Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 418 Shocking Conspiracy

"As you can see, angels are a type of advanced civilization, and so are demons!"

"It's the same fight for faith. Angels will not interfere with the process of civilization, but will only protect the development of civilization from the side, while demons are corrupting human nature, using the temptation of freedom, enjoyment, and eternal life to turn everything into a source of corruption... "

Belial came back, she glanced at Jasbel, and slowly sat down next to Kaus, smiling and gesturing for Jasbel to continue.

Jasbel nodded to Belial and continued: "I don't know why you are here, but there are enough signs that you...perhaps Belial intends to come to assist Hell in fighting for the power of faith. That being the case, we will proceed as we have done over the years.”

"Routine?" Kausi turned his head curiously and asked, "How did you and the Heaven Plane do it before?"

"Soldiers versus soldiers, generals against generals. Before the decisive battle, everything was focused on the struggle between supporting forces. I did not directly participate in the war, but served as a strategic deterrent."

"Oh?" Kausu's eyes suddenly shone, "Not participating in the war, but supporting the forces to fight each other? Does this sound more like a war strategy game?"

Jasbel was stunned for a moment, then quickly realized: "That's it!"

"Angels themselves are one of the order systems of the universe. Not only do they not set any obstacles to the orderly development of civilization, they are happy to see it." Jasbel continued to explain, "So the hell dimension is also one of the orders of the universe. , let’s make peace for the time being! After all, any fight between us is meaningless before the eternal war begins.”

"I just have one question!"

Just when Cauus was silent, Belial, who was holding his chin in his hands, spoke.

"Jasbel, we haven't seen each other for more than 10,000 years, right?"

"Yes!" Yasbel lowered his head slightly, "It's fourteen thousand years, Sister Belial!"

"When I first met you, you were just a very talented two-winged angel..." Belial sighed softly, reached out and stroked Jasbel's pretty cheek.

"You possess the most advanced charm technique. Anyone will be attracted to you unconsciously and develop a liking for you. Even the Dimensional God is no exception."

Jasbel tilted her head slightly and gently rubbed Belial's palm.

"During the Eternal War, you were listed as a Seraph candidate. Now you have officially possessed six wings. When the next time the Crystal Arch opens to become a god, you will undoubtedly become the top Seraph."

Jasbel hesitated for a moment and nodded slightly.

"Then, what I don't understand is..." Belial smiled and tapped the tip of Yasbel's nose, "A pitifully weak little dimension, why did Sky City send you here? Don't tell me, it's because Coca Bell's request! You know, I am very clear about Sky City's habits. If this dimension does not have enough value, Coca Bell will send my information back to Sky City as soon as possible. I will abandon this plane and directly recall all the angels of wisdom.”

"But instead of giving up, they sent you out... My dear, do the Seraphs think I won't kill you?"

Jasbel hesitated for a long time, and finally said softly: "In this dimension... we discovered Isaac Newton!"

"Who?" Beliyar raised his eyebrows, but Kausi stared at Jasbel in surprise.

"Newton? Which Newton? Could it be that..."

"Yes!" Jasbel nodded, "We don't know why he was resurrected in this plane, nor why he had his memory washed away and relived as a scientist. But we can confirm it. Yes, not only Newton, but also Leibniz, Boyle, Huygens, Hooke...all of them have awakened in this dimension."

"As for the small church you went to before, if you go there tomorrow or yesterday, you can see most of the elites of the Society for the Promotion of Natural Knowledge."

"Oh, I forgot to mention something." Jasbel said, "The term Society for the Advancement of Natural Knowledge may be unfamiliar to you, but it has another name on earth - the Royal Society of Great Britain!"

There is no need to exaggerate the status and historical significance of the Royal Society. From natural sciences to humanities and social sciences, from basic research to applied research, this society has unique research results and contributions in various fields. It has had a profound impact on the development of European science and inspired the future path of scientific development. Look at that series of academicians! Einstein, Darwin, Newton, Hawking...

Kausu's face suddenly became serious.

Who would be kind enough to resurrect medieval scientists on Earth and send them to this small dimension? What is the purpose? What exactly do they hope to achieve? Especially since this dimension is right between heaven and hell, it is impossible not to attract the attention of the two super dimensions.

"Hasn't Sky City thought about the consequences of this?"

"I have thought about it!" Jasbel said with a wry smile. "Sending a group of scientists who have been dead for many years to a new dimension to promote the development of a civilization is a way to quickly mature a civilization. But even if you know that it may be It's a trap, and we have to send people here... If it were you, would you let go of this tempting high-potential plane?"

Belial pondered for a while and asked: "Who is the spokesperson of the hell plane here?"


Looking at Kausu's questioning look, Belial quickly replied: "One of the seventy-two demon gods, the commander of the eighty-eight demon legions in hell, known as the 'Logic' among believers, his strength... …Well, it’s not bad!”

Looking at Belial's hesitant tone, it goes without saying that this Simonli is definitely not a powerful warrior, otherwise the angel dimension would not send a young four-winged angel Koka Bell as a stalemate opponent.

It is impossible for the angels who command billions of stars to spend a huge price on every civilization. Because of this, after discovering that Belial also came to this plane, the Sky City could not send the top Seraphim to Come, and the emergence of Yasbel is likely to be the best candidate after weighing all parties.

"We have evaluated the possibilities and consequences of everything!" Yasbel continued, "In the end, we believed that there must be an invisible hand behind this dimension controlling everything. The angel dimension is not afraid of any challenges, but it is also unwilling to do anything. Fearless sacrifice.”

"We decided to maintain a basic balance with hell until a real big shot comes out and changes everything. But at that time, we can choose to give up or... war based on the current situation!"


Jasbel turned his head and stared at Kausi, "If you have no intention of competing with us for the power of faith and just want to have some fun, how about... looking for the 'X' factor of this plane together?"

"Of course, Sky City will pay a price that satisfies you!"

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