Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 517 Son of Bloodhoof

"What are you doing?"

After a night of passion, Cousins ​​finds Wanda standing on her head against the wall in a strange posture.

"Stand on your head——"

"Handstand?" Kausi looked at Wanda, who was beaming with beauty, and asked curiously, "Are you doing any yoga? Please, your figure is already very good, I don't think you need to do it this way. Carry out fat reduction and plastic surgery, if you need it, we can do it again before noon."

"No need!" Unexpectedly, the Scarlet Witch, who has always been passionate about emotions, actually declined the invitation.

"Then at least take a shower..."

Kaus thought this position was very suitable for intimacy. Just when he was about to touch something, he was slapped by Wanda.

"Don't disturb me yet, I'm recharging my energy!"

"Raise sperm..." Kausu suddenly reacted and looked at Wanda in great surprise.

"Who taught you this?"


"This guy..." Kausi stood up without saying a word, without even wearing a shirt, and walked shirtless and angrily towards Belliyar's room next door.

Belial hadn't gotten up yet, his jade-white shoulders were exposed outside the blanket, and his long golden hair was spread out on the pillow. He was as beautiful as an oil painting.

When he heard someone coming in, Belial just opened his eyes lazily and took a look, then continued to close his eyes and take a nap.

"What have you taught Wanda?" Kausi sat down on the edge of the bed and was about to lift the blanket angrily, but immediately pulled it up again like lightning.

Under the blanket was a body as smooth as ivory.

Belial finally opened his big, autumn-like eyes, his long eyelashes trembled slightly, and chuckled.

"Wanda just feels lonely..." Belial smiled charmingly, stretched out a white arm from the blanket and took Kaowus' hand to play finger games, which made Kaowus just wake up. Siyou felt a little ready to make a move.

"Then you can't teach randomly!" When Beliyar's slender fingers pinched a certain key part, Caus's arrogance suddenly disappeared.

"Then who is to blame? Some people don't work hard. What's wrong with poor Wanda? She just wants a child of her own, and she's going crazy! It's a pity that someone doesn't want her to use the power of chaos, otherwise... "

"Don't even think about it!" Although Kausi knows very well what Wanda wants, the children created with chaos magic are either beyond reality or are calculated by Mephisto - although now with Kausi's strength and strength , it is difficult for Mephisto to do anything else, but who knows what guy in the multiverse will suddenly have a whim and send "speed" and "witchcraft" here again?

He hesitated for a moment and couldn't help but asked curiously: "Then the method you taught Wanda effective?"

"I saw it in a book!" Belliyar was already awake, and then he supported his graceful upper body. The energy of the holy light surged on the smooth skin, and soon formed exquisite and slim-fitting clothes. "It is said that It can increase the chance of pregnancy..."

"Then why don't you use it?" Kausu suddenly thought of a very crucial question.

"Because I am an energy body!" Belial asked strangely, "If I really want a child, I can create a chance of conception at any time, and the success rate is 100% - have you heard that angels can be infertile?" What’s more, I also have the dual forms of a fallen angel and a holy light angel at the same time!”

So now it was Cauvus' turn to be speechless.

"Hurry up and take a shower!" Belial poked Kausi's chest, "How crazy was Wanda last night? The tooth marks haven't gone away yet..."

"Huh?" Even though Kausu was as thick-skinned as a city wall, he couldn't help laughing a few times at this time, and then he got into the bathroom and started washing himself.

Hearing the sound of water, Belial just smiled, then got out of bed and walked barefoot to Wanda's room.

"How come you..." Wanda thought it was Kausi who had come back, so she tilted her head and took a look. When she saw it was Beliyar, she didn't take it seriously. She didn't even lift the handstand, and just turned upside down. Greeting, "Hey, good morning, Aunt Belial!"

"Good morning, Wanda!" Belial sat on the edge of the bed, stretched out his hand to comb Wanda's messy red hair, and pinched Scarlet Witch's pretty face, "It's almost time, it's time to get up!"

Wanda then fell down with a plop, took a few breaths, and asked a little embarrassedly: "Beliar, can this really improve the odds?"

"Hmm..." Belial stared at the Scarlet Witch's flat belly, "Looks like we've arrived?"

"Arrived?" Wanda couldn't help but feel happy, then took out her mobile phone to search, and immediately became frustrated again, "Even if it reaches the scheduled location, it will take 36-72 hours to form a stable form, and then pass It will take another six to seven days for mitosis to enter the inner wall! It has failed countless times before, and I think this time it will also..."

"You should have more confidence in yourself, my dear!" Belial bent down and kissed the Scarlet Witch's forehead. "Although that guy has many women, he does one thing well - he never fulfills his responsibilities. No prevarication. So if it doesn’t work once, just try it again and you will always get it done!”

Wanda bit her lip, and after a while she nodded, "Yeah."

But what Wanda didn't know was that thousands of kilometers away from Hell's Kitchen, in the inner courtyard of a royal palace in a newborn country, two babies were crying profusely.

"So powerful! As expected of Kausu's son!" Elsa stood at the door, looking at the baby lying on the crib with teeth and claws, and her face almost burst into laughter.

She did not enter the room, because now there was a red light on her body that was flashing continuously. Each flash meant that the Hellfire Crystal was releasing magic power.

Monster hunter Elsa Bradstow has magical recovery abilities. No matter what kind of damage she suffers, she will recover as before in the shortest possible time. This special ability comes from a "blood stone" passed down from ancestors. Although this blood stone is unique on earth, its true identity is a fragment of Hellfire Crystal.

After Elsa returned to Hell's Kitchen, Cauvus commissioned Belial to get a complete Hellfire Crystal from the hell dimension - this thing is also rare in hell, and a crystal can continuously produce powerful energy. The price of the incomparable hellfire can be imagined.

Because of this, Elsa's recovery ability after completely absorbing the Hellfire Crystal is terrifyingly strong. But for this child, Elsa did not use the power of the blood stone for nine months. During this period, her vulnerability was little better than that of an ordinary earthling.

Now, "Bloodstone Evil Star" Elsa is online again!

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