money to complete my home buying plan.”

Kausi nodded, "Since you are a senior engineer at the Bloodhoof Factory, what do you think of the factory building...?"

"I don't have any opinion!" Owen immediately became nervous. "Sir, I am a professional technician. I fully understand that a world-class technology company has its own unique patents, technologies and... secrets! So you..."

"No, you misunderstood what I meant!" Kausi interrupted Irving with a smile, "I specially invited you here just to talk to you about that building."

Owen was stunned. He scratched his hair and hesitated for a while, as if he had made up his mind. Then he said slowly: "Yes, sir, I have heard many colleagues talk about that building. And I also I've seen it a few times from a distance..."

He gritted his teeth and suddenly asked: "Is that an entrance to a secret base?"

"It's not a secret base!" Kausi chuckled, slightly modifying one of Future Molecule Man's wordings, "That's an alien planet!"

Alien! ?

Owen Reese opened his mouth blankly, not knowing what to say.

"Let's get it straight!" Kausi crossed his hands on the table, "That is a portal for us to develop aliens. Tony Stark and Bruce Banner established a human base there. Owen , I plan to send you to that base as the director of the maintenance department!"

"Minister of an alien base?" Owen was completely immersed in huge shock and joy. His face became extremely surprised, and his lips kept trembling, as if he wanted to confirm whether he heard correctly.

"Your annual salary will increase by 20%, and you will need to spend at least half of your time on an alien base every month. The foreign station subsidy will be doubled according to the highest price in New York State!" Kausi flipped the document and stayed on the page of the salary contract, "If If you have any objections, we can discuss it in detail again!"

Fighting with rice nourishes kindness, and using stone with rice nourishes hatred. Giving too much will make the other party at a loss, and Cauvus knows this very well. Therefore, all his conversations follow the rules, and he does not intend to make the other party feel that he has jumped into a honeypot. Proper gratitude will make the other party less wary.

The future molecular man hesitated for a while, and then asked tentatively: "Before getting this new job, can I first visit... the environment of the position I am about to be transferred to?"

"Absolutely!" Kausu stood up with a smile, "Are you free now?"

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