Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 440 Everyone has their own plans

Kausi walked cleanly.

After he saw Kang Youwei standing next to Newton like a dog, and saw the magic spear appearing in Newton's hand, his original plan to find out the details completely disappeared.

No need to ask, Kang Youwei even handed over the divine spear, so he must have said everything that needed to be said. Maybe he said what he shouldn't have said - it's not ruled out that he held something back, but it had little to do with Kaus.

Newton did not try to keep the other party. Firstly, he felt that the other party was not easy to mess with. Secondly, he thought that the other party had given him enough reminders.

"Mr. Newton, your opponent has appeared..."

"Take your aegis and walk into that street!"

In just two sentences, enough information has been revealed.

The other party knows his own details - this is not difficult. Whether he is a holder of a holy shield or a divine spear, he knows his name and past experience. What's more, Newton had no intention of hiding it at all. When he killed Galileo in his previous life, he was still secretive. In this life, he simply went on a killing spree. He used magic to burn Galileo alive, and then killed Bryce who came after him. Pascal suffocated to death in a block of ice, and later killed Franklin, Lorenz, Robert Hooke, John Locke, John Flamsteed, and Gottfried Lei. Bunitz and other great philosophers and scientists. Almost all the descendants of the Holy Shield who had been born were wiped out.

Just like the former leader of the Holy Shield, Newton would leave an apple at the scene every time he killed someone, and then take away the other person's Holy Shield. It can be said that he is ambitious and unscrupulous, but he is definitely a proud person to the core.

" opponent has appeared?"

"If it is an outsider like me, then the relationship between me and the other party is just a competitive situation. Before they know my plan, I only have enemies or competitors, and there is no real opponent."

"Then this 'opponent' is probably an aborigine from this dimension!"

Newton thought silently, "If that person is not alarmist, I will temporarily regard his words as a high probability result. Based on this result, the only thing that can resist the Holy Shield is the Divine Spear...or maybe the Holy Shield itself. . In other words, my 'opponent' either controls another holy shield, or controls the power of the divine spear!"

"However, I now have a total of nine holy shields, and quantitative changes will produce immeasurable qualitative changes. This may be an important trump card for me."

"The second sentence means that this guy does not intend to be my enemy, but is betting on both ends!"

"Bet on both ends?" Thinking of this, a weird smile appeared on Isaac Newton's lips. "I like betting the most, especially the ones where someone makes a big bet!"

Thinking of this, Newton smiled and turned his head and said to the archbishop: "Bishop of Canterbury, I think we need to restart the issuance of 'indulgences' and at the same time prepare an army to crusade against the heretics! What do you think?"

"Crunt against the heretics?" The archbishop immediately beamed with joy, "Dear Isaac, I have been waiting for your words for a long time! Do you have a general plan now? I think we can talk now..."

Just as Newton was preparing to launch the infamous "Crusade" plan, Cauius also had his own plans.

How many people Newton killed and how many holy shields he stole had nothing to do with him. The confrontation between the children of the future world and Newton will be the main theme in the next three years.

One is a careerist who has gathered multiple holy shields, and the other is a plane lord with great luck. The war between these two people must be very interesting...

"Yes, I can already feel the mood of the ancient mage!" Causs said to Belial triumphantly after returning to the tavern, "It's like watching a soap opera with ups and downs, and the unknown plot , it is easier to attract people. Perhaps it is because of such fun that Gu Yi finally chose to survive!"

"Then what are we going to do now?" Belial also asked with interest.

"Watch a show!"

Kausi smiled strangely and clapped his hands, "I left many energy fragments of reality gems along the way. They will broadcast the nearby situation at any time... Well, just like watching a movie!"

"Oh, great job!" Beria suddenly became interested, "Is there a way to materialize them?"

"Of course!" Kausz stretched out his finger and tapped Belial's forehead, "You also have the right to use these energy fragments now!"

In the following time, Kaus and Belial's life was quite leisurely and pleasant.

The little beauty Alice has woken up. After being knocked unconscious by Belial, Alice fell into a state of amnesia for a period of time. When she slowly recovered, she basically got rid of the shadow of the protagonist of Gooden Charlemagne.

After following Newton for a while, Li Chunfeng also returned to the Oak Tavern.

"That guy has become very difficult now..." Li Chunfeng explained, "With at least seven or eight holy shields, this is already a very troublesome force. Any peek at him will be discovered, and any plan to detect it will fail. ...You know, the Holy Shield and the Divine Spear are inherently logical weapons, which represent some kind of insurmountable rule!"

"Forget it!" Kausi was open-minded, "It just so happens that our intelligence network has been stagnant for a few days recently. After you come back, we can re-establish our intelligence network."

"Don't even think about it!" Old Taoist said with a straight face, "I came to Elsa Castle to have some fun, not to be your slave!"

Kausu didn't care, he just felt it was a bit of a pity, "Why don't we just shelve the intelligence network we worked so hard on?"

"What are you putting aside?" Li Chunfeng chuckled and said, "I found an expert for you! It's a coincidence. Not long ago, Pindao came to Japan to track the movements of other Holy Shield inheritors, but he unexpectedly met an expert. When a master of the Tang Dynasty was born, Pindao spent countless efforts to invite him to come out and take charge of our small intelligence network."

"An expert from the Tang Dynasty? How tall?" Kausu didn't believe it at all. What kind of monster was Li Chunfeng? Unless it is his master Yuan Tiangang, the only person in the same dynasty who can beat Li Chunfeng is...

Suddenly, an old female voice was heard outside the door: "Li Xian is so ridiculous. How can I be such an expert? I've made the Fang family laugh so hard!"

While he was talking, a thin, unspectacular old woman walked in slowly, leaning on a wooden staff. She first saluted Cauvus and said with a smile, "Is this the dimension ranger of this generation? She is indeed a talented person. A good person!"

I saw that this old woman looked ordinary, but she had extraordinary bearing. Kausu dared not speak carelessly, so he stood up in a hurry, saluted, and asked: "I don't know, Your Excellency..."

Before Kausu could finish asking, the old woman had already smiled and said, "No worries, I'm Nie Yinniang!"

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