Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 487 A tough showdown

Kieron-Gillen is destined to become a pariah among Iron Man fans.

Because this unreliable screenwriter originally planned to design a more tortuous origin story for Iron Man, but he did one thing wrong-for decades, as the only son of the Stark family, a genius scientist, a playboy, and for After devoting his life to the Marvel Universe, Tony Stark discovered that he was actually the son of Hydra, and that Howard and Maria were not his biological parents. Behind this is the strategic confrontation between Howard and the alien robot "Recorder 451".

Not only that, Howard's real son Arnold Stark is a scientific genius who can only lie in a hospital bed, and after he was discovered in the plot, he actually became Iron Man's nemesis. Deformed thoughts and corrupt morals have turned the Iron Man who was supposed to be an inspirational and positive man into a conspirator who plots and intrigues everywhere.

There are twists and turns, but is Correia Guillen really not going to be sent a razor blade by readers?

For Kausi, his long-standing friendship with Tony Stark cannot be shaken by "Iron Man V5". Rather than an Arnold Stark appearing to stir up trouble, it is better to put this matter aside as soon as possible. The follow-up of the matter is all stuck in the stomach.

As for the God-killer, it would be best if you can get it. If it cannot be obtained, then just like what happened in history, it will be exiled to a different dimension together with 451, and it must not be released to cause a new dispute in the already fragile main universe.

So Kausu summoned the Mind Stone in front of 451 with great fanfare, and borrowed the Time Stone, making it clear that he would have a showdown with 451, which fully demonstrated his determination - either negotiate a result, or fight for two. scattered. The Six Gems may not be able to kill the God Killer, but there is no problem in killing an intelligent photon robot.

After Kausu asked that question, 451 was obviously stunned.

"Change the driver? Oh, of course this is impossible..."

"Why?" Kausi pressed forward step by step, obviously not intending to make any compromise in this regard.

451 adjusted his thinking slightly, and then said slowly: "Decades ago, I reached an agreement with Howard Stark. I modified his son's gene to make him a God-killer. Heir. His genius brain, technological strength, and thinking awareness all need to reach a certain level before he can be qualified to drive the God Killer, otherwise..."

"I know very well why you would choose a Stark child as the driver." Kausu interrupted 451's story rudely, "I even know that you risked being hunted down by half the universe and the Celestials. I collected the parts of the Godkiller bit by bit and repaired it, but now I need a new driver! And this driver can't be Stark!"

"Don't talk to me about genius brains, thinking consciousness, technological capabilities..." Kaus patted the transcendent who was looking around curiously, "If you have enough experience, then you should know who he is! He is satisfied Under all conditions, even if the God Killer doesn't agree that the driver wants to resist, I think Superboy can definitely use brute force to make him behave like an unweaned kitten!"

"It doesn't take a god-killer to surpass the gods..." 451 was still trying to resist.

"Then I can make one!" Kausi activated his gems one by one, "Soul gems, what kind of genius soul do you need? Thanos killed half of the population of the universe, and their souls are in the pocket universe! "

"Reality Stone! Now I can find a vegetative person, repair his genes and body, and then inject the soul you want."

"Power Stone! Those superheroes with perfect personalities in human history - Joan of Arc? David Hume? Karl Marx? I can invite Mephisto to heaven or hell now, and then use the Power Stone to snatch them back soul, you know, I can totally do it!”

451 in photon form began to flash rapidly. Apparently, it was completely confused by this series of questions.

It was angry at Cauvus's arrogant attitude, and at the same time, it was secretly frightened by his uncharacteristic toughness. Judging from its intelligent program, Kaus, with six gems in hand, is fully capable of doing what he just said. That said – this isn’t meant to scare people.

"Recorder" 451 thought silently for a long time with that incredibly superb intelligent program, and he suddenly asked: "Why?"

"what why?"

"It's in your interest to have Anthony Stark take over the Godkiller, so why are you against it?"

"It's simple, because Tony has retired! He doesn't need to take risks anymore! I have to be responsible for Tony, for Morgan, and for Pepper!"

"Who said that?"

"What I said..." Kausu had just said half a sentence when he suddenly realized that this was not the voice of 451, but came from the loudspeaker of the small aircraft next to it that had been powered off, and the owner of the voice was A very familiar guy...

"Tony!" Kaus turned around and saw a guy wearing a Destroyer mecha striding in from outside.

"You bastard, you have been so comfortable lately that you have even forgotten your old friends. Now you want to deprive me of the few little pleasures I have?"

Mustache hugged Cauius warmly, and at the same time high-fived Belial, Doctor Strange, and Uncle Punishment one by one. He looked at the strangers next to him and asked, "Where do these guys come from?"

"Hell Lord Mephisto, the Dark Demon God Dormammu, and the Seraph Yasbel." Kaus introduced to Stark one by one, "This is my little brother the Transcendent, he is a protoss from the lightless universe. "

"Oh, these are all big shots!" Stark joked, then turned his attention to 451, "Jarvis told me something. I'm not interested in what you said. The only thing I care about is that A God-killer mecha..."

"Oh, no!" Kausi knew it was bad when he heard this. Wealth and status were not attractive to Stark, but "Mecha" was definitely the three things that Tony Stark was most interested in. One of the things that even ranks second after family!

"You can get a full suite of technology, but you really can't control the Godslayer!"

Kausu tried to persuade Stark not to take risks, because only he knew that Iron Man was not the driver of the Godkiller at all. The real driver was Arnold Stark who was lying in the hospital bed. Once Tony Stark is allowed to land on the God Killer, there is only one final result - the God Killer loses control, and 451 takes the God Killer with him into the dimensional space for complete destruction.

"Why? Don't you even trust my technology and brains?" Stark was a little unhappy and felt that he had been underestimated by Kausi. He was about to explain when he suddenly thought of something and looked at Kausu steadily, "Do you know anything else?"


Kausi hesitated for a moment, "You know, Tony, I am definitely not a stingy person. I personally modified the Destroyer, but the God Killer is special. No one can change history except 451!"

"451 is also part of history!" Doctor Strange added next to it.

"——Then even 451 will be transformed together!"

Seeing the extremely tough Kausi and his slightly raised right hand, almost everyone felt a sudden shock in their hearts.

"One last question, Mr. 451, how to change the driver?"

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