Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 463 The Ultimate Weapon

The war has reached this point, and there are no super-level troops that can shock these soldiers who crawled out of the mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

But the scene before them was far beyond the soldiers' imagination.

The night has not completely fallen on the horizon, and a dark cloud is already visible in the distance.

Only those with the strongest eyesight can see that the large area is not a dark cloud, but thousands of huge black warships.

"What is this?" Kausu stared at it again and again, but couldn't find any clue. He couldn't help but turned to Li Chunfeng curiously and asked.


"I know this is a battleship!" Kausu said angrily, "I just want to ask why this kind of monster appears in this era!"

Li Chunfeng was speechless, and after a while he muttered: "Newton is such a fucking beast!"

This is not SHIELD's space carrier, nor is it the star-class space carrier secretly built by the Nantianmen Project. If you have to find an analogy, its appearance is more similar to the alliance's airship battleship. With six magical main guns and 360 secondary guns, the battleship's walls are lined with rows of gun ports, which looks extremely amazing.

At a distance of tens of thousands of meters, those giant ships simultaneously made earth-shattering roars. Countless huge white balls shot out and fell to the ground, quickly vaporizing a group of soldiers, including men and horses. Thousands of white balls washed the ground, and a large open space suddenly appeared on the battlefield.

Just one volley was enough to match the power of the forbidden spell launched by the magister army before!

This is the ultimate weapon that Isaac Newton hid until the final battle - eight hundred aerial war fortresses.

"How to deal with this thing?" Kausu frowned, feeling that Newton was cheating a bit.

Little did he know that Newton had already secretly started building these warships when he won the position of prime minister. He ordered people to dig veins in the mountains, mine gold, iron, and various minerals, hollow out the mountains, set up huge furnaces, and draw out the lava in the veins to be calcined and tempered. He also went to Dragon Island in person and asked for 1,600 dragon bones to serve as the skeleton of the warship, which would be tempered with fire every day.

Not only that, the alchemists and magicians blessed the battleship with hundreds of millions of seals. Every three hundred seals were laid out to form a small array, every three hundred small arrays were laid out to form a medium array, and the medium array was laid out again. into a large array. Accumulating upwards in turn, the battleship is covered with formations of defense, attack, energy gathering, demon removal, energy recovery, etc. Every part of the battleship has an array diagram engraved on it. There are hundreds and hundreds of parts that make up the battleship, and the array diagrams among them are even more densely packed and countless!

What's more, the cycles of birth and destruction between these magic formations are endless, and the knowledge formations required are simply endless. It would take countless years to study even one of them. That is, only a proud man like Newton could accomplish such incredible work.

"This guy is a genius!" Kausu couldn't help but sigh after seeing the situation of the battleship clearly.

The terrifying thing about these battleships is not only the magic heavy guns, but also the battleships are densely packed with archers and magicians. Under the cover of these aerial fortresses, no air combat force can do anything against them, even if Gooden Charlemagne can copy it. The same number of dragon knights can only be defeated in front of these giant ships.

Not to mention the earth-shattering cheers from the Crusaders camp, the soldiers of the Saint Sealand-Melenhagen coalition were completely enveloped by a shadow of death.

"how to spell?"

The slow-moving high mountain giants will be beaten to ashes by the giant warships before they enter the shooting range; even if the elf archers, who are the best at shooting, can kill a few soldiers on the ship, they will not be able to shake this kind of mass killing in the air. device.

Unless there are enough magicians - but the human magicians have already exchanged ideas with the god-given knights, the elven magicians are restrained by the Crusaders' priests, monks, and priests, and they are simply unable to deal with these eight hundred super ships armed to the teeth. Level murder weapon.

As for the berserkers, druids, minotaurs, and winged humans... they would be beaten to ashes before they even got close.

Gooden Charlemagne squinted his eyes and was still staring at the giant fleet from a distance, but Thomas More, the founder of Utopia, grabbed him.

"let's go……"

"Take the main force and withdraw from this continent. Come back after you find a way to deal with these giant ships... We cannot bear this kind of loss!"

"Every soldier here is your capital for a comeback in the future!"

Golden light circulated on Thomas More's left arm, gradually forming a large metal shield - this was the manifested effect of the Holy Shield. Although he doesn’t know what kind of special abilities Thomas More can inspire, Charlemagne is certain that the moment the inheritor of the Holy Shield manifests the Holy Shield, that’s when he is ready to sacrifice his life to activate his most powerful ability!

"No!" A wry smile appeared on Charlemagne's face, "Do you think I can still walk away?"

Thomas More suddenly turned his head and saw a huge golden shield in the distance standing at the end of the horizon. It was full of light and exuded endless power.

He looked sideways like a reflex and saw a giant shield standing proudly at each of the four poles of the world, slowly rotating, sealing off the entire battlefield.

"When..." Thomas More was speechless and couldn't speak for a long time.

"The moment the battleship group appeared, Newton had already thrown out four holy shields, locking all directions..." Charlemagne explained calmly, "In this battle, either I will die...or he will die! "

"There must be a way - the Divine Spear can break the defensive barrier of the Holy Shield, and Mr. Shen happens to have a Divine Spear there!" Thomas More also tried to persuade Charlemagne to leave, but Charlemagne shook his head, " Thomas, this is the place where Isaac Newton and I finally have a decisive battle. I can’t escape, otherwise..."

He shook his head, unwilling to say any more.

"Then we can't sit still and wait for death!" Moore gritted his teeth and was about to fly to meet those giant ships, but was pulled down by Charlemagne. He shook his head and said: "Don't worry, there is still a way!"

What else can be done?

Charlemagne nodded and said solemnly: "Yes!"

Several inheritors of the Holy Shield looked at Charlemagne eagerly, but heard him mutter to himself, "Newton can do anything to win, why should I insist on keeping my promise?"

A small jellyfish flew up from Charlemagne's hand. Every time it flew out, the jellyfish's body would expand a little. By the time the jellyfish-like monster flew thousands of meters into the sky, it had turned into a huge giant. A purple ball with billions of long tentacles flying in the wind, looking extremely ferocious.

From the wrinkled skin of the monster, countless small flying insects flew out, covering the sky and the sun in an instant, and flew towards the giant ship at extremely fast speeds.

Soldiers on both sides of the war did not recognize this kind of thing, but the expressions of the inheritors of the Holy Shield changed greatly, and Thomas More even screamed in horror.

"The Annihilation Insect Mother?"

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