Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 73 The Destiny of Race

When the bloody and embarrassed Cauvus walked out of the bat's body, Erica was the first to pounce on him. Just as she was about to hug Cauvus tightly, she was hit by a finger on her forehead.

"Don't touch me. The blood of this old bat is a bit weird. Even if you are Heikong, it's best not to get it."

"You guy-"

The good atmosphere was instantly broken. Erica couldn't laugh or cry, so she could only give him an angry look.

Carrie and Elsa also came forward. Carrie smiled and circled Kausu several times, then went up to smell it with an intoxicated look on her face, "Ah, it smells so good..."

Elsa on the side was already so shocked that she couldn't speak. She stared at the broken bat corpse on the ground in disbelief. After a while, she sighed: "This is the vampire grand duke who has lived for thousands of years!"

"Yes, blood from a thousand and hundreds of years is black and smelly."

Tony Stark did not move, but leaned against a wall slightly tiredly, smiling as he watched three beauties with their own characteristics gathered around Kaus, chatting and talking non-stop. It wasn't until Kausu comforted the three women and waved to him that he raised his head and said, "What?"

"I found it in the old guy's head!" Kausi casually threw a blood-colored bead the size of a glass ball to Stark. "It should be older and more effective than that viscount!"

"Well..." Stark stared at the blood beads for a while, "I originally planned to tell you about this!"

"——But now, I have to deal with the rest of the matter first!"

"I'll do it!" Kingpin's injury had almost recovered. He staggered out and happened to hear Stark's words, "You guys are busy with your work, just leave the rest to me!"

He turned to look at the bats fleeing in panic in the sky in the distance, with murderous intent flashing in his eyes, "I can guarantee that within a week, there will not be a single living vampire in New York!"

It is conceivable that Jin Bin had such resentment. He originally commanded the New York gang to suppress vampires, but he encountered Duke Cavendish who was bent on revenge. The furious Grand Duke led the vampires in a massacre, and Kingpin was also seriously injured. If Kingpin hadn't been a warrior at the pinnacle of humanity, he would have died long ago before he could escape into the Mulgore Inn.

Stark nodded: "Wilson, you have to speed up the progress. Now many people are participating in the competition. As for our business, as mentioned before - I also want the body of this big guy!"

Kingpin smiled hoarsely, waved to several people, and disappeared at the end of the street with heavy steps.

Not long after, several trucks drove over, and a group of workers wearing chemical protective suits quickly entered the site. They skillfully decomposed, cut, bagged, and packed the bat corpses, and loaded them into the trucks in an orderly manner. Then began to spray chemicals to clean the streets that were already in a mess.

"Let's go to the hotel and have some drinks!" Kausi invited Stark, "We can talk slowly."

"Are there any burgers?"

"No, just pie!"

"Pie will do too—"

A group of people were chatting and laughing, seemingly forgetting the fierce battle just now, until their figures disappeared through the hotel door, and a silly black-suited agent on the roadside suddenly woke up and slapped his head.

"Oops, the director arranged for me to film this battle, but my camera was destroyed..."

Not to mention that the unlucky agent was racking his brains to find a way to do the job. After returning to the hotel, Caus took a shower and changed his clothes. Then he burned the clothes he changed and slowly returned to the lobby.

"Where were we talking about before? You said the new pharmaceutical company..."

In fact, compared to the arduous training in the Throne of the Wind God, the battle with the Vampire Duke just now was simply relaxing and enjoyable. A total of three skills were used, [Lightning Chain] [Thunder Storm] [Wind Shear], plus a few random hits with a hammer - of course, Kausu would never admit that he kept Star. The main part of the conversation is the exciting and exciting "twenty percent"!

"Yes, twenty percent of the shares are yours, Kaus!"

Tony Stark hesitated for a moment and said slowly, "But I have a little problem here...about the raw materials of the life potion!"

"Before the widespread use of bleeding beads was discovered, the most important material for Life Potion No. 1 came from the blood of direct vampires. During this period of cooperation with Wilson Fisk, I obtained a total of about three hundred living vampires. And a larger number of corpses. Most of them are ordinary people who were given a 'first embrace', and I conceptually define them as 'hybrid vampires' or 'collateral vampires'."

Kaus nodded, thinking this definition was very accurate.

"This is why I want to launch Life Potion No. 2. If it is only used for beauty, skin care, etc., every five milliliters of collateral vampire blood can produce a bottle of Potion No. 2, but the source of Potion No. 1 must come from A direct vampire, and the dosage is ten times more!”

Kausi silently estimated, "In other words, a direct vampire can only produce about 100 bottles of No. 1 potion?"

"Taking into account refining losses, this number is even lower, so it is difficult to have practical promotion value."

Stark smiled helplessly, "I hope that disabled people all over the world can benefit from this, and I don't want to see Potion No. 1 eventually becoming an exclusive luxury product for some high-ranking officials and rich people!"

"This is not a problem, Tony!" Elsa raised her head, "I can introduce you to the Hunter Market, and then issue a high reward in the name of Stark Industries..."

"This is a temporary solution, my dear!" Kausi blinked, "How many direct vampires are there in the world? One million? Or ten million? Well, if we want to make this business a long-term one, If this continues, as there are fewer and fewer direct vampires, the price of Potion No. 1 will eventually reach a sky-high price!"

"Yes!" Stark nodded, "I'm worried about this!"

Kausi thought quietly for a while, then turned his eyes to Elsa, "I have two questions!"

"First of all, what is the reproduction model of direct vampires?"

This question is not difficult for a genuine vampire hunter. Elsa quickly answered: "Like humans, two direct vampires can produce offspring with pure blood, but if one of them is not a vampire, then the offspring born will not be a vampire." It will be direct.”

"In addition, high-level vampires at the Marquis level and above have the ability to bestow direct bloodlines, which is commonly known as 'first embrace'. However, this method has limitations, not to mention that the number of high-level vampires is extremely rare, even if The Archduke Cavendish that Cauus killed just now does not give more than six first embraces every year! Don't ask me why, I don't know the secret."

"That's enough!" Kausi raised a second finger, "Then the next question is, is there a rough estimate of the distribution of vampires around the world?"

"Just like my counterparts all over the world, vampires have their circles all over the world."

Elsa organized her words slightly, "But overall, the number of vampires in East Asia and Africa is pitifully small - because vampires consider themselves to be a noble race, they think that black people in Africa are dirty and unclean. ; And according to some long-standing legends, there is a powerful and terrifying race in East Asia, and all Western creatures will be eaten as food. The name of this race seems to be... Taotie!"

"Taotie?" Kausu repeated in confusion, and soon came to his senses. He couldn't help but smile and nodded lightly, "There is such a terrifying race, so don't worry about East Asia!"

"In other words, Europe and the United States currently have the largest number of vampires, accounting for more than 80% of all vampires. A small number are distributed in West Asia and Australia. But the oldest vampire families are basically in Europe."

"Okay, I already know!"

Kaus nodded and turned his gaze to Stark, who was deep in thought.

"Tony, have you ever heard of the "reservation" system?"

Stark's face instantly turned pale as paper.

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