Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 70 Buying time

This is a world full of lightning and violent winds.

At the highest point of the endless sky wall, crazy winds can be seen everywhere, free lightning swaying gracefully, wind element elves floating aimlessly and randomly, and extremely compressed electric light floating in the void, exuding brilliance. The halo illuminates the throne of the Wind God in the clouds.

This was once the lair of the wind elemental lord Al'Akir. After the barrier of the elemental plane was broken, Al'Akir gathered the most violent storm, intending to cleanse all life in Uldum.

Eventually, Azeroth's brave lords stormed the Skywall and slew Al'A'kir in the temple - the first elemental lord to die in battle. After that, this place became a borderland, and any soul with a high affinity to the wind element could come here.

Not only the wind element, but the four elemental lords of Azeroth were defeated one by one by the Titans of the Pantheon and expelled to their respective planes. Afterwards, the Fire Lord Ragnaros was also killed in the Fire Realm and was completely wiped out.

Wandering in the vast and vast Throne of the Wind God, Cauvus felt deeply tired and lonely. He casually found an altar and sat down, teasing an air elemental elf that had just condensed with his fingers.

"Guys, I'm in trouble!"

Several elemental elves who thought he was going to tell a story gathered around him, swaying quietly with the air - they had no facial features or limbs, only clusters of glowing white air elements condensed together, from which Occasionally, a sense of joy or doubt comes through.

Although these elemental elves have no shape, they are extremely powerful pure aggregates. In the elemental plane without their lord, they can easily mobilize the will of the entire world and launch extraordinary powerful attacks. Any criminal who wants to peek into the power of the elements will suffer their most brutal attacks.

Cauvus let out a long sigh and lay down on the empty altar. Countless air elements shuttled through his soul body, tearing his soul into pieces and then reassembling it. During this continuous tearing and reorganization, the strength of his air spells was gradually increased.

In this indescribable pain, he lay quietly for many years.

In the sky above Hell's Kitchen, the vampire Grand Duke Cavendish McCarvey was already impatient. He stretched out his thick and long claws and with a single swipe, knocked away hundreds of Iron Man who was still bombing. meters away.

"My patience has its limits!"

A thunderous roar sounded from the clouds.

Just before hitting the ground heavily, Tony Stark, who was somewhat dizzy, finally took off again, but he did not dare to get closer to this terrifying monster and could only stop far away in mid-air.

At this moment, he deeply felt his powerlessness.

He had high hopes that the ultraviolet missile could suppress all vampires below the count, which made him think he could have a sufficient upper hand in the battle with vampires. But due to the lack of information, he never dreamed that a vampire archduke would possess such terrifying strength.

"Maybe I can use a nuclear bomb..." This idea flashed in his mind and was immediately dismissed by him.

Of course, the Vampire Duke cannot resist the highest technological combat power of mankind, but even a nuclear warhead with the smallest yield will destroy half of New York with it.

The scarlet eyes as big as a house turned to glance at him, and then stared at the Hell's Kitchen below him again. Endless black mist emitted, and murderous intent filled the huge space.

"O fallen creature, accept the invitation of the messenger in the darkness, open your mind and eat away everything!"

In the dark fog, obscure spells rumbled.

This is the prelude to the high-level black magic "Evil Spirit Comes into the World". When the spell is completed, a large number of soul-eating monsters in the abyss will swarm out with the help of black mist, swallowing all creatures within the magic envelope.

Erica noticed the other party's unusual behavior, she swallowed nervously, and two silver daggers popped out, ready to deal with any crisis at any time.

Little Carrie opened her big, watery eyes, licked her lips with her pink tongue, and seemed to have a strange interest in the big guy in the air.

There was a deafening gunshot nearby.

A spark came in an instant, and the abyss monster that was about to reveal itself disappeared along with the black mist.


Seeing Erica's surprised look, Elsa patted the long-handled rifle proudly, "My Heike can generate up to six magic-sealing bullets. I hope that Kaus can come back before the bullets run out! "

"It's a magical thing!" Erica commented on it.

The vampire duke paused for a moment and then continued singing. When the black mist gradually dispersed and the abyss monsters gathered again, another sudden bullet interrupted his magic again.

"There are still ants resisting!" The Grand Duke smiled ferociously. Part of the black mist left his body and quickly condensed into dozens of large and small bats, which fiercely pounced in Elsa's direction.

Erica dodged and stopped in front of Elsa. Black Sky, which had been strengthened by the Dimension Demon God, exerted extraordinary combat power. Almost in one encounter, four or five big bats died under the silver sword and turned into smoke and dust in the wind. dissipate.

Elsa didn't dare to be distracted and look at the situation around her. She raised her head and stared at the Grand Duke's every move. As long as the other party made any movement to guide large-scale magic, she would immediately add another shot.

Neither of the two women noticed that a big bat that was planning to launch a sneak attack from the side suddenly disappeared. Little Jiali glanced at the two of them quickly, put something she was holding in her hand into her mouth, turned her back and swallowed it quietly in several mouthfuls, a look of satisfaction immediately appeared on her little face.

Iron Man finally noticed the situation outside the hotel door. He quickly landed, and several ultraviolet warheads shot out, sweeping away the surrounding bats.

"Where's Kaus?"

"He asked us to buy him some time!" Erica wanted to check the time, but found that she was not wearing a watch. "There are still seven or eight minutes or four or five minutes... Who knows, in short, buy more time. It can’t be wrong!”

"Where did this guy go?" Stark frowned, "Well, we can only believe him at this time..."

"What happened?" Erica took the time to ask in her busy schedule.

Stark sighed and described the situation he knew in as concise language as possible, "So now they have come to take revenge, and now we have become the abandoned objects - using the entire Hell's Kitchen as a way to eliminate each other's anger. tool."

In the Mark III mecha, Nick Fury's call requests were hung up on by Stark again and again. When the blind tone rang on the phone for the fifth time, Hei Lu Dan sighed and gave up the plan of letting Iron Man withdraw from the battlefield.

"He'll protect himself, won't he?"

The director of S.H.I.E.L.D. stared at the camera footage hidden in Hell's Kitchen, but the picture that came in the next moment made his expression change and he picked up the phone again.

On the side of the street not far from the Mulgore Hotel, in a black car that had started and was ready to drive away at any time, an extremely nervous agent answered the intercom.

"Get off the car, get as close to the hotel as possible, and take pictures of all the scenes, immediately! Immediately!"

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