Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 56 A hammer

Pepper Potts is literally trapped in the control room.

Just as the two robots were fighting on the rooftop, a bolt of lightning suddenly appeared, destroying all the instruments in the central control room. The resulting explosion also caused most of the rooftop to collapse, sealing the entire rooftop. Take the exit of the central control room.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Tony Stark was afraid of causing a bigger explosion and endangering Pepper's life, so he had to use the remaining power to fly to the street, lure away the Iron Overlord, and then be completely tortured by his opponent.

And the person who changed the direction of this plot was none other than Kaous himself!

The cause of all this is actually due to the fact that he used [Storm Strike] to bless a small metal spoon. After experiencing this effect personally, Stark ingeniously installed a 100,000-volt electric shock device on the Mark III's left arm.

So although high-altitude icing occurred, the reactor overload did not occur.

"If Stark dies, where will I collect the money?" Cauvus muttered silently, while holding the hammer and walking up to the Iron Overlord.

"What are you doing? Go and save Little Pepper..."

Stark has not witnessed Kausi's ability to kill everyone. In his mind, this mysterious innkeeper is very good at healing, especially men's treatment. In addition...

On the contrary, Coulson felt a glimmer of hope in his heart. He knew that Cauus had a great hammer, and it was this hammer that killed Bullseye and killed many ninjas from the Hand.

Iron Overlord didn't know Kausi, but he had just suppressed Iron Man and fought for half the night. He was extremely confident and laughed wildly, "Tony, is this the savior you found? He looks only the size of an ant!"

"Weak reptile, you think you can defeat the great one with a ridiculous hammer..."

Kausu didn't speak, he just jumped up, waved his arms, and hammered in the most unpretentious way!


There was a crisp sound of "pop", and the whole world suddenly became quiet.

Stark, who was sprawled on the ground, was stunned. He turned his head in disbelief and stared dumbly at the Iron Overlord, who was smashed into a ball of scrap metal from his head to his chest. His huge steel body even stood still. ——It’s just that the driver and the cockpit inside turned into mince.

"you you……"

Before Stark could finish his words, he suddenly felt a tightness in his right leg, and Kausi took one leg and ran out. He was dancing around trying to get Kausu to let him down, but suddenly there was an earth-shattering loud noise, and the broken electric spark detonated the remaining ammunition, causing the Iron Overlord to explode.

"A real man never looks back to see the explosion!" Kausu threw away the Iron Man and took out a Yellow Crane Tower from his pocket. "That reactor won't be detonated, right?"

"I improved the protection device, that thing is very safe..." Stark replied blankly.

"That's good!" A ball of flame burst out from Kaus's finger, he leaned over and lit the cigarette, took a deep breath, and blew out a smoke ring, "Don't waste the opportunity for a hero to save a beauty, Tony!"

Stark, who had just climbed up, couldn't help but be startled, and his doubts immediately turned into gratitude - it turned out that Kausi's talk of "task exchange" actually had a deeper meaning.

"This guy……"

The man's gratitude was never expressed verbally. He just took a deep look at Kaus, picked up the Iron Overlord's reactor from the wreckage on the ground, and then moved towards the central control room with heavy steps.

Although the energy of the Mark III has been exhausted, now that Stark has regained the second-generation energy, it is easy to open the central control room.

The sound of helicopter rotors sounded in the distance - the belated army finally entered the scene.

The SHIELD agents had already controlled the journalists and onlookers, and Phil Coulson hurried over. He stared at the Iron Overlord that had been blown to pieces. He couldn't tell whether he felt regretful or bewildered. He thought for a while and explained to Kausu: "Obadiah Stany has deceived everyone..."

"This has nothing to do with me, Phil!"

Kausi blinked, threw the remaining half of the cigarette butt on the ground, and crushed it with the toe of his shoe, "I am a businessman, and I work for money. As for whether there is another hidden meaning in this story, I am not interested. .”

"Okay!" Looking at Kausi's calm eyes, Coulson nodded and ordered his men to start collecting the remains of the Iron Overlord. However, he took a few steps and walked side by side with Kausi.

"Tony Stark is very important to SHIELD, and he can't cause problems." Coulson said, "We owe you a favor, Cauius!"

"Favors are too troublesome, so let's cash them in!"

Kausi had already walked to the street. He looked around for a while. Coulson didn't know what he was looking for, so he stood and waited with him.

"Discount? This is not a problem at all!" Colson said with a smile, "The hammer you just struck was very powerful. I never thought you had such great strength, and..."

"Did you think I was going to fight that big piece of iron for 800 rounds, and then I would use some special means to defeat him with a big move after I was exhausted?" Kausu said. Staring at Colson, he shook his head and sighed, "Colson, you are an agent. Don't you understand that victory or defeat is often decided in a moment? If two people fight for more than ten rounds, then you can acquiesce. The difference between the two people will not exceed 30%!"

In his previous career as a lord, as a PVP player with relatively weak hands, Cauvus basically caught the flaw when planting the flag, or was caught in the flaw, and either lay down or killed him in one round. If you encounter an opponent who has been entangled for a long time, it can basically be concluded that the strength of both parties is about the same.

So even if he becomes a time traveler now, he will never play any fancy things like accumulating energy, exploding energy, or counterattacking. Once he decides to take action, he will unceremoniously stare at the opponent's weaknesses and continue to fight until death!

In fact, to deal with the Iron Overlord, Kausi can come up with at least dozens of ways now. For example, [Lava Explosion] summons a meteorite to fall from the sky, or [Destruction Storm] sweeps everything with a lightning force field. However, this is not a lawless Hell's Kitchen. It is too close to the business district and wealthy areas, and the powerful force with gorgeous effects is used rashly. Spells can attract unnecessary attention from some people.

Tony Stark can solve everything with his money power, but he is just a small innkeeper.

In order to avoid making too much noise, he chose the simplest and most direct method - swinging a hammer to do it!

"Phil, I'm going back!"

Thinking of this, Kausu suddenly lost interest. Even if he has a net worth of tens of millions, the only place where he can feel at ease and relax is the small Mulgore hotel in Hell's Kitchen.

Colson hesitated to speak. What he wanted to say lingered in his mouth for a while, and was finally replaced by a word of concern.

"I'll call a car to take you!"

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