Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 489 The pie fell into my arms

Since entering this world, Cauvus has been doing things to destroy the timeline.

But he doesn’t have a hand in everything. Due to his lack of strength in the early stage and his habit of fishing later, he usually does something only after things come to an end. Strictly speaking, this is a passive and negative approach, just to make the plot line more suitable. own preferences.

But there are two things that Kaus planned from the beginning and directly destroyed the main plot.

The first thing was that when Hydra was chasing Nick Fury, he took action and killed the Winter Soldier.

The second thing was to successfully plot against old Malik and go to an alien planet to kill the hive.

The endings of these two incidents are also very happy - there is no conflict between Tony Stark and Captain America. Maybe the two people don't like each other because of their different personalities, but most of the time, the two The cooperative relationship is still quite good. What's more important is that the major event of "Civil War" was completely aborted and did not lead to a series of consequences.

Killing the hive was even more fruitful. Stephanie did not die, but became Kausi's little lover, and the New Vexter she founded has become one of the few tourist attractions in the world. As for the planet Mavis after the death of the hive, it has also become the most reliable rear base for superheroes.

Now is the third time.

Kausi came to the door aggressively and forced 451 to show up. He also relied on his power to force 451 to modify the pilot of the God-killer. Overtly and covertly, he firmly opposed Tony Stark's control of the God-killer mecha.

But after hearing Stark's recommendation of Peter Parker, Cousius hesitated.

"He's still too young..."

"Cous, Peter is no longer what he was a few years ago!" Tony Stark explained enthusiastically, "He is 23 years old this year, and his IQ has developed to a considerable level. My 23-year-old He may not have his head at all times!”

"Really?" Kausi thought for a moment. If there is no better candidate, Little Spider is actually not bad.

He turned to look at the Transcendent, "Xiaochao, what do you think?"

"You mean Peter?" The Beyonder frowned, "In terms of IQ, Peter Parker is only a little lower than Mr. Tony Stark, but I don't think he has enough ability to control the God Killer. .”

Mephisto was a little greedy, but he also knew that it was impossible for the God Killer to fall into the hands of the hell dimension, so his mentality was very indifferent, and he looked at everyone here idly while drinking. When he saw Belial, his heart suddenly beat a wrong beat.

Belial seemed very relaxed and sat quietly on the sofa in the corner, his eyes unfocused.

Having fought side by side for hundreds of thousands of years, as the supreme being in the hell dimension, Mephisto is very familiar with the seventy-two demon gods and high-level demons. When Beliyar maintains this posture, another clone representing her is participating in something that is very strenuous or mentally demanding, so that half of her body is not mentally strong enough, and even requires another clone that is not participating in the battle. It is necessary to allocate part of your mental energy to assist.

Of course, if there is a problem that even the clones cannot solve, Belial will choose to merge the two bodies to form a complete body. At this time, Belial is the most powerful angel of light and darkness in the world!

"What did this guy do?"

Mephisto secretly murmured in his heart, he wanted to chase after him to see the excitement. But before he could make any move, Belial suddenly trembled slightly, and the mental power that he had separated returned to his body, and then he threw a look at Kausi.

"What are these two guys planning?" Mephisto felt more and more interesting. Needless to say, in front of the Transcendent and 451, Kaus and Belial made a small plan, and judging from Belial's appearance, this plan should have been successfully completed.

So under Mephisto's attention, Kausi breathed a very obvious sigh of relief, and his whole body relaxed, and even the tone of his speech was no longer aggressive: "Everyone, do you have any better candidates? ? He must have a high level of scientific literacy and must reach or even exceed Tony Stark’s IQ. If not, then I agree with Tony’s recommendation and let Peter Parker give it a try.”

"Mr. Cauius Bradford, you can't decide the fate of the Godslayer so rashly!" 451 resisted with all his strength. "It is the only legacy left by our civilization. I can't just throw it away casually." In the hands of someone I don’t trust.”

"So what do you think of the choice of Peter Parker?"

451 got stuck. It hesitated for a long time before reluctantly replying, "If Tony Stark is unwilling to put on the God Killer, then Peter Parker can be considered a passable alternative..."

Just when Cowus felt that 451 had admitted defeat, the intelligent robot suddenly changed the subject, "But, Mr. Cowus Braddorf, why don't you try it yourself? I am willing to try to kill The authority of the God is open to you!"

"Huh? Me?"

Cauvus was caught off guard by 451's beautiful counterattack, and just as he was about to shake his head and refuse, Tony Stark suddenly clapped his hands, "Yes, Cauvus, you easily controlled the Destroyer back then, so now you are driving a The God Killer is no big deal!”

"It makes sense!" Yasbel also joined in the fun.

"Leave the God Killer to Cauvus?" Mephisto and Dormammu looked at each other, both feeling that although this proposal was crazy, it also seemed feasible...

451 just said something to Kaus in anger, but as the program began to automatically simulate the subsequent development of this sentence, it gradually felt that something was wrong.

The most difficult part of controlling the God Killer is multi-threaded operation. In 0.1 seconds or less, it can feedback information on hundreds of millions of parts of the mecha and issue instructions. This is no longer just a four-thread or eight-thread operation. Operation, but the simultaneous operation of tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of threads. So in 451's view, except for the genetically modified Tony Stark, there is almost no other pilot in the universe who can accomplish such an operation.

But the man in front of him controls the Soul Stone and the Mind Stone.


It's nothing more than dividing out a few more soul energies, and then using the mind gems for unified management.

The second problem with controlling the God Killer: it requires profound scientific literacy - doesn't this also include the Reality Stone? Are ether particles that can modify all the rules of the universe still lacking a sufficient scientific basis?

As for the driver's need to have a certain level of physical fitness and an understanding of the multiverse... the fact that Cauus can be regarded as a "prophet" by eternity, death, and infinity is enough to prove that his abilities have been fully recognized!

Then 451 suddenly flew up.

"...Yes! In the past three minutes, I have simulated more than 40,000 application scenarios and came to a shocking conclusion! Mr. Cauius Bradford, you and the God Killer The compatibility is over 75% - if you take the infinite rough stones into account, you may be more suitable to be the driver of the God Killer than the Transcendence Gods!"

"Huh?" Kausu was confused. What's going on? When people sit at home, bread comes from heaven?

Why am I suddenly the driver? I am a shaman, a shaman who is good at using hammers and axes. What do you mean by throwing a God Killer over?

The ball of light fell to the ground and condensed into the shape of a humanoid robot. With a smile on its face, it bowed in an unusually dog-legged manner: "If you are willing to take a little time now, I would like you to visit the only legacy left by our civilization and the greatest masterpiece first!"

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