Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 473 The History of Gods

The pyramids are the tombs of ancient Egyptian kings (Pharaohs). The ancient Egyptians had devout faith in gods and regarded the underworld as a continuation of earthly life. Influenced by this concept, when the pharaohs were alive, they sincerely and confidently prepared for death and decorated their tombs with various items in order to obtain eternal life after death. This is where the pyramid comes from.

In this dimensional universe, the holders of the Holy Shield and the Divine Spear arrived one after another, greatly accelerating the process of this civilization, but the pyramid, a creation with the flavor of the times and the characteristics of civilization, was still produced.

Hidden in the clouds in mid-air, Kaus stared at the dozens of large and small pyramids below, scratching his head for a while.

"There is still no sense of the Holy Shield!" Newton shook his head.

"Go in and search one by one, it won't take much time!" Gooden Charlemagne looked down curiously, looking like a curious baby.

Originally, Cauvus planned to come with only Belial, but Li Chunfeng made a suggestion, "Charlemagne is also the son of luck in this dimension. If he is here, our luck will become better." !”

Recalling that Li Chunfeng, Yasbel and others searched together just now, only Charlemagne found the pistol, which shows that the luck of the Lord of the Planes is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary people. Therefore, Kausu only thought for a second before decisively agreeing.

As long as he is still in this plane, Charlemagne's luck can be said to be unmatched. Even Newton, the former son of luck, was far inferior. The combined experience of both worlds can equal Charlemagne. The problem is that Charlemagne was just a handyman at the Cathedral of Edinburgh just three years ago. This shows how unlucky his luck is!

So this trip to the pyramids became a group trip. In addition to Kaus and Belial, Li Chunfeng, Newton and Charlemagne were all brought over. Only Jasbel was driven back to the tavern by Belial - after all, Jasbel was almost plotted by the will of the universe. As long as Charlemagne is still there, When you are around, you must try your best to avoid the two of them appearing in the same frame.

"We can't search bit by bit!" Kausu replied casually while using [Sight Sight] again, "We don't know who the opponent is, or even what happened at all. I only saw a huge tomb and pyramid In this case, an extensive search will only alert the unknown opponent. We may only have one chance, and then rush in as quickly as possible. Only in this way can we complete our mission without the opponent being caught off guard. "

"Only the internal structure can be seen?" Newton frowned, "Well, we can first exclude some of the pyramids based on their size and gradually reduce the scope."

"Judging from the range of vision, it is filled with a lot of ghostly atmosphere - it was these things that pierced the touch of my soul just now. I saw the kobold sculptures, the eagle-headed sculptures, the surrounding murals and burning torches... What can be determined so far is that the length and width of the inside of the mausoleum are about 25 to 30 meters, and it is at least six meters high. It is an inverted trapezoidal structure..."

Newton hesitated for a moment, then used his fingers to write and draw in the air. Each stroke gradually bloomed with golden light, forming a rough three-dimensional structure diagram.

Fortunately, since most pyramids use the same or similar structure, the approximate dimensions of the outer layer can be deduced from the internal structure.

After all, he was an epoch-making master of physics, mathematics, and chemistry. Newton raised his head and silently made an estimate, then pointed downwards, "Others can be ruled out. Only the four largest pyramids by the river meet the size structure you mentioned. "

"Four seats?" Although the target is already very precise, Kausu still wants to narrow down the scope further, "Don't worry, wait until I can find more clues..."

Unfortunately, through [Sight Sight], you can only share the other party's soul vision. But Nick Fury obviously couldn't move, couldn't even move his eyes, and could only see the fixed scene in front of him. According to the opponent's vision, Kaus explored everything as much as possible bit by bit.

"I saw a statue of a god in the place of worship!"

Kaus suddenly shouted, "Does anyone know him?"

"What does it look like?" Newton asked immediately.

Kausi pressed his hand between his eyebrows and projected the statue of the god in his mind. After just one glance, Newton immediately replied: "I know it, Aton!"

"Isn't the Sun God 'La'?" Li Chunfeng asked curiously, "When did he become Aton?"

"That was a long time ago!" Newton quickly replied, "The 18th Dynasty was the most powerful dynasty in the history of ancient Egypt. The main god of the 18th Dynasty was 'Amun'. The priests of Amun were Egypt occupies a pivotal position. The Egyptian Pharaoh Amenhotep IV at that time was deeply uneasy about the power of the priests. He was determined to attack the power of the priest group and launched reforms in the first year after taking the throne. The main content of the reforms was to use the sun god' Aten replaced Amon and became the new king of the gods."

"Thankfully I brought you here!" Kausu praised sincerely, "If it weren't for you, none of us would understand the history of the Egyptians!"

"It's nothing!" Newton shrugged. "After all, the origins of the Holy Shield and the Divine Spear come from ancient Egypt, so all the inheritors of the Holy Shield will know more or less historical knowledge in this area."

Li Chunfeng was a little embarrassed. He coughed a few times and muttered: "Well, it has been a long time since the Divine Spear reached the East, so we don't have many channels to learn this information."

Newton smiled and pointed to the largest pyramid below, "Now that it has been determined that the main god worshiped by the other party is Aton, there is no need to look at the other three pyramids with earlier histories. Among these four pyramids, only this one Its history is equal to or later than the Eighteenth Dynasty."

"Then let's go?"

Kausu quickly ordered, "You guys wait outside, Beliyar and I will go down and take a look at the situation first. If something happens... well, you can figure it out yourself!"

He thought very clearly that of all the people present, only he and Belial were the strongest. If you really encounter an irresistible enemy inside, except for Charlemagne's incredible luck, everyone else can only act as an addendum.

He nodded towards Belial, and the two of them turned into a stream of light at the same time and rushed down extremely fast.

Watching the two people rush into the pyramid, Li Chunfeng turned his head and chatted: "Old Niu, what did you say about the King of Gods... what happened to him later?"

Newton has also given up struggling. Let the old cow be the old cow.

"Later, in order to completely get rid of the Amun priest group, Amenhotep IV moved the capital from Thebes to the new city of Akhetaton in the fifth year of his reign, and changed his name to... …”

His expression suddenly changed, and he cried out:


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