Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 525 The Transcendent and Adam

The beating frequency of the giant cocoon was getting faster and faster. When the Transcendent came to the battlefield and ordered Belial to leave, the beating frequency of the giant cocoon had reached more than ten times that of humans.

"" The sound of shattering continued, and countless cracks appeared on the surface of the giant cocoon. As a dark red hand tore open the cocoon shell, when they walked out of it, almost everyone noticed each other. It has become different.

There was no change in appearance, not even the exoskeleton armor that had been beaten to pieces by Uncle Punishment and Belial.

But his temperament became completely different.

If the warlock Adam who appeared at the beginning was just a fledgling boy, then the current Adam is just making a big stop there, just like Yuan Ting Yue Zhi, the whole person is like an unsheathed long sword, with its sharp edge exposed. The momentum is amazing.

And the Transcendent was suspended in front of him, looking at him quietly.

The Transcendent VS Adam the Warlock!

Kausi, who was watching the battle, was already excited. The Transcendent, the spokesperson of the Transcendent Gods from the Lightless Universe, and Adam, the future Tribunal of Life, were both listed as the most powerful monsters in the Marvel Universe. Did not meet on any timeline. But judging from the corresponding combat experience, this is definitely a spectacular battle where thunder and lightning hit the ground! Definitely the ultimate showdown worthy of being remembered in history!

Who wins and who loses?

Needless to say, the Transcendent in his heyday, he directly decomposed the Almighty Universe with his bare hands and created the Doujie. He erased the concept of "death" with a glass of poisonous wine. Molecule Man tried his best to attack the Transcendent with the power of a billion dimensions, but nothing happened. No damage, all the superheroes in the Marvel Universe plus the Phoenix Force can't shake a single hair of the Beyonder. In all known major events and parallel universes, the Beyonder has never lost a battle unless he wanted to die ("Fantastic Four 1994").

The same is true for Adam the Warlock. After his last evolution ("Infinite Entity"), he can exist in all multiverses at the same time and can make judgments on any life form at any time. He has the ability to seal off any one or more universes in the omnipotent universe, and can generate impenetrable barriers around several universes. Even great beings like eternity, annihilation, death, and infinity must obey his authority.

But it is a pity that these two highly popular monsters have not directly fought against each other. In the plot of "Guardians of the Galaxy V1", the Life Tribunal of the Almighty Universe blocked the Transcendence Realm (Earth-691). But in that war, the Transcendent was entangled by his disciples and obeyed the judgment of the Life Tribunal without resisting. And Warlock Adam was not the Living Tribunal at that time. Therefore, the ability of the two people cannot be judged.

The two of them just stared at each other calmly without making any movement.

Just when everyone was waiting with bated breath for the two to fight, Adam suddenly spoke.

"No wonder my mother sent me here specifically..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, the perfect temperament he had just formed disappeared into thin air. Just like the Tiehanhan before, there was even a trace of gratitude on his face, "Yes, you are all very strong, very strong! So strong. I don’t know how many more times I need to evolve before I can reach your height!”

"But...just like the meaning of my existence, only by facing challenges again and again can I continue to grow, be free, explore, and have unlimited possibilities!"

The Transcendent did not speak, but quietly listened to Adam's narration.

"What's the name of the first guy? Custer? He is really an excellent fighting master. He has turned fighting into a wonderful art. If there is a chance, I would even hold his thigh and plead He taught me the art of fighting."

"Who is that beauty just now? Oh, she is so beautiful, and she has great strength, and her precise use of energy is simply indescribable... What did I just want to say? By the way, that move she just made , she actually managed it without any energy leaking out, she is simply a genius!"

"You are the third one, so you must be a stronger warrior in the enemy camp than the first two. Come on, I can't wait to face a new battle. I bet you will be able to leave me a lasting impression. I'm extremely impressed. Hey, man, what are you waiting for? Come on! I feel like all the cells in my body are trembling with excitement, and I feel like I can definitely learn from you..."

"Have you learned how to cook?" The Transcendent suddenly spoke.

Adam was stunned for a moment, "Cooking? What is that?"

"A very good ability!" The Transcendent thought for a moment, "Cous told me that it is a human being... Perhaps it should be said that any creature with a sense of taste should maintain awe and respect for this ability."

Adam's eyes widened, "Do you still have such ability? I thought..."

"You think fighting can decide everything? Then you are wrong!"

The body of the Transcendent slowly floated up, and countless large and small deep dark haloes slowly emerged around him. In the depths of the halo, they were super giant black holes from the lightless universe.

Although the cute new Adam is still unable to understand the power of lightless black holes, he is keenly aware of the huge energy and distorted space contained in those black circles, and he also sees another world behind the halo.

"As you can see, each of these black holes can shatter a universe. The entire lightless universe has billions of black holes, so in theory, I only need one blow to destroy the entire almighty universe."

"You said your egg... no, that cocoon can withstand the energy of a black hole?"

Adam's face became a little ugly, and after a while he slowly shook his head and said, "I don't know, maybe..."

"Maybe, maybe not!"

The Transcendent did not embarrass Adam, but said calmly: "Look, my current strength can easily kill 100 million of you, but since I came to Earth, I have almost given up fighting."


"Because..." The Transcendent suddenly laughed, "There are so many more interesting things than fighting!"

"What is that?" Adam asked with interest, "For example?"

"For example, I just mentioned cooking!"

The Transcendent made gestures and said enthusiastically, "Do you know how to make delicious food enjoyed by more people? Do you know how to make money with dishes? I opened a very good restaurant, and my friends sometimes I would come over and come and visit. When they eat it and start praising my craftsmanship, I feel very satisfied!”

"Oh, that sounds great!"

"Let's go and visit my restaurant!" The Beyonder waved his hand, "What are you waiting for?"

"Come here!" Adam followed the Transcendent away in a hurry. He rubbed his hands happily, "Is there anything I need to pay attention to? I heard that some places have a lot of rules..."

"Of course! For example, there is a girl in charge of the cashier in my restaurant. You must not mess with her."


"Because she is my girlfriend..."

"Girlfriend? What is that? Can you eat it?"

Everyone in the base's central control room was dumbfounded. Even Kausu couldn't imagine this amazing turn of events.

After being stunned for a long time, Rocket Raccoon finally came to his senses, pointed at the Sovereign fleet that was rapidly advancing into the galaxy, gritted his teeth and ordered: "What are you waiting for? Kill these fleets first - don't Destroy the spaceship and keep it for our own use! It’s all money, countless money!”

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