Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 60: Get used to our style

This is an underground warehouse converted into a nightclub. The lights are dim and chaotic. Hundreds of men and women are twisting crazily to the exciting music. A hot pole-dancing girl on the stage twists her graceful waist, and her two legs are Her long white thighs were almost turned into windmills.

A green banknote allowed Cous and Elsa to easily gain entry. Cous looked around with the eyes of Grandma Liu entering the grand garden, and saw the beautiful and sexy bunny girl wearing only a few rags. Boo was walking through the crowd, his eyes almost popping out of their sockets.

"Are these all vampires?"

"Most! There are also some ordinary people who were tricked into being blood slaves or food." Elsa squinted her eyes and looked at it for a few times, then sighed disdainfully, "A group of idiots looking for excitement. I’m dreaming of finding a beautiful woman to have sex with.”

"Well..." Kausi quickly noticed a pair of young men and women dancing together not far away. The young man was twisting his body and groping the girl intoxicatedly, but he did not notice the young girl. The girl smiled charmingly, revealing a pair of looming fangs from her sexy lips.

In the booth against the wall, a twitching woman was half-lying there, while another handsome, well-dressed blond man leaned down, and the two seemed to be kissing passionately. But looking through the gap, it was clear that the man was biting the woman's neck, and his throat was moving, apparently swallowing something.

"I was here the day before yesterday, but the owner of this nightclub looks very strong, and he has a lot of thugs." Elsa's lips were very close to Kausu's ear, "I can't deal with so many vampires by myself. , so I plan to order a powerful weapon, or wait for my helper to come over."

"Your helper?" Kausu asked curiously.

"I originally planned to inform Eric Brooks!" Elsa lowered her voice and replied, "Erica seems to know him too. He is called 'Day Walker' in our circle!"

Seeing Kausi walking towards the bar, Elsa hurriedly stopped him and whispered: "Have you seen enough? There are at least sixty or seventy vampires here. Let's go out first. Mr. Stark is not setting up outside. UV lights and traps? We can lure them out slowly, and then..."

"It seems you haven't realized our characteristics yet!" Kausi said with a smile, "Tony has already made arrangements. You can wait to watch the show and then call 666 for us!"

"So, Elsa, you have to get used to our style!"

Kausi cleared his throat and jumped onto the bar. In the surprised eyes of several waiters, he was about to say the powerful line "robbery".

Unexpectedly, someone moved faster than him.

There was a loud "bang", and the back door was kicked and flew up. The deformed iron door crushed an unlucky waiter who was approaching and screamed in agony. A red and black mecha appeared at the door, and the high-power ultraviolet lamp in its hand lit up.

Ultraviolet rays should be invisible light, but I don't know what kind of modifications Stark made. The small lantern actually shines brightly, as dazzling as a small sun.

Screams rang out from all directions in the nightclub. The vampires who were caught off guard didn't even have time to find a hiding place. They were already like paper figures that were set on fire, turning into ashes one by one.

"Quite environmentally friendly!" Although Stark stole the limelight, Kausi still nodded with satisfaction. The last time such a public-minded enemy was involved was the Hand more than half a year ago. Now it seems that vampires and the Hand's ideals are quite consistent in some aspects.

"Who the fuck is causing trouble?"

Someone yelled angrily, but when he saw the beautiful woman next to him suddenly turned into a terrifying monster, and then turned into a wisp of fly ash the next moment, he immediately shut his mouth tightly and tried to escape in panic. .

Some vampires who were lucky or had very quick reactions escaped the first wave with the help of objects or terrain. A smart vampire threw the table next to him in an attempt to break the ultraviolet lamp in the opponent's hand.

Stark punched the table and smashed it into pieces.

For some unknown reason, he suddenly turned off the ultraviolet light and strode into the hall. There was a vampire next to him who wanted to fly over and attack him, but he stretched out his hand and grabbed it by the throat.

"Hey, man, what are you doing?" Kausu shook his head at Elsa, indicating that she would not reveal Iron Man's identity, and then said hello to Stark from a distance.

"Grab some samples and go back and study them!" Tony Stark's processed metal voice came from the Mark III. "These guys look too fragile. They will turn into dust when exposed to ultraviolet light."

With a "click", the neck of the vampire caught in Iron Man's hand was neatly broken, and the body collapsed softly on the ground.

Without the threat of ultraviolet rays, these vampires became active again, roaring angrily and expressing their condolences to the three foreign enemies in the hall. Several big bats suddenly flew up and rushed towards Stark with their fangs and claws bared.

There was a "bang" gunshot, and a bat suddenly exploded into a ball of blood mist in the air. Then there were two more gunshots, and the two bats also followed the former's footsteps.

The remaining two bats were not much better. Iron Man's shoulders suddenly opened, and two micro-missiles were fired out. They were blown to pieces in mid-air, and their bodies fell to the ground, with a large amount of black gas emitting.

Kausi turned around in surprise, only to see that the wooden box that Elsa originally carried had been opened, and an old-fashioned Winscut wooden-handled rifle engraved with silver patterns was taken out, firing three rounds. Gun hit. Seeing Kausi's eyes turn, Elsa blew her gun leisurely, put the rifle on her shoulder, shook her handsome ponytail, and winked at Kausi.

"I think I'll get used to your style pretty quickly, don't you?"

"Uh-huh!" Kausi shrugged and looked at her rifle, "This is..."

"His name is Heike. He's a very irritable young man, isn't he?"

"Okay! He's really irritable!" Cauvus, who originally planned to save some energy and use elemental spells, changed his mind and took out a metal hammer from his pocket. He jumped down and smashed it over with a hammer. He sneaked up from behind and wanted to The sneak attack vampire said, "Since you chose DPS, let me be your Main-Tank!"

A vampire bat suddenly rushed out from under the table next to her, less than three meters away from Elsa. At this distance, she obviously had no time to use her long-handled rifle.

Cauvus was just about to save her, but unexpectedly Elsa moved faster than him. At some point, there was a revolver in his left hand, which almost pressed against the bat's forehead. With a bang, the bat's whole body was covered with blood. It was blown to pieces, blood spattered, and looked horrible.

"Little Jack, who is equipped with Behemoth ammunition, has a very gentle personality, but sometimes he is unreasonable when he loses his temper!" Elsa twirled her slender fingers, inserted the revolver back into her waist, and asked the question Us winked playfully, "The disadvantage is that he is a bit greedy. It takes a long time to prepare ammunition for him every time."

"You still need bullets?" Kausi curled his lips, "The appearance fees of your two boyfriends are too high!"

He swung a sledgehammer and smashed the head of another vampire who came forward into his neck. He tilted his head and added, "It's not like me - because I'm too poor, so I usually tell others more." Some physics.”

The madly angry nightclub owner had a thick black air coming out of his body, and the nails on his hands gradually grew longer. He roared angrily: "Damn human bastards! Why are you still standing there? Give them all - mother - — of — torn into pieces!"

"Oh..." Elsa looked at the boss at the counter in surprise, "We won the lottery, and this is actually a vampire viscount!"

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