Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 538 Ball of Death

Calling it an explosion is actually not appropriate. Its triggering situation was unusually quiet. Under the influence of the strong electromagnetic field, the ball cracked like this. It didn't even explode into pieces like a grenade, but just quietly split into eight petals!

What the hell is this?

The Supreme Evolution was even a little confused when he held the "bomb" and watched it explode.

The concept he has is "immortality", living forever and never dying. The form is immortal and the spirit is immortal. A concept that ranks extremely high among all multidimensional and superdimensional concepts.

It is precisely because he has the concept of "immortality" that he will not fall behind in the face of Devouring. Even though Galactus coveted Counter-Earth, he ultimately failed to defeat the Supreme Evolution and left the half-world universe in despair.

Let alone a mere palm-sized bomb, even if the ball contains a black hole, the Supreme Evolution is confident enough to remain unscathed - at most it will remove a few pieces of dead skin from the palm of its hand.

But the Supreme Evolution ignored one thing...

This unspectacular bomb was made by Rocket Raccoon.

Rocket is one of the top three leader-level engineers in the known universe. What he is best at is finding useful parts from a pile of garbage to create unpredictable super weapons.

The bomb cracked open, and several hollow hemispheres lay quietly in the hands of the supreme evolution, and nothing happened.

He even looked around suspiciously, but there was no movement in the silent universe.

"Squib? Or did this 'bomb' contain no explosives?"

However, in the microscopic world that the supreme evolution did not notice, unparalleled changes began. All the microorganisms, bacteria, and viruses attached to all the cosmic dust began to undergo wonderful changes.

The only direction of this change is that the structure of organic matter is destroyed, changing from organic to inorganic, losing any characteristics of life.

But just a moment later, the Supreme Evolution discovered that his body had undergone wonderful changes.

His whole body lit up, like a small sun in the deep universe, emitting astonishing brightness and heat - this was a manifestation of the automatic defense of all the energy in his body.

Not only that, a large amount of his flesh and blood was being invaded by some undetectable death ray, and was quickly transformed from the original substance into an unknown substance that was gray in color and resembled lime. This unknown lime-like substance does not seem to have any strength at all. When the supremely evolved body makes any movement, large chunks of lime will fall off and float into the vast and unpredictable universe.

The most terrifying thing is that this attack seems to have some kind of continuity. After part of the gray matter peels off the supremely evolved body, his original skin and flesh are exposed, but these normal flesh and blood have just been exposed to the death ray. Under it, it was immediately transformed into that stone-like gray substance, and then it was peeled off again, and then the newly exposed flesh and blood was transformed again, and the cycle continued endlessly.

The Supreme Evolution looked at himself blankly, and suddenly burst out with an earth-shattering roar.

"What exactly is this?"

He flew as hard as he could, almost maxing out his speed. This is a very experienced combat approach - after enduring an unknown and irresistible attack, it is undoubtedly a very wise approach to stay away from the source of the attack as soon as possible.

He even wanted to jump into the fourth, fifth or even higher dimensions like Kausu several times, but Kausi, who entered the high-dimensional space in advance, was fully prepared. As long as the supreme evolution starts the dimensional jump, before the energy establishes dimensional channels such as Klein bottles, Loya cups, and Penrose ladders, there will be a powerful and unparalleled energy bursting out from the high-dimensional world, and then the supreme evolutionary dimension will The jump plan was interrupted.

The Supreme Evolution was like a severely injured and angry lion, roaring wildly and painfully, jumping to the high-dimensional world again and again, but every time it was interrupted by Cauus using gem energy. Even during a process of establishing a Klein bottle, due to being interrupted at a critical moment, the violent space energy blinded one of the Supreme Evolution's eyes, which made him even more violent.

Just when he felt that the intensity of the death ray was slightly weakened, another bomb burst silently. In the first moment, the Supreme Evolution felt the omnipresent breath of death.

By the way, in order to deal with the Supreme Evolution this time, Rocket took out a total of twenty secret weapons! Each one is Rocket's anger and accusation against the supreme evolution!

"What on earth is this?" The Supreme Evolution is going crazy. No matter which direction he rushes, he will be baptized by a wave of death rays in just a few seconds.

His body has been corroded to the point where less than a third of it is left, and even his white bones are exposed. It is simply a strange thing that the supreme evolution with the concept of "immortality" would be so embarrassed by such weird rays.

In the cosmic space not far away, a slight distortion suddenly occurred, and Ayesha's tall figure slowly appeared in the endless void.


As if seeing a savior, the Supreme Evolution rushed towards her desperately.

Since it is a ray-type weapon, it must abide by the law of photoelectricity. As long as there is a bunker between him and the ray, it will be able to withstand this pervasive death ray that even the highest evolution cannot withstand.

Even Kausu, who was standing in the four-dimensional space, was suddenly startled.

Why? Why does Ayesha appear at this time? Why would she...

"Don't worry..." A whisper of a soul emerged in Cauvus' mind. It was Dantalion's voice. He seemed to be describing the most ordinary thing with the calmest expression, "Ayesha needs to tell her the past I wanted to say goodbye to myself – so I said yes!”

What the hell?

Before Cauvus had time to think, he saw that the Supreme Evolution had grabbed Ayesha viciously, and quickly blocked Ayesha in front of him, allowing all the rays to hit Ayesha. .

But to the supreme evolution's surprise, Ayesha didn't make any move and just looked at him calmly. But the death ray that even the highest evolution could not withstand seemed to have no effect on Ayesha.

"what happened?"

As expected of the supreme evolution with intelligence developed to the limit, he was just stunned for a moment, and immediately yelled crazily: "I understand! I understand! This thing must have been made by that damn fur ball, only it can have something like this Technology."

"What on earth is this?" Kausu was also surprised by the power of the ball bomb. In just a few minutes, two-thirds of the supremely evolved body had been decomposed. If it weren't for the concept of "immortality", it would have continued Playing its role, just for a moment, he should have completely dissolved and turned into dust in the universe.

But the next words of the Supreme Evolution immediately cleared Kausu's doubts.

"Carbon-based bomb! Oh my god, this madman actually developed such a thing!"

With just two words, Kaus suddenly understood.

The only function of this death weapon is to replace the carbon base with a silicon base. In this case, all carbon-based organic matter will lose its vitality. This is the ultimate killer weapon against all carbon-based creatures, and no carbon-based creature is strong enough to resist the power of this weapon.

Is this little guy so strong?

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