Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 461 What is the trump card?

"The Map of Prefectures and Counties in the World" is a set of prefecture and county maps compiled and drawn by Shen Kuo in the third year of Yuanyou (1088 AD). It took 12 years to complete and the scale is 1/900,000. In addition to accurate calculation of proportions, a total of seven methods are set up: "quasi-looking, tooth melting, side checking, high and low, square and oblique, and tortuous", and the "twenty-four to" are divided according to square areas. In the second year of Shaosheng (1095), Shen Kuo passed away due to illness. He took the opportunity to escape, and after reviewing his life's gains and losses, he became obsessed with practice. He refined "Mengxi Bi Tan" and "Tianxia County Map" into a portable magic weapon. From then on, he traveled around the world incognito. .

"The Map of Counties and Counties in the World" gathers twenty-four merits of the Song Dynasty, which is a rare treasure of merits and virtues. None of the Yin, Yang and Five Elements can escape beyond the Three Realms. Shen Kuo saw the elemental elves wreaking havoc, so he took out this magic weapon, banned all six elements on the battlefield, and directly wiped out all magic elements.

Since the beginning of the war, Shen Kuo has been at the forefront of the war, but since Huang Chao handed over command and ran away, Shen Kuo has become an out-and-out transparent person. He usually just drinks and doesn't talk much. He is like a useless good old man. No matter who issues the command, he always says "Okay, okay, okay, okay". If it weren't for the sake of his being the successor of the Divine Spear, I'm afraid he would have died a long time ago. A senior commander drove him out of the most important Chinese army command camp.

But he suddenly made such a move, and the whole podium immediately fell into silence. The look in his eyes changed from disregard to awe.

——This is the legendary forbidden magic realm!

Everything in the world is composed of six elements: light, darkness, earth, fire, water, and air. However, Shen Kuo directly banned the six elements, which was equivalent to turning the opponent's powerful magic army into useless things.

Robert Hooke, Thomas More and other Holy Shield holders are even more in awe. As an old rival and old friend of the Holy Shield Brotherhood, the Divine Spear has been hiding in the east and cannot be easily released. Even the descendants of the Holy Shield are only recording. Occasionally, you can see only the scaly claws on the divine spear. Now that the descendant of the Divine Spear in front of him can easily throw out a forbidden demon field, who knows what other hidden special abilities he has?

The war puppets suffered heavy casualties, and the elemental elves were simply wiped out. The orc infantry and dwarf knights immediately gained the upper hand. The regular Crusaders army could not cope with the powerful impact and could only retreat steadily. Seeing this situation, Newton just smiled bitterly and informed the archers and magic archers to hold their position. After the heavy infantry was cut off, the main force of the legion slowly retreated and slowly withdrew from the battlefield.

This war, triggered by the scout war, ended with a tragic victory for the St. Sealand-Melenhagen coalition. Although more than half of the coalition's dozen phalanxes were lost, and six phalanxes were directly cancelled, in terms of grand strategy, the Crusaders shifted from offense to defense for the first time, which may become an important turning point in changing the war situation.

"Deploy a defense line on the spot, notify the light cavalry regiment to rest, and prepare to cross the river for a night attack!" After Gourdon Charlemagne issued a series of orders, he watched the senior officers leave quickly. Then he walked to Shen Kuo and respectfully said asked, "Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Shen!"

"It's not hard work!" Shen Kuo stretched out his hand to take back the Map of Counties and Counties in the World and put it into his arms. "You only need to use this thing once or twice. Don't expect this thing to be used as a standing force!"

"I will use it once or twice at most!" Charlemagne poured wine for Shen Kuo with a smile, "Mr. Shen, what do you think of the battle just now?"

"Me? No idea..."

It seemed that Shen Kuo had already known that Shen Kuo would say this. Charlemagne was not angry. He just thought about it for a while and said, "I think Newton seems to be letting things slip on purpose."

"Oh? What do you say?" Shen Kuo finally raised his head and looked at Charlemagne.

"I heard that he is the best among the holders of the Holy Shield, and he also knows the most about the Divine Spear." Charlemagne hesitated for a moment, seeming to organize his words, "I was thinking, if I were Isaac Newton , even if you encounter the Forbidden Demon Realm, you shouldn’t give up so easily. Besides, the Crusaders are not injured by today’s battle. I’m thinking..."

"Don't think about it!" Shen Kuo interrupted Charlemagne uncharacteristically. "You have to eat in one bite. Don't expect to eat a fat man in one bite. The Crusaders have now gathered 450,000 troops, and more than 30,000 people died today. , which is already considered a good record. As for the others, think more about how to deal with the opponent’s ace troops.”

He drank all the wine in the glass, then stood up straight and patted Charlemagne on the shoulder, then walked out, leaving Charlemagne standing there thoughtfully.

The tips given by Shen Kuo are enough. Although the god-given knights, war puppets, and magic elemental corps are powerful enough, they are not considered "ace units" in Shen Kuo's eyes. This shows that there are at least one person in the Crusade camp. A top power that even the descendants of the Divine Spear are afraid of.

"What could it be?" Gooden Charlemagne felt a little confused for the first time.

"Could it be the Dragoon Soldiers?"

Charlemagne scratched his head and felt that even if Newton suddenly brought out thousands of giant dragons, it wouldn't be that scary...and there were only tens of thousands of giant dragons in Dragon Island. Excluding the old, weak, sick and disabled, they would be exhausted to death. There are only 10,000 to 20,000 adult dragons. Even if Newton had a great reputation, he would not be able to deceive other people's race into extinction to help him fight the war.

In the following time, the mature Charlemagne will no longer be like the cute newbie who still adheres to the chivalry fighting style of the old era. At this time, he has fully understood the war of unscrupulous means. Breakthroughs in night attacks, detours, encirclement and reinforcements, borrowing strength... Every time is a well-thought-out combat method, playing the cards in your hand to perfection.

But what surprised most of the coalition commanders was that these tactics, which they considered to be extremely sophisticated and even amazing, were actually resolved one by one by the opponent's seemingly rigid and cold-hearted Isaac Newton. Not only did they not give the opponent No matter how much damage was caused, the other party took the opportunity to counterattack, causing a lot of trouble.

"Play tactics with me?" After defeating the opponent's plan to attack the granary at night, Newton's eyes were full of ridicule when he looked at his side's ensuing cover-up.

"Even Shen Kuo and Huang Chao may not be my opponent, let alone a small aborigine!"

"Why did the East... come up with so many famous generals? According to my teacher, he is completely unknown in history. When it comes to war strategies, he is not even ranked in the top 100..."

"If I have the chance, I really want to see the gods of war that the teacher once mentioned."

Newton quickly calmed down and began to count the time silently.

"It's almost time, it's almost time for the final battle!"

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