Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 428 Visitors from Hell

Newton in Marvel doesn't do anything good.

As a great magician, his greatest achievement was the invention of the immortality serum, his struggle for power with Leonardo da Vinci, and finally the death of Galileo. This series of magical operations, coupled with these great names that have left their mark on history, is simply dizzying.

Compared with him, Norman Osborn, the "Green Goblin" who once ran S.H.I.E.L.D. and split off the Hammer Bureau, is as childish as a primary school student.

But he's definitely an awesome guy.

Although I don't know what Newton wants to do after grabbing the Holy Grail, Li Chunfeng will never let him go.

The Holy Shield and the Divine Spear once again met each other in battle, Eastern Taoism met Western magic, and the battle between the two sides became fierce from the beginning.

In the battle between the two dimensions of heaven and hell, Adam and Agares are undoubtedly the most eye-catching couple. The two unfolded their domain auras to each other, and the bright golden light continued to flow. Every attack of the opponent would be counterattacked by the "thorns" domain; while Agares turned the entire domain into a dark force field, constantly reducing the opponent's vitality.

On the chaotic battlefield, only the confrontation between Kaus and the radiant angel Raphael turned out to be one-sided. Relying on the Doomhammer blessed by the Power Gem, Cauvus with the Wind Fury turned on was simply unstoppable. Raphael, who had a single universe-level powerful combat power, was actually suppressed by Cauvus and was breathless.

Raphael, who was stretched thin by a series of fierce attacks, became furious and blocked the Doomhammer with his sword. He was about to open up the distance and expand the area, but the opponent's movements were faster than him, and he hit the "Wind Shear" at will. He directly interrupted the reading area, so the holy light ultimate move that was ready to be launched could only be dispersed with hatred.

At this time, Raphael had completely put away his contempt - in terms of strength, the opponent was actually more powerful than himself, the earliest born archangel; in terms of magic, no matter what kind of magic he planned to cast, he would be hit by the opponent just right. Break. Not only that, the opponent's special ability to interrupt his spell reading allowed him to vaguely sense a power that could rewrite the laws of the universe, and this feeling reminded the well-informed Raphael of a treasure... …

Reality gem!

In the midst of his busy schedule, Raphael finally noticed his opponent's wrist. Although it was well hidden, the unique light was clearly...a space gem?

——Power Gem, Reality Gem, Space Gem! With the three gems integrated into one, even an ordinary human being can become a cosmic-level elite warrior.

Just when Raphael finally recognized the opponent's true strength, Jasbel on the side was preparing to assist the Judgment Angel Lemuel. Before she could take action, she suddenly saw a flash of black light in the distance, and she couldn't help but said in shock: "Be careful - —”

Countless ghosts appeared behind all the angel warriors almost at the same time. Before the angels could react, these ghosts exploded suddenly, and dark power spread everywhere. All the angel warriors who were eroded by this power trembled, and their whole bodies were shaken. As if frozen.

Although this method of self-destruction of the spirit body does not cause any decent damage to high-level angels, in such a close battle, even a moment of hesitation is a huge flaw. Raphael, who had been pressed down by Cauus, had just paused when he was hit with a hammer from Cauus. Raphael barely turned sideways to avoid the vital point, and one of his arms was completely broken.

"Samikina!" Uriel, who was still fighting with Belial, screamed strangely, his voice full of anger. He is the luckiest one on the battlefield. He had just exchanged big moves with Beliyar, and he was shaken dozens of feet away. He only stagnated, and immediately shook his arms, and his whole body suddenly burst into billions of golden light. Wash away the raging dark power without a trace.

Except for Uriel, almost all the other angels were injured. They struggled to push back their opponents and retreated behind Uriel in embarrassment, forming a circular formation to defend on the spot.

In the dark sky, an old man leaning on a wooden stick, hunched over, stepped out of the darkness step by step. His face is old and his hair is gray, but his voice is still full of energy.

"Aha, long time no see, everyone!"

As a necromancer who is proficient in soul-returning and necromancy techniques, Samikina's reputation in the Eternal War can be said to be the cry of children at night. His role in high-end wars is not too great, but he possesses the most powerful necromancy. He once turned hundreds of thousands of angels who died in battle into skeleton wizards and skeleton warriors in an instant - and these necromancy warriors were actually still alive. Can possess 80% of the deceased's combat power. With this alone, his value alone is equivalent to dozens of super-level legions!

As he staggered forward, every time he passed a place, the corpse there would explode and separate, and a skeleton warrior or skeleton wizard would stand up again. In the recent battle for the Holy Grail, which suffered heavy casualties, no less than a thousand people were killed on both sides, which meant that in a matter of seconds, thousands of elite combat forces were provided to the Dark Council.

"Children, unleash your rage!"

Following an order, the thousands of skeleton warriors and skeleton wizards immediately turned into a black torrent, and they all rushed towards the cathedral.

The demons landed on the ground one after another and saluted Samikina respectfully. Even Belial hesitated for a moment, folded his wings and slowly landed.

Samikina still smiled like a kindly old man. When he came to the vicinity where Li Chunfeng and Newton were fighting, he turned his head and glanced, and chuckled: "Holy Shielder, you can't keep the Holy Grail, so you should hand it over!"

Newton snorted heavily and threw the Holy Grail out. Then he stamped his feet and his figure suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Li Chunfeng looked at Samikina nonchalantly, shook his head and said: "The old Taoist has nothing to say to you evil heretics..." He suddenly raised his head and shouted, "Boy, the Taoist has left first, let's talk later!" A sword The light wrapped around his body, breaking through the space in an instant and disappearing.

Over there, Raphael was injured by Kausu's hammer, so he stopped fighting and ducked to Uriel's side. Seeing that the angel warriors were heavily guarded, Cauus shrugged his shoulders and dodged and landed next to Belial.

Adam and Agares, who were still fighting, exchanged blows and then returned to their respective teams. Agares twisted his neck, lowered his head and asked, "Samikina, why are you here?"

"I saw a small situation, and I'm informing you to cease the war!"

"A truce?" The demon gods opened their eyes wide and stared at Samikina in disbelief. They couldn't believe that this was what the most famous wise man of the demon gods said. The Dark Unicorn turned into a human and asked with disbelief: "But we clearly..."

"Stop!" Samikina repeated, "Let's talk about it when we get back!"

Over there, Adam frowned and made a few gestures. At the moment, Uriel held down his position, and the angel warriors slowly retreated and reorganized their defense.

"Tell Gabriel what's going on here!" Samikina said calmly to Adam, "Tell him to leave this dimension to the people on Earth to handle!"

"——If angels don't want to perish, then do what I say!"

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