Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 533 Final preparations

As the most trusted and reliable subordinate of the Supreme Evolution, Ayesha's words were not noticed by the master at first. It was not until the Supreme Evolution arranged his spaceship that he suddenly thought of Ayesha's words just now.

"No less than Adam? You mean..."

"Yes, a cosmic-level elite warrior from Earth!"

The Supreme Evolution's heart suddenly jumped, and an inexplicable vigilance filled his whole body.

How could he, who was born on Earth, not know the weight of Earth?

As the core of the Marvel Universe, the Earth is not only the origin of the entire universe. In some accounts, it is actually the eternal heart projection and the origin of the axis coordinates of the multiverse; another argument points out that the biological origin of the Earth Descendants of the supernatural beings of the old gods; and the widely circulated saying is that the earth goddess Gaia protects the life of the earth and brings to it the two pluralistic concepts of chaos and order...

No matter which way you say it, the earth is definitely the home base of monsters. Almost all known superbosses are inextricably linked to Earth. A space warrior who is able to leave the earth and come to Sovereign, his background and true purpose are definitely worthy of serious doubts.

"Really?" When facing his creation, the Supreme Evolution maintained his elegance and reserve as much as possible. He asked lightly: "What kind of warrior is he?"

"He has the ability to destroy matter, and he demonstrated in front of me that he could knock the guards into atoms - including their weapons - with just one move."

The Supreme Evolution breathed a sigh of relief quietly.

"Just the collapse of matter?"

Ayesha thought for a while, nodded and said: "Yes, at least here, I only saw him showing his ability in this area. But Adam seemed to respect him very much. According to what Adam said, he was attacking Ma Wei When Adam was there, he was blocked by superheroes from Earth, and this warrior helped Adam..."

Seeing that the interest of Supreme Evolution was finally aroused, Ayesha breathed a sigh of relief quietly. She felt good about this new stranger, except that he was a little too strong. In fact, Ayesha didn't resent this kind of force, but felt that it had a fresh feeling.

After listening to Ayesha's narration in silence, the Supreme Evolutionary finally felt relieved. How could a true concept-level warrior not change his form? Only physical warriors with abundant energy would struggle with their own body structure - it seems that this guy named Cauus Bloodhoof is no more powerful than that.

"At most the Heavenly Father level, it may be able to exert the strength of a single universe on some special occasions!"

This is the Supreme Evolution silently giving Cauus a rough definition in his heart.

"You mean, you want me to do the surgery myself?"

"Yes, my master!" Ayesha said frankly, "I think this is a very worthwhile risk. If possible, I think it will benefit our career!"

Ayesha's statement made the Supreme Evolution very satisfied. He nodded slightly, "This is indeed the case. If he really has such a need, I don't mind arranging such an operation for him before taking Rocket away. We The genetic modification technology is the most advanced in the universe, so you can go and recover. The initial date is three days - let him expel the excess energy from the body to avoid unnecessary impact on the operation!"

"I will tell him!" Ayesha smiled humbly, "Thank you again, my great master!"

After turning off the communicator, the Supreme Evolution suddenly laughed ferociously.

"An Earth warrior somewhere between the Heavenly Father and the monolithic universe?"

"Ayesha really brought me a big surprise - as long as he lies on my operating table, I can announce that this person will be used by me in the future! Change genes? Ah ha, what is more powerful than a Which experimental product is more exciting? Mr. Cauvus Bloodhoof, you can rest assured of my skills, you will definitely become a tall and handsome man. The premise is..."

A rocket, a powerful warrior who desperately needs to change his genes. Either one of these two high-quality experimental products is enough to make him rush to the King in a hurry, let alone two appearing at the same time?

So the Supreme Evolution loudly ordered his servants to prepare the spaceship quickly - if it weren't for the fact that he was unwilling to waste a lot of energy on meaningless flying, he would have liked to fly directly there.

During the boring days waiting for the arrival of the Supreme Evolution, Dantalion spent almost all his time dealing with Ayesha, although Rocket could not move freely to avoid causing unnecessary trouble. However, he still took advantage of the limited opportunity to obtain a batch of materials. As a leader-level engineering expert with superior intelligence, Rocket can assemble anything he wants out of any garbage.

"What are you doing?"

Watching the little raccoon steal a bunch of scrap metal from somewhere, Cauvus watched curiously as Rocket was so busy that he was sweating profusely and his hair was curled up.

"Make a bomb!"

"Bomb?" Kausi shook his head, "I don't think a nuclear bomb can cause any decent damage to the Supreme Evolution. Even Sovereign's King cannot be destroyed by a few thermonuclear weapons."

"This is no ordinary bomb!" Rocket straightened up and pointed proudly at the garbage pile in front of him, "Do you know Egg? I blew up that big guy with a pile of garbage..."

Kausu frowned.

Perhaps Rocket thinks highly of himself. As an elder of the universe, Ego has a very special dense planet state. A neutron star—even a white dwarf or a red dwarf—has stopped fission and fusion. How could it be blown to pieces by ordinary elemental decay?

Kausu vaguely remembered Gao Tianzun saying this, and he emphasized, "...That's just a living planet created by Yi Ge!"

Although it would be great to blow up a planet, Kausu didn't think such a bomb could kill the Supreme Evolution. Even the nuclear weapons claimed by the former Soviet Union to be able to destroy the earth dozens of times may not pose any decent threat to the supreme evolution.

"You want to use this bomb against the Supreme Evolution?"

"Oh, of course that's impossible!" Rocket continued to squat down to work, and said smoothly, "The supreme evolution will not stand there stupidly and get beaten, so what I focused on was the 'anti-Earth', which reminded me of Lots of bad memories.”

"You haven't defeated your opponent yet, and you start thinking about accepting other people's property?"

"Look what you said..." Rocket smiled and put a swollen black ball in Kausi's hand, "Kausi, I have to say, this thing is the greatest invention since I was born - no one!"

"What is this?" Kausu asked curiously.

"Don't trigger it. It will detonate with a strong magnetic field. You can watch it careful. After it detonates, even you will be seriously injured!"

Kausi tilted his head. He didn't think this little round ball would be so powerful. But out of trust in the Rockets, he still tested this gadget a little.

Very weak radiation energy, not uranium fission, nor helium fusion. But all the nearby microorganisms were killed by the radiation... Kausu looked at it carefully for a long time, and then asked curiously: "Did you make a mosquito killer lamp?"

Rocket was stunned for a moment, then suddenly laughed.

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