Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 475 Temptation

Kaus finally remembered the name, and his heart suddenly sank.

Why is Akhenaton in this plane? At this point in time, shouldn't he be slowly absorbing the energy of the Heart of the Universe in a distant cosmic dimension?

Could it be that when the idiot from First Sky got all the descendants of the Holy Shield and Divine Spear, he also got to this plane along with Akhenaten?

Akhenaten had already sat up from the golden coffin. He supported the coffin wall with his dry arms and slowly walked down the high platform.

"Please take a seat! There is no food or drink prepared for guests in the pyramid, so you can make your own way."

Kaus took a deep breath, looked around a few times, and sat down on the steps leading to the highest altar. Belial put away his sword and stood quietly behind him.

Akhenaten was like an old lion patrolling his territory, slowly pacing in the pyramid, waving casually, the broken rock guards regrouped, and then moved his heavy steps, slowly standing Return to your place. The kobold god of the underworld, Anubis, also appeared again, stepping out of the void and standing proudly with a staff in hand.

Cauvus' eyes have been fixed on Akhenaten's footsteps, and the vigilance in his heart has been raised to the highest level. All the totems are constantly being refreshed, and the Doomhammer has been fully charged, and can issue an earth-shattering blow at any time.

"Shouldn't you be lying on the earth at this time? Why are you here?"

"No, I was no longer on earth a long time ago." Akhenaton said slowly, "The moment I regained consciousness, I found myself lying here."

"I tried to detect this world with my soul consciousness and found that this is a strange plane. But to my surprise, I found many inheritors of the Holy Shield and the Divine Spear. They came from different timelines, and then Gathered together, it became a huge gathering place of luck.”

"Yeah!" Kausi nodded, "First Sky brought you all here, wanting to swallow up all the luck and use it to repair his shattered body."

"The First Firmament?"

Akhenaten showed a thoughtful look for the first time. This expression appeared on a mummy's face, which is undoubtedly a very strange description - but everyone can feel this thoughtfulness.

"Since being expelled from the main universe, First Firmament has never given up infiltrating the multiverse, but strangely, every time his plans are accidentally destroyed."

Kausu didn't say anything, just quietly listening to Akhenaten's narration.

"But no one can deny that, except for some indescribable supreme being, the first firmament is the absolute omniscience and omnipotence, and his personality exceeds all existence. Even the multiverse was once a fragment of his body, and the entire omnipotence The universe is his plaything.”

"Then I want to know, what are you going to do after learning all this?"

"Nothing..." Kausi shrugged and replied, "This time it was just a clone that came to this universe. It was not very strong. I burst his pocket universe and then killed the clone."

"Oh? Killed a clone?" Akhenaten's eyes finally looked a little strange. He turned around and looked at Kausu seriously, "An elemental priest?"

"Not just elements, I'm also good at souls!" Cauvus added casually.

The bandages on the mummy's face moved, as if trying to hold back laughter.

"Okay, a priest who is good at souls and elements."

"You said that you used energy to burst the pocket universe created by the clone of the First Firmament. Then I would like to ask you, now that you have come to my pyramid, how do you plan to defeat me and take away your friends?"

Kausu's eyes fell on the faint blue light that was still flowing on the mummy. He hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said, "I don't know..."

"Why don't you know?" Akhenaten chuckled and said, "To be able to break through a pocket universe, your energy level at least exceeds that of a regular universe. And I am just one of the inheritors of the Holy Shield, and one who has changed The mummified Pharaoh. No matter how powerful I was when I was alive, you can now use your strongest spell and bombard me with force to completely break up my soul. In this way, you can have no scruples at all. Take your black friends.”

"You see, due to the protection of the Holy Shield, his soul has not dissipated yet. You only need to spend a little effort to repair the fragments of his broken soul. As for his body - this is a It’s not a problem for sacrifices.”

"Uh...sounds good!" Cauius stood up holding the Doomhammer, "But can you tell me why you want to clear out the information about Nick Fury?"

"Because I plan to use him to complete my new life." Akhenaten explained honestly, "Changing the body is not just about getting a suitable body. This person must not exist in the past, present, or future. So by eliminating all the entanglements of cause and effect related to him, I can complete the most perfect new life."

"Really?" Cauvus walked around Akhenaten twice and suddenly struck him with a hammer.

Akhenaten did not resist, but just watched quietly as the Doomhammer reached his head. The next moment, his head would be completely blasted into a ball of carrion.

But just when the Doomhammer was less than half a foot away from his head, Cauvus suddenly stopped.

"Are you deliberately tempting me to attack?"

"Yes!" Akhenaten said frankly, "If you don't kill me completely, you won't be able to interrupt the ceremony, and you won't be able to save your friends."

"This doesn't make sense."

"It is indeed unreasonable!" Akhenaten smiled ferociously, "But what can you do? The ceremony has been going on for half a year, and his soul has completely disappeared in the past and future. In a few days at most, he will not even have himself His sanity could not be saved, and then he completely disappeared from all timelines."

Kausu frowned, thinking hard.

The flaw was too obvious, and Akhenaton was basically tempting himself to take action in order to achieve some unspeakable effect. As long as you take action yourself, it is likely to cause immeasurable consequences. But if he doesn't take action, Nick Fury will be dead.

The key is, what will happen to him after he kills Akhenaten?

"There are too few clues..."

In all the major Marvel events, Akhenaten only appeared once. And there is no description of his experience of receiving the Heart of the Universe. The whole incident was about his return after thousands of years. At that time, he already had a trace of the energy of the Heart of the Universe, and then he killed everyone and made enemies everywhere until he was completely defeated by Thanos who had obtained the complete Heart of the Universe.

Then the only question remains...

Why would he come back to Earth to start a war with all the superheroes? Does this do him any good?

Power, sex, wealth, and energy. At that time, he had entered multiple levels and could easily rule a universe with a wave of his hand. But why did he return to the main universe to kill so many superheroes?

Could it be...

Kaus suddenly thought of a possibility. He reached out and grabbed Akhenaten's arm.

"I see!"

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