Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 62: Feeling addicted to corpses

The hand of Sulfuras Ragnaros the Firelord!

Among the four elemental planes of earth, fire, water, and wind, Ragnaros, the lord of the fire elemental plane, has the most violent personality. It symbolizes anger and destruction, and it was from him that the original hellfire of Azeroth was born.

In that era when chaos first emerged, Balrog had always been the ultimate target for dragon slayers to challenge. Although many people have failed again and again, they still continue to go forward in order to defeat the plane projection of Savras and obtain the gem embodying the primitive flames (revised by Book Friend 0927) - and this is the final step in forging the Balrog Hammer. Core material.

There is no need to use more words of praise to describe this first artifact at the time, with the highest DPS, the highest single-shot damage, astonishing cost, and unimaginable difficulty. Before the opening of Naxxramas, the weapon named after it had always been the dream of countless great lords - to own it in this life and ask for nothing else.

To defend his belief in the Old Gods, Ragnaros vowed to set the World Tree on fire in Nordrassil. Later, he was killed by the Azeroth coalition forces in the Land of Fire (version 4.2). Since the elemental lord will be completely wiped out when he dies in his own plane, Ragnaros can no longer be resurrected. This is the end of the legendary BOSS generation. The Fire Demon Hammer obtained became the ultimate sound.

Is such a legendary weapon really just a slightly heavier hammer?

The fire demon Ragnaros came to the continent of Azeroth for the first time in his true form. The ground he set foot on turned into boiling lava. The Redridge Mountains were destroyed as a result, forming Blackstone Mountain and the Molten Core. An artifact made from the Eye of Savras and the materials dropped by Gulemagg the Incinerator, if it is fully powered, the entire New York will be turned into a sea of ​​fire.

Therefore, Cauvus never dared to really activate its power. In his hands, the majestic Fire Demon Hammer looked like a war hammer weighing more than a hundred kilograms, like a pearl covered in dust.

But this time, for the vampire's slightly troublesome immortality, he opened the restriction on the hand of the fire demon Ragnaros for the first time.

The fire element resonates with the Fire Demon Hammer, thereby pulling out a small part of the orange hammer's power - under the burning flames of hell, even the gold will be vaporized, let alone a small vampire.

In less than a moment, the entire bar was filled with piercing screams. Vampires and ordinary people who were ignited by the fire were running around, but often they would fall to the ground before they could take a few steps, and then quickly Become a puddle of ashes.

The burning man running around ignited the nearby utensils, causing a bigger fire. Without exception, these things were burned into a pile of residue in the blazing flames.

Iron Man, who was fighting fiercely with the Vampire Viscount, glanced at them in his busy schedule. Perhaps because of his sensitivity as a super scientific genius, or perhaps because of the reminder from his smart butler Jarvis, he always felt that there was something wrong with these flames.

But Stark has no time to care about this now.

The Mark III armor is only the first intelligent armor made of titanium alloy. Not only can it not be compared with the later powerful models such as the Godkiller armor, Blood Edge armor, and Anti-Thor armor, it is also compared with the Mark 50/85 Nano Armor, Compared to the Mark 44 Hulkbuster armor, it is far inferior.

Neither small missiles nor shoulder-mounted mini cannons are enough to cause enough damage to a Vampire Viscount. Only the arc pulse cannon can cause certain damage to the opponent, but with the powerful life recovery unique to vampires, these small damages are quickly repaired.

The Mark III type cannot break through the opponent's defense, but every attack by the Vampire Viscount will leave deep or shallow claw marks on the mecha. The deepest one can even penetrate the left wrist armor directly.

"Damn, this guy is more difficult than I thought!" Seeing that Kausi had cleared the area, Erica also opened the bathroom, cubicles, and storage rooms one by one to search and kill the vampires hiding inside. Tony Stark felt that his face was a little uneasy. He avoided the vampire Viscount's claws on the head, and then turned on the electric shock device. Under the suppression of the high-voltage arc, the opponent's whole body twitched, black energy filled the air, and screams were endless.

The enemies in the hall had been cleared. Kaus sealed the Balrog Hammer again, put the hammer on his shoulder, and walked up slowly.

"What are you going to do?"

While maintaining his suppression of the vampire Viscount, Stark frowned, "This guy's vitality is a bit too tenacious. I'm thinking about how to bring him back to the laboratory."

With a "whoop" sound, Cauvus hit the vampire Viscount's head with a hammer until his brains burst. He threw his body to the ground, twisting continuously, and wisps of black energy spread up, repairing the broken head with difficulty.

"...This way there is no need to maintain continuous suppression!"

Stark breathed a sigh of relief and stopped the output of high-voltage electricity. Although the Mark III was reinstalled with a second-generation reactor, maintaining high-power and high-current output for a long time was also a big burden on the reactor itself.

"I have several ideas for weapons, aimed at high-level vampires!" He raised the ultraviolet lamp in his hand, "This thing is only suitable for dealing with large numbers of vampires with low strength, but its flaws are also obvious. The stronger it is, the more powerful it is. The older the vampire, the higher the resistance to ultraviolet rays!"

Elsa had a different view on this. She said: "Only the Viscount and above can go out in broad daylight, and the Baron can only hide in dark ditches to avoid the sun. There are not so many high-level vampires in New York, and we There’s no need to worry about meeting too strong opponents—those guys have stronger vampire hunters to deal with them!”

But if you say this in front of Tony Stark, you will only be ignored by this guy with advanced persecution paranoia. Sure enough, Stark covered his mouth and coughed a few times, and said with a smile: "Ah, thank you very much for the reminder, maybe I need to prepare some weapons that can kill Dukes, or even Prince-level vampires, to ensure our safety! "

He grabbed the unconscious Vampire Viscount on the ground, picked up the bird net, and let the only intact big bat continue to struggle. He said hello to Kaus, and then left the nightclub without looking back.

Looking at Elsa who looked surprised, Kausi shrugged helplessly, "You really shouldn't have provoked him!"

Elsa stood there blankly for a while. Seeing that Kausi and Erica had begun to rummage through the boxes very skillfully, she couldn't help but ask, "What are you doing?"

"There are no corpses to fight monsters, which is already very disappointing!" Kausu replied confidently, "So I plan to search this dungeon. This is our hard-earned money!"

“Whose hard-earned money?”

"We have spent so much effort to kill so many vampires, shouldn't we get any reward for our hard work?"

Elsa, who had no worries about food and clothing since she was a child, and inherited a large inheritance, looked at the two of them in confusion. She couldn't understand this behavior of being so poor, but it seemed very interesting.

She hesitated for a long time, and then silently joined the two of them.

Touching corpses is very addictive. Poor future member of the "Midnight Children", Elsa Bradstow, known as the Bloodstone Evil Star, was also affected and completely gave up her moral integrity.

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