Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 521 Super Weapon

Just after Rocket teamed up with Iron Man and Hulk to create the Sweeper, the three of them had been spending time in Mavis's laboratory and began planning the design of Godkiller 2.0.

"The Sweeper only took us two days, but Godslayer 2.0 is estimated to take two years!"

Tony Stark stood in front of the virtual screen and opened a drawing, "This is some data I recorded about the God-killer mecha. Let's start from here and see what we can achieve currently..."

Before he finished his opening remarks, he heard a rapid alarm sound, and at the same time, the laboratory alarm also flashed a dazzling red light.

"what happened?"

Stark frowned, and the Destroyer immediately armed himself, "Jarvis, what happened?"

"Sir, you'd better go to the central control hall and take a look."

Jarvis did not answer directly, but gave a roundabout reminder.

The three people hurriedly entered the central control room and saw hundreds of screens lighting up at the same time. In the star system where Mavis was located, almost all defense systems were activated, and countless weapons were firing fiercely in the same direction.

"Mr. Tony Stark!" 451's voice rang - this is the backup intelligence system 451 left at Mavis Base. "Scans show that a powerful alien army is invading the Mavis galaxy."

The original Mavis galaxy defense system was technically supported by the fourth-level civilization Hamos Civilization. With the absorption and digestion of Tony Stark and Bruce Banner, the subsequent galaxy defense system has reached the level of a fourth-level civilization. level. The two large interstellar fleets designed and manufactured by the Cecilia civilization purchased by Cauus are the main force of the stellar war.

When Rocket and 451, two technological experts from level six and level seven civilizations respectively, took over, the defense system of the Mavis galaxy was strengthened to a certain extent. It can be said that if Thanos comes again, it will be almost difficult for the dark group to win in small and medium-scale interstellar confrontations unless Thanos himself goes into battle with a double-edged sword.

Now, a large-scale interstellar fleet has appeared on the outskirts of the star system. Countless space forts have launched fierce attacks, but the fleet is surrounded by a circle of black things. No matter what kind of artillery fire, except for the swing, Apart from causing ripples, it did not cause much damage to the fleet itself.

Seeing the shape of the fleet, the little raccoon suddenly screamed.

"Soverin! It's Soverein's fleet!"

Hearing the word "Soverin", an introduction to this civilization immediately came to Tony Stark's mind.

This is a very ancient racial civilization in the universe. Their strength is second only to the three major empires (the Kree Empire, the Skrull Empire and the Shi'ar Empire). However, this does not mean that their technological level is lower than theirs. The three empires have maintained foreign conquests all year round, greatly surpassing the Sovereign civilization in terms of territory. In fact, when it comes to technological level, Sovereign is no less than the above three empires, and even surpasses them in some aspects.

"When I was still wandering in the universe, I once stole their energy battery, which caused the complete failure of one of their key experiments and caused heavy losses."

Rocket's voice sounded a little frustrated, "Well, it looks like they're here for revenge now!"

Under the endless blows, several small spaceships in Soverein's fleet began to emit lightning and sparks. One of the smallest spaceships suddenly disintegrated and turned into a small fireball on the screen.

But this was not enough. In just a few minutes, the opponent's fleet had already advanced two million kilometers into the inner galaxy. Not only that, the Sovereign fleet began to change its formation. Several large cruisers slowly moved to the front of the team, acting as temporary shields for the small spacecraft.

"This won't work!" Dr. Banner adjusted his glasses. "If they advance to the stellar zodiac at this rate, they will only lose two cruisers at most. If they prepare to use the Star Destroyer Cannon, we will have no resistance. force!"

In fact, a large spacecraft of Sovereign's fleet had begun to recharge. The blue light suddenly flashed, and an asteroid carrying 14,000 planetary cannons exploded, along with the asteroid. An interstellar position also declared its fall.

Quicksilver rushed in like lightning. He happened to be here today to inspect the progress of Mavis. He looked at the battle situation displayed on the screen and frowned: "Damn it, we are in big trouble this time!"

"Notify Kaus!" Although Stark was a little eager to give it a try, he was not so hasty as to think that he could defeat a complete sixth-level civilization mixed combat legion wearing a Destroyer.

"Already contacting the owner through different channels." 451's voice rang.

Just as the galaxy's defense system was desperately resisting, a small point of light suddenly flew out from Sovereign's flagship. Compared with the huge fleet group around it, this spot of light looked pitifully small. But the information displayed on one of the surveillance screens surprised several people.

"1400 times the speed of light, entering the zodiac in six hours."

When designing the defense system, whether it was the original Iron Man Hulk or the later Rocket 451, the defense system was built to a combat radius of 9.4607e+15m (one light year) by default, because this is conventional communication in interstellar warfare The maximum distance of the system. In the over-distance theory, too far a distance will cause signal failure due to the coherent nature of quantum superposition states and vacuum fluctuation interference. Within a distance of one light-year, over-distance communication can achieve more than 99.999% stable transmission and feedback.

And for unknown reasons, this small spot of light actually flew thousands of times the speed of light.

In the universe, an important criterion for measuring the combat effectiveness of both sides is flight speed. The fourth-level civilization cannot break through the river system because their aircraft can only reach about 200 to 300 times at most, and the civilized creatures have already exhausted their energy when traveling through the river system. Level 5 civilizations can reach more than a thousand times the speed of light, but this is not enough to cross the Milky Way (the distance from the Milky Way to Fairyland is 2.54 million light years). Unless they make a huge breakthrough in space technology, they must at least be able to reach the speed of large-scale star gate construction. level.

When they reached level six civilization and above, mastering the rules gave them the possibility to break through river systems and even star clusters, and their use of space had reached an unspeakable level. They don't even need to increase their flight speed too much. They only need to fold the space between river systems to easily break through the distance limit.

In fact, Asgard's Rainbow Bridge is a symbol of the extreme use of space technology. It is not only a star-killing weapon, but also a large teleportation platform. Driven by both magic energy and space energy, it can quickly transfer locations between river systems. Odin can use the Destroyer to fight against the Celestials. It is not only a confrontation of magical energy, but also a competition of cutting-edge technology.

After seeing the light point flying thousands of times the speed of light inside the star system, several people sighed involuntarily.

"Maybe it's Sovereign's super weapon!" Rocket guessed.

Dr. Banner was silent. Quicksilver gritted his teeth and rushed out like a gust of wind - he planned to rush back to Hell's Kitchen directly through the portal. When encountering such an opponent, he could not be too cautious.

"If Kausu and the others can't arrive in time..."

Stark put down his helmet, "I'm going to entangle this guy and buy some time."

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