Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 543 Echo and the Bloodhoof Sect

Jin Bing and Uncle Punishment just left quietly.

The three of them drank until dawn. Before leaving, Kausu wanted to bring some more Saffron liquor to Uncle Punishment. He went to the warehouse behind to prepare a few more sets. When he came out with the box, the two of them Already left the hotel.

"They are so cool!" 451, who was responsible for getting drinks at the counter, said to Kausi, "I think I can imitate them..."

"It's better not to do it!" Looking at the ajar door, Kausi said with a smile, "They can stand out among hundreds of millions of people, not because they are cool, but because they have enough perseverance and will, and are determined Unswervingly move towards the set goal.”

"Well..." 451 looked at Kausi, "Master, I find that you seem to be in a bad mood. Do you need me to drink some more with you?"

"No, I drank enough last night!"

Kausi smiled and patted 451 on the shoulder, "I actually don't like drinking, I just like the feeling of being with my friends!"

451's eyes flickered, shook his head and said: "Sorry, I think I can't understand your feelings, because I never know what friends are, only execution and survival."

"It doesn't matter!" Kausi said with a smile, "If you have the opportunity to learn emotions, please seize this opportunity. Believe me, emotions are the meaning of a living thing's existence."

Just as he was about to close the door, a smart young woman walked into the hotel.

"Hello, Lord Cauius Bradford, I have been ordered to take over all the power of my adoptive father!"

Kausu slowly turned around and looked at the tall woman with dark brown skin.

"Your adoptive father?"

"Yes, my adoptive father is Wilson Fisk and my name is Maya Lopez!"

"He told me to report to you at the Mulgore Hotel in Hell's Kitchen at this time! As long as you need it, the underground forces in New York State will fully satisfy any of your requests."

The corner of Kausi's mouth twitched. This Kingpin... really knows how to cause trouble.

"You said...Kingpin is your adoptive father?" He has stayed in the Marvel world for too long, and his memory of many less important plots has begun to blur. He feels that the name Maya Lopez is familiar. , but I couldn’t remember it in a hurry.

"Yes, my father was originally Mr. Fisk's partner, but he was killed by Mr. Fisk due to betrayal. Before my father died, he handed me over to Mr. Fisk..."


Kausu finally thought about it. Isn't this an "echo"?

When Maya Lopez was a little girl, her father, a Cheyenne gangster, was killed by his partner in crime Wilson "Kingpin" Fisk. Her father's last wish was for Fisk to raise the child well, a wish that Fisk respected, caring for her as if she were his own.

However, in the original plot, Kingpin should have told her that her father was killed by Matt Murdock (Daredevil), which then triggered a series of subsequent plots, which is the beginning of "Ronin 2".

In the original world, Maya and Daredevil fought each other until Matt managed to correct Kingpin's lies and tell Maya the truth. Seeking revenge, Maya confronts Fisk and shoots Fisk in the face, blinding him. This then set off a series of events that ultimately led to Fisker's downfall.

Realizing that her upbringing was filled with lies, Maya left the United States and sought help from an Indian chief. There she found a vision of her soul and found peace. Afterwards, she returned to New York, visited King in prison and learned everything.

Finally, she reconciled with her past self and went to Japan to become the first generation "ronin". It was not until the end of the Civil War that Hawkeye took over from Maya who retired and became the second generation of Ronin.

But this time, Matt Murdoch wasn't in constant conflict with the King. Due to Cauus' strong intervention, "Civil War" also completely disappeared. The Kingpin told Maya Lopez everything, allowing her to become "Echo" in advance. Judging from Kim's current move to hand over all the power in New York to Maya Lopez, the two of them should have reached some kind of reconciliation.

"Okay!" Kausu is not interested in discussing this matter with Maya Lopez. Since Kingpin has handed over all his earth's heritage to Echo, so be it.

"I understand, I don't need any help at the moment."

After a night of drinking with two old guys, Kausi felt a little tired and planned to chase them away. Maya Lopez is not a fuel-efficient lamp. She is also one of the anti-heroes, and this hearing-impaired woman is very troublesome. . Cowus has enough on his plate right now and has no interest in dealing with New York's new gang boss.

Maya Lopez hesitated for a moment, seemed to have made up her mind, and said, "I have something to ask you, is it okay?"

"Ask me?" Kausu was a little confused. He turned his head and looked at Echo seriously, "What's the matter?"

"I heard that you once formed the Blood Hoof Sect and provided a spiritual destination for the Indians. Moreover, any Indian who believes in the Blood Hoof Sect can go to New Vexter Country and obtain the nationality and land there. Yes. Like this?"

Kaus was a little surprised now. He looked at Maya Lopez, "Are you too?"

"Yes!" Maya Lopez stretched out her hand, and a flame burned in her hand. "I am also of Indian descent. At a certain time of confusion, I joined the Blood Hoof Sect and became a leader of the sect. One of the clergy.”


"In fact, not only me, but my father told me the address of his tribe before he died. Over a long period of time in the past, I spread the beliefs of the Bloodhoof Sect to that tribe."

Kausz became interested, and he looked at Maya Lopez with interest, "Then what?"

"As far as I know, the first few founders of the Bloodhoof Sect have all gone to New Vexter, right?"

"Yes!" Kausi nodded, "A group of tribes, including William the Red Wolf, have gone to countries in the Pacific. They..."

Maya Lopez bit her lip and seemed to think for a long time before speaking slowly.

"So, what if I want to continue to spread the Bloodhoof Sect in the Federation?"

"Huh?" Kausu looked at Maya in confusion, "What do you mean..."

"Since the Saint and the High Priest have started their own careers, the Blood Hoof Sect should not leave the United States just like this. My idea is to continue to spread the Blood Hoof Sect."

"Because the totem of faith is still in New York and in Hell's Kitchen!"

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