Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 448 Meeting before the war

When the development of a son of a plane enters the fast lane, the energy he bursts out is simply devastating.

Just two months later, the leader of another military power in the Western Continent, the Republic of Saint Sealand, died of a sudden illness without any warning. His only successor, Princess Leia, chose a young man as her husband and Take over the military and political affairs of the Republic of St. Sealand.

——And this lucky young man’s name was Gooden Charlemagne.

With the help of Lady in the Forest, Charlemagne quickly stabilized the situation in the entire country. Using magic potions, he gave birth to a large number of elite soldiers, which brought about earth-shaking changes to the domestic military power. He quickly raised his flag and planned to compete with the Principality of Wellington.

Under this circumstance, the rebels who were labeled "heretics" by the Crusaders gathered under the command of Saint Sealand, and naturally among them were powerful magicians and elite knights. After a period of waiting and watching, Newton's old enemies Robert Hooke, George Berkeley and others successively joined the Republic of St. Sealand and quickly gained Charlemagne's trust.

And Huang Chao was not idle either. He still used the old method--promote his "equal rights" ideal among bankrupt craftsmen and poor classes, and carry out the proletarian revolution to the end. A single spark can start a prairie fire. Driven by Huang Chao, several of the poorest countries in the north began to unite, using King Rafenha of the Principality of Mellenhagen as a puppet, and quickly assembled an armed force of more than 80,000 people.

At the same time, attracted by Huang Chao's ideas, Thomas More, a legendary inheritor of the Holy Shield, brought four of his followers, Robert Owen, Claude Saint-Simon and Charles Fourier. The reclusive holder of the Holy Shield and Shen Kuo, who was deceived by Huang Chao, together formed the highest combat strength of the Mellenhagen Army.

Perhaps many people are not familiar with the name "Thomas More", but I believe most people know "Utopia", the ideal harmonious society, and Thomas More is the founder of Utopia. Owen, Saint-Simon, and Fourier were all absolute believers in utopian theory.

For a time, the entire Western Continent was turbulent. After early trials and small conflicts, the Holy See Crusaders led by Newton, the Saint Sealand forces led by Charlemagne, and the Mellenhagen Army controlled by Huang Chao gradually formed. The three parties are intertwined and each has its own trump card, gradually taking shape of the Three Kingdoms dispute.

After several months of fighting each other, just after the new year of the next year, and the ice and snow in the north had not yet melted, Newton was the first to play his own card - 200,000 crusaders launched a Western expedition, aiming directly at the Holy Spirit. Tallinn, the capital of the Republic of Zealand.

"I think Westerners are no worse at bragging than we are..." Li Chunfeng, who was sitting in the Oak Tavern, laughed loudly. "Where did you get 200,000? At most, it's only 130,000 or 40,000. Even the logistics of 50,000 civilians can do that." Does it count as the main force?"

Huang Chao was also laughing: "Cao Cao also claimed that 800,000 troops went to Jiangdong back then! Wasn't it burned to the ground with no bones left? More than 100,000 troops, it's better than I raised my arms and shouted..."

"Okay!" After a new year, Nie Yinniang's body seemed to be more stooped. She was wearing a loose black robe, and she was huddled in the shadow of the corner, like a frail old lady. She said quietly, "Although Newton only used hundreds of thousands of Crusaders, Charlemagne is obviously not mentally prepared enough. Once a fight breaks out, Charlemagne will definitely be defeated, and the Holy Shield can't help them much."

"So they will definitely come to me!"

Huang Chao took a leisurely sip of wine, "None of us alone can be Newton's opponent, but if the two of us join forces, we can give Newton a try - Huh? Don't tell me, this is really a bit like the Battle of Chibi. Similar, even the terrain of the Main River is a bit like Ulin..."

As the doorbell rang, Gooden Charlemagne and Lady of the Forest stepped in.

"This really means that Cao Cao and Cao Cao are here -" Even Kausu, who had been pretending to be innocent, couldn't help laughing, "Aisha Castle is the core area of ​​Newton. You left millions of soldiers and civilians behind." When you come here, aren't you afraid that the Crusaders will find your traces?"

"Of course I'm afraid!" Charlemagne smiled and nodded towards Cauius, "But Mr. Huang is not afraid, so what do I, a little church boy, have to worry about?"

The war was about to break out, but the leaders of two of the three major forces gathered in this small oak tavern. The two sat together and drank for a while. Finally, Gooden Charlemagne lost his composure and said, "Mr. Huang, let's join forces!"

"We will definitely join forces!" Huang Chao is also very single, "But what are the benefits?"

"We must survive first -" Charlemagne said frankly. "You and I both know that our goal is not to unify the Western Continent, but to overthrow the evil rule of Isaac Newton. And his goal is actually that. For both of us, it was meant to be."

"Very sober little guy!" Huang Chao nodded slightly.

"But there's one thing you may not understand. I'm not just here to wait for you!"

Charlemagne was stunned for a moment: "Huh?"

Huang Chao looked at the clock on the wall, "He should be arriving soon!"

The bell rang, a middle-aged gentleman opened the door curtain, and a cold air rushed in.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I got caught up in some trivial matters, so..."

Gooden Charlemagne was stunned. When he was working as a busboy in the cathedral, he had seen this gentle and wise gentleman from a distance. At that time, this gentleman was standing next to the Archbishop of Canterbury, and his name was so obvious. yes……

Isaac Newton!

Newton, Huang Chao, and Charlemagne gathered in the tavern of Elsa Castle.

What kind of divine unfolding is this?

Li Chunfeng had already hung a "Closing" sign outside the door, and the small door had been closed. Only the three important figures from the Western Continent, as well as Kaus and other witnesses, were left in the entire tavern.

Compared with the awkward Charlemagne, Newton and Huang Chao were undoubtedly much more relaxed. Newton sat down opposite Huang Chao and casually waved to the half-elf girl Alice, "Hey, can you get me a cup?"

"Let me do it!" Kausu took a bottle of morning dew wine and two glasses from the counter and sat down. The four of them each occupied a side and did not speak. They just raised their glasses and took a sip.

"This is my first time here..." Newton broke the ice first. He looked around and sighed sincerely, "It feels very good, and the wine is also very good!"

"But people are not that good!" Gooden Charlemagne decided not to remain silent anymore. He provoked tit-for-tat, "Isaac Newton, why are you here?"

"He made an appointment with me!" Newton pointed at Huang Chao, "Didn't we agree not to bring any followers? Why would Mr. Huang bring a Holy Shield holder as a follower?"

Charlemagne was stunned for a moment, and immediately realized that Newton was showing contempt for him. He couldn't help but became furious and his face darkened.

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