Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 536 Follow your words

No one knows what Supreme Evolution’s trump card is.

He can easily defeat Sithorne, and after becoming huge, he can force Galactus back head-on, and he can also create dimensional black holes. Just such a record is enough to show that he has definitely entered the multi-dimensional level.

Even the hungry Swallowing Star is not something that ordinary people can deal with. Because when Uncle Tun's concept of "swallowing" unfolds, it can swallow almost all energy and energy bodies. Because the concept of "swallowing" is one of the supreme concepts used to maintain the balance of the universe, it has a unique advantage in terms of priority.

So Kaus has been thinking about what the pluralistic concept of supreme evolution is. It may not be particularly strong, but it must have a unique resistance or restraint effect on "swallowing".

After seeing the Supreme Evolution trapped in the vacuum tide for only half a second, he was not surprised at all. Instead, he took it for granted - quantum fluctuations are uncompromising for warriors below the single universe level. A powerful weapon, but for multi-level experts, it is almost a must-have routine for everyone.

After just one move, both sides put aside their contempt immediately.

"To be honest, none of my biological materials have been able to enter the multi-level - maybe Adam has a chance." The Supreme Evolution launched an attack with a huge plasma shock wave and said with a smile, "But Ayesha gave me What a surprise, she actually tricked a multi-level warrior!"

"You should feel proud and lucky because your wonderful body is about to become great experimental material!"

"You should shut up!"

Cauvus avoided the shock wave filled with endless destructive power, and at the same time quickly activated another logical tool "cognition". He snapped his fingers frivolously, and then he saw a lot of sparks coming out of the Supreme Evolution's body - as if the circuit was short-circuited under the influence of strong voltage.

In this case, the Supreme Evolution immediately became a little shocked. He quickly punched Kausi in the face, forcing Kausi to take a few steps back. He saw countless free electric lights traveling through his body. , the "cognition" that had just been deprived reappeared, and returned to its original state.

“The concept of 伱 is really interesting!”

The Supreme Evolution chuckled, "What is this? Can you actually block my perception for a short time? But it's a pity that my concept is beyond your imagination!"

Kausu was not surprised that the Supreme Evolution easily cracked this. The opponent has extremely powerful self-repair ability. In a certain timeline, he was even torn to pieces by the furious Hulk, but when the Hulk turned around, the Supreme Evolution returned to its original state.

"It's really troublesome to deal with this guy with infinite regeneration..."

Cauvus muttered, and while setting off a huge vacuum tide and slamming it into his opponent, he quietly started "Analysis", one of the four major tools of logic, and began to determine the opponent's true concept.

Compared with its powerful recovery ability, Supreme Evolution's offensive methods are a bit weak. His main attack methods are force field manipulation, mental shock and plasma shock wave. Under the dual protection of soul power and mind gems, his mental shock had almost no effect on Cauus, and the powerful plasma shock wave also appeared extremely fragile in the face of real energy.

Plasma is an ionization product composed of positive and negative ions produced by ionization of atoms and atomic groups after electrons have been stripped away. It is also called "plasma". It can cause great damage in a highly excited unstable state, but it is a pity that Cauus, who has absorbed all the abilities of ether particles, is not interested in this. He only modified one rule: "The super The conductivity of gaseous electrons is reduced by a factor of ten thousand," and the shock wave of plasma energy then becomes ordinary electron radiation.

Only the ability of "force field manipulation" brought Caus a little trouble. Advanced civilization has achieved the integration of the four basic forces into one, so the generalized force field is also the four basic forces of the universe. The attack of a strong magnetic field can shatter the hardest objects from the inside, and atoms can also be manipulated by it - Kaus even almost hit himself in the head with a punch.

"Good job, boy!"

The Supreme Evolution stretched out his hand triumphantly, constantly affecting Kausu's movements, which made him feel that he had a chance to win. Until Kaus turned on "persuasion", one of the logical tools.

"Do you think you can affect me? In fact, you will only be counterattacked by your force field control!"

Under the influence of the Mind Stone, the Supreme Evolution, which was guided by wrong thinking, also began to be confused. He wanted to control Kausu's arm, but in fact he was controlling his right hand, an unparalleled plasma shock wave. Broken half of his head. But the next moment it was completely repaired by the powerful recovery ability.

The "Analysis" tool is still running, and Kaus is already feeling a little impatient.

"Cognitive deprivation!"

He once again deprived the five senses and six consciousnesses of the supreme evolution. While the opponent's repair ability had not yet fully exerted its effect, Kaus once again used "expression", which is one of the logical tools, "speech method".

"I say, destroy the supreme evolution in front of you!"

"Expression" is the most powerful tool of logical destruction. For the current Kaous, it is the embodiment of the soul gem. In actual combat, "expression" can give full play to the power of the law of cause and effect. "There is a result without a cause." Through the superposition of countless events caused by probability, it is like the butterfly effect, advancing towards the result layer by layer. Finally achieve the goal of "destroying the supreme evolution".

As if someone gently plucked a string in the universe, countless events began to advance rapidly. A particle suddenly changed its flight trajectory, and then hit a negative electron that was quietly suspended there, and then triggered a small nuclear fusion. And this nuclear fusion affected the ongoing vacuum tide, and hundreds of millions of quanta began to deplete on a large scale, which in turn triggered the quantum tunneling effect. As a result, the ground state was transferred to the high-energy excited state... The probabilistic events of the layers continued in this way, and an energy riot sweeping half a light-year scale began.

And all this is completed in less than a few microseconds. Before the Supreme Evolution could react, he was swallowed up by the overwhelming energy. You could see with the naked eye that his body was being digested and melted layer by layer. Neutrons, mesons, and protons began to disappear on a large scale. It seemed that the next moment he will be completely annihilated.


Standing in the empty space, Kaus looked in all directions.

Could it be that the supreme evolution was just beaten to ashes by his own words of "following his words"?

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