Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 479 Farewell

Facts have proved that a generational figure like Akhenaten... or a tycoon is definitely not as harmless as he seems on the surface.

In fact, he can become the holder of the Holy Shield not just because he is a former pharaoh. As a son of luck, he also has all kinds of adventures. And this clone of the First Firmament is one of the classic golden fingers he encountered while roaming the universe - "Grandpa".

The First Firmament needed to repair its body that was blown apart, so it split into millions of clones and traveled to different timelines and parallel universes. And this clone in the main universe is undoubtedly a very powerful one.

After meeting Akhenaten, the clone was keenly aware of his origins and ambitions, and believed that this was an object that could be exploited. So he secretly lurked into Akhenaten's body, and used this to observe every move in the universe.

Akhenaten accidentally rushed into the dimensional plane where the Heart of the Universe was stored. The clone felt that an opportunity had come. He stepped forward to guide Akhenaten to avoid the puppets guarding the Heart of the Universe, and finally obtained a trace of the Heart of the Universe. energy of. Prepare to use him as a pawn to cause turmoil in the entire universe and fish in troubled waters.

While using Akhenaten as a chess piece, this clone also deeply felt the importance of "luck", especially the fact that the heart of the universe that has been stored for billions of years can be found by the son of luck, which allowed this clone to see A new possibility. So he chose a new dimension, and then sent all the previous holders of the Holy Shield and Divine Spear here, intending to gather the luck of the earth, the center of the sacred universe, by raising gu, together with the luck of this dimension. Loot them all.

But it is a pity that, as Akhenaten said, the First Firmament is already powerful enough, and his clone also has unparalleled strength, but whatever he does, there will be trouble. When all the plans were coming to an end according to the clone's ideas, Cauvus appeared.

This mysterious and powerful element and soul sacrifice not only possesses four infinite raw stones, but also possesses the greatest nemesis of the infinite universe-a cosmic cube of the lightless universe. The super-large black hole directly broke the pocket universe created by the clone, and also defeated the clone by the way. He was seriously injured, his strength was reduced, and he had to cut off his tail to survive.

The good cooperative relationship between the clone and Akhenaten has always allowed him to ignore the pride of the Pharaoh. After realizing that "grandpa" was already a candle in the wind, Akhenaten decisively turned against him and completely absorbed the last energy body of the clone. At this point, the clone that was supposed to cause a storm in the main universe was completely annihilated, with not even a single energy residue left.

After the clone was absorbed by Akhenaten, the pyramid fell into a long period of death.

After an unknown amount of time, Akhenaten let out a long sigh of relief, his tone filled with a sense of relaxed satisfaction.

"The First's really delicious!"

"The energy taken away by that little guy has basically been replenished, and it won't conflict with my own energy. It's great, it's great..."

"After I completely digest this energy, I will return to Earth."

"Cous Bradford, it's best not to forget what you promised me!"


At the same moment that Akhenaten conveniently wiped Cauvus's ass clean, the vacuum of the young universe began to flow.

Pairs of particles and antiparticles continuously create things out of nothing by borrowing energy from the vacuum within a certain period of time. Positive particles and antiparticles appear in groups and then quickly disappear. When a large number of positive and negative particles appear at the same time during a certain period of time, this is the vacuum tide. And these positive and negative particles will cancel each other out and annihilate together in a certain period of time. This is the vacuum ebb.

Generally speaking, vacuum quantum fluctuations are a very rapid stage. Often within a few seconds or minutes, a vacuum area equivalent to a galaxy or even larger will complete quantum fluctuations. Like this newborn universe, there is a three-year interval between fluctuations and fluctuations. This is undoubtedly a very rare astronomical phenomenon.

In fact, there is nothing unusual about this. The new dimension is just a high-dimensional point on the scale of the main universe, and its time flow rate is thousands of times faster than that of the main universe. Therefore, it takes three years to complete a quantum fluctuation in this dimensional universe, but it may only take a few days in the main universe.

"The vacuum ebb has begun!" Li Chunfeng squinted his eyes and looked up at the deep night sky, "The ebb is very fast and should be completely completed in a few hours - of course, you can now perform high-dimensional jumps, As long as your energy level is enough!"

He added, "However, if you want to waste less energy, then wait until three o'clock tomorrow morning. We can have a drink at the last moment..."

"Don't come!" Kausu glared at Li Chunfeng, "Aren't you just worried that there will be no morning dew wine to drink after I leave? I have stored a warehouse full of morning dew wine in the cellar of the tavern, and I have handed over the key. It’s for the safekeeping of Senior Nie, so if you want to drink, just ask Senior Nie for it honestly!”

Li Chunfeng chuckled a few times, "What happens after you finish drinking?"

"I'll go back when I have time!" Nie Yinniang was polite to Kausu, but she wouldn't be the least bit polite to Li Chunfeng, an old man who didn't practice. She glanced at Li Chunfeng with squinted eyes, "Master Yuan taught me a good apprentice, and he is a swordsman." Immortal cultivation has been transmitted to you, but it is not even half as good as it is, and you cannot even pierce the void. If Master Yuan knows something underground..."

"Okay, okay!" Li Chunfeng raised his hand decisively to beg for mercy, "I'm just a little greedy, so I don't expose all my old background! At worst, I just need to drink less in the future..."

Alice was also whispering to Belial here. Belial didn't know what he was giving her. Alice was stunned for a moment, and then she smiled widely.

"Practice hard and don't waste your talent!" Yasbel encouraged Alice, "If one day your strength reaches that level, you can come to me at any time, and the Sky City will give you a decent position!"

In the corner of the tavern, Newton drank one glass after another. Opposite him, Gooden Charlemagne sat there quietly.

"No matter what, Mr. Isaac Newton, you are my worthy opponent! Because of your presence, I will grow up quickly..."

"It's not enough!" Newton said calmly, "I will check your progress at any time! When I get the status of Dimension Lord, you'd better show strength enough to match me, otherwise I will definitely kill you! "

"Guys, it's time to go!"

Seeing that the time was almost up, Kausi lazily stood up and waved his hand. The energy of the space gem instantly penetrated the transmission channel from the low dimension to the high dimension, and established an energy link on the earth in the main universe. , showing a blue portal.


Jasbel reached out to hug Alice and walked into the portal first.

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