Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 501 Close to the Tao

Just when Kaus said the word "logic", an invisible string seemed to be plucked in the sacred universe, making a soft "clang" sound.

At that moment, the entire universe seemed to become clear, but the next moment it returned to calm.

Death under the double Salo tree suddenly raised his head, his eyes full of doubts.

Annihilation walked over slowly, "Did you feel it too?"


"What does this portend?"

Death pondered, and after a while he slowly said: "Maybe... a new order?"

In the endless place of the universe, eternity suddenly laughed, startling the infinity around him.

"what are you laughing at?"

"Nothing!" Eternal laughed so hard that tears came out. He patted Infinite's head, "I remembered a very happy thing!"

"What's the matter? Tell me..." Infinite asked with great interest.

"Don't say it, don't say it!" The eternal smile still hung on his face, "If you are bored, you can go see the prophet and tell him that I am waiting here."

"What a nonsense!" Infinite curled his lips and glared at his brother angrily.

The battle in the galaxy continues, and Extinction has unleashed its full force.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Logic? Do you know the weight of logic?"

"I know!" Kausi smiled happily, "From Laojun, I learned the 'Tao follows nature' and the key to the transformation of heaven and man, and the growth of all things; from the energy of the heart of the universe, I understood the universe The origin of the beginning; in the transcendent, I understand the definition of energy and rules. And in you, I see the use of concepts."

"I am a shaman who is proficient in elements and souls. I also own five infinite stones. One of my friends is a guy named Stephen Strange, so I am no stranger to time."

"This is a law of thinking, objective things themselves, and even concepts, propositions and reasoning of causal relationships!"

"Taking it all together, this is logic!"

As Kausu spoke slowly, an indescribable energy emanated from his body. The clothes, muscles, and skin that had been erased by the concept of "extinction" were restored one by one, and the negative matter energy that originally densely filled the space was also rapidly of fading.

"The fundamental function of logic is a tool for thinking, one of which is cognition!"

"The so-called cognition is the perception of objective things. It is a synthesis of feeling, perception, memory, imagination, language, etc." Kausu lightly snapped his fingers, "Logic is a tool for cognition, so it is depriving you of your After gaining cognitive abilities, you will become a polymer of dead energy! Of course, to thank you, I will try to be gentler..."

The boiling and surging black mist suddenly dissipated without a trace, and a thin and tall figure appeared in front of Kausu. This is the materialized image of "extinction" M.

He stood helpless in the void, looking at the empty space around him in panic, and said in horror: "What kind of ability do you have?"

"Don't worry, I'm just testing the conceptual laws I just understood."

This was the first time that Yan Ming encountered a situation where his energy was deprived. He struggled desperately, trying to escape from this area, as far as possible from this terrible guy.

"The second is - expression!"

"I said, let there be light!"

The extremely brilliant light suddenly burst out. This was a completely impossible situation - in the vacuum, there was no light source, but these lights suddenly appeared.

"This is impossible!" Yan Mie tried his best to open his eyes and looked around, "Where is your energy source? Material energy cannot be generated out of thin air. You are completely violating the principles of the universe..."

"How could it be?" Kausi said with a smile, "Can you take a closer look?"

Facing the strong light, Miexu narrowed his eyes involuntarily. He soon discovered that this was not a rootless source, but that the negative matter energy he had just emitted was constantly colliding with another strange energy, and the positive energy was constantly colliding. The huge energy that should have been generated by the annihilation of negative matter was instead converted into the existence of light quanta.

"Photons are mediators of electromagnetic interaction. I don't need to emphasize the transition radiation theory, right?"

"I originally wanted to try two other logic tools on you...but unfortunately, I am still too weak now. Maybe one day when I have completely mastered logic, I will try to contact the cosmic compass. .”

Extinction wanted to curse loudly. Coupled with cognitive deprivation and arbitrariness, the guy in front of him could already hang up and beat almost all entities in the universe. How could he be called "too weak"?

The four basic functions of logic are cognition, expression, persuasion, and analysis. The first two are already extremely terrifying, plus the following "persuasion" and "analysis." If this guy continues to grow like this, he will probably become the biggest magician known to the universe... Wait!

Extinction suddenly woke up and shouted: "No wonder the master calls you the prophet of the universe. It turns out that they have long known that you can master the concept of logic..."

"Really?" Kausu was a little surprised and muttered to himself, "So this is what the prophet meant..."

"I really want to see eternity if I have the chance!"

He waved his hand, and his whole body suddenly felt light, and the energy beam that bound him disappeared.

"Let's go!"

Extinction gritted his teeth, shook his head and said: "I can't leave, my mission has not been completed yet. Now that you have understood your concept, you should know that some things are inevitable."

"Avoided!" Kausi said with a smile, "Didn't you receive a new mission?"

"New mission?" Miejie was stunned for a moment. The next moment, he sensed a vast and extensive message coming from the universe.

"The mission is over, return to dimensional time and space!"

"...are you really here?"

"Yes, I just thought of it." Kausi smiled very reservedly, "Put aside the appearance of things and look at the essence, analyze all the known conditions, and then make a little speculation about the possibilities of the future. This so-called 'predictive' ability is actually the use of analytical tools. To put it bluntly, it's worthless!"

God is worthless.

Extinction can be seen. Cognitive deprivation (guidance), following words, and now predicting the future. The three tools of "logic" are not just ordinary conceptual applications, but involve cause and effect and even higher levels. Yuan's concept of laws made him suddenly feel a sense of panic when facing annihilation.

"Will this guy one day grow up to be on par with the four abstract concepts?"

Yan Mie glanced at Kausi with a complicated expression, and slowly wanted to withdraw from the battlefield.

"Ah, by the way!" Kausu said suddenly, "Thank you!"

"no need thank me?"

"Without you, it might have been a long time before I took that final step."

"You let me experience firsthand how conceptual rules work, so we will be good friends in the future, right?"

Something strange suddenly arose in Mie Mie's heart. He suddenly felt that the prophet in front of him was very pleasing to the eye and kind, and his words were heart-warming. Unknowingly, he had an inexplicable liking for him.

"I think so!" Miejie nodded involuntarily.

"Then..." Kausi smiled and waved to Extinction, "The road ahead is still very long, so I won't send you off!"

Extinction smiled at Cauus, turned around and disappeared into the vast universe.

Looking at the direction of Extinction's departure, Kausi tilted his head, "It's better to use the tool of 'persuasion' less in the future. This thing consumes the energy of the Mind Stone. It seems that this thing has an upper limit!"

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