Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 484 Everyone is happy

In fact, Kausu mentioned Mephisto's name twice before. Just because the two tables were far apart, Jasbel was too busy listening to Belial and Uncle Punishment chatting about interesting things from the past, and didn't pay attention to this white-haired old gentleman who suddenly appeared.

The status of Tempting Angel is actually not low. Her ability to be promoted to Seraph in less than 100,000 years is enough to illustrate her strength and talent. As early as the last eternal battle, she participated in high-level battles as one of the twenty-three near-gods as a four-winged angel, and her strength was comparable to that of an ordinary hell demon.

But compared with many veteran Seraphs in the Sequence of Light, Yasbel is still too young. What's more, with Mephisto's status, you can only see him in the highest level of battles, and those who are qualified to participate in this level of battle are all the eight-winged angels or ten-winged saints of the divine envoy level. Angel. Looking at the entire city in the sky, the only one who can challenge Mephisto undefeated is the legendary twelve-winged god-king—Jehovah!

Not to mention that the real God of the Underworld, Amon, was sneezing seventeen or eight times in a row in hell, but the Mulgore Hotel was a happy one. Mephisto, as Amon, had a pleasant chat with Jasbel, and was even in a good mood. Pointed out the shortcomings of Yasbel's practice.

The dark lord Dormammu, who is known for his brutality and cruelty, is also joining in the fun. From the moment they saw the Transcendent, these two super-level demons immediately figured everything out: What are the mere gods? Not to mention forty or fifty, even if five hundred gods come to the solar system to fight, if there is a genuine transcendent god clan sitting here, no one can even think of returning alive!

Don't tell me about the Supreme God. Believe it or not, the Transcendent One will smash through a black hole and turn you into a piece of meat.

What is face? Do you want to eat a few more Tianshen Xiang?

As for Cauus's righteous warning that they should not take any chances with the Transcendents...then what's the problem? We say nothing and do nothing. If the Celestials really come to Earth, based on your relationship, will the Transcendent really just watch you waiting to die?

Having made up their minds, Mephisto and Dormammu looked at each other with smiles on their faces. I felt happy, and looked at this beautiful Seraph even more pleasing to the eye...

"Come on, I'm in a good mood today, let me give you a small gift!"

Dormammu grinned, not looking evil at all. He dug around in his arms and pulled out a piece of dirty black charcoal...

"Uh..." Before Yasbel could pick it up, Beliyar quickly slapped Yasbel's hand off, "Dormammu, Yasbel is still a warrior of the Sky City after all. It's not a good idea for you to give the Dark God Stone as a gift. Bar?"

"Afraid of hair!" Dormammu glared at Belial, "Tell that old guy Jehovah, this thing is a gift from me, what do you think he dares to do?"

"Beliar is right. Jasbel returns to the Sky City with the Dark God Stone. If he is not careful, he will corrode several bright galaxies..." Doctor Strange is very greedy for this thing. After all, half of the magic power in his body is "Taken" from the dark dimension, one more dark stone would be more beneficial to his cultivation.

"Let's do this, I'll give you the Ozma Orb in exchange!"

Strange took out a golden round bead from his body, "The Ozma Orb is also called the Orb of Chaos. It contains a trace of the power of the origin of chaos. Although its value is not as good as the Dark Stone, it is definitely worthy of one." Seraph!”

In terms of appearance, the Dark God Stone was much inferior to the Ozma Orb. As a Seraph, Jasbel naturally preferred golden things, so she happily exchanged them. Everyone gets what they need and everyone is happy.

Everyone was in a good mood, except the Mage King who was completely confused.

The Mage King is not weak. Five years after Strange disappeared in "Avengers 4", he once took over the responsibility of the Supreme Mage. As the administrator of the Temple Library, he is involved in various magic systems, and used a portal to cut off the arm of Black Dwarf in "Avengers 3", and fought with Big Eyeball in "Doctor Strange 2" The beating was back and forth, although in the end the Scarlet Witch was hung up and whipped... But looking at the entire Marvel world, how many people can compare with the blackened Scarlet?

After being the first to sense the movement of the eternal barrier, the Mage King hurried over with Strange to check the situation, and found Dormammu wandering around aimlessly in Hell's Kitchen. Just as he was about to step forward to question him, Strange chatted with Dormammu for a few words, and then they went to the nearby Mulgore Hotel together.

Even though he knew the other party's identity, the Mage King was not afraid at all. After all, the other party is just a sub-celestial father-level projection, and can expel the other party from the earth at any time.

But what happened next was obviously not right. The hotel owner, who had met a few times before, didn't seem to be a good person. He actually teamed up with Strange to discuss the topic of dealing with the Celestial Group - what level is the Celestial Group? As the sower of the universe, how could he be so easily calculated?

The guests in this hotel didn't seem to be cheap either. Dormammu's aura exploded, causing a guest at the small table opposite to reveal his true identity - a seraph. Although I don't know why Seraph appeared in this hotel, as the incarnation of light, truth and justice, there is a Seraph sitting in the hotel. The Mage King feels that the situation is not too bad.

Until this unassuming innkeeper summoned Mephisto...

Then the Mage King felt that his three views were completely shattered.

In the following conversations, Wang felt more and more like an idiot, a shy boy next door who scared Mephisto and Dormammu; the innkeeper and the two demons talked as if they had known each other for many years. His old friend, and his own supreme mage also joined in the fun. As for cats talking about dogs, Murphy teaching Seraph to practice, Dormammu giving gifts to Seraph... these things that were impossible to even dream about happened before their eyes.

The thing that broke Mage Wang Dao's heart the most came. After the group of monsters had eaten and drank, the new Supreme Mage patted his bulging belly with satisfaction and said slowly: "If you have decided to deal with the God Group, I will There is a way - you send people to find the God Killer, I can guarantee that as long as the God Group gets this news, even the God hiding in the cave will rush over."

"God-killer mecha?" Dormammu also touched his belly contentedly and asked casually, "Last time I heard that 451 appeared in the God's Quarry. It should be collecting the remains of the God-killer."

"I don't know where the God Killer is." Mephisto seemed to have remembered something, "But some time ago I saw 451..."

"Where is it?" Kausi jumped up and rubbed his hands in excitement.

"—In Stark Tower!"


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