Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 79 Chain Reaction

The evening of December 24, 2009, Christmas Eve.

The Mulgore Hotel welcomes its third employee-"Hulk" Bruce Banner!

This is a real reinforcement!

The Hulk joining the Mulgore Hotel is of no less significance than the "Shark" traveling westward to Los Angeles, Hard Special joining Boston, Cristiano Ronaldo heading to Madrid, and Kaká arriving in Milan!

Erica didn't say much about his joining. She saw with her own eyes how this guy was about to transform. That kind of extremely murderous aura was definitely not something a down-and-out doctor should have.

Another reason was that she saw how much Kausu valued him. She had always had great trust in this mysterious guy. So she basically concluded that Kaousi's recruitment of this new employee was definitely not without purpose.

As for Carrie...

After a day of fun outside, Little Carrie just returned to the hotel. The first expression she saw when she saw her new companion Banner was drooling.

"It's fragrant, sweet, tender, and filling!" This was Carrie's comment quietly to Erica. Before she could finish speaking, Erica covered her mouth, "This is from the hotel. New employees, please don’t say such terrible words!”

Regardless of what Carrie's mentality is when she evaluates the new employee, it can be seen that Carrie is not disgusted with this new guy, and that's enough. As for what his identity is and what kind of trouble he might cause, Erica, who is fearless, doesn't care about this.

Therefore, in this weird atmosphere, the first Christmas Eve of the reunion was still very lively. Kaus, the future billionaire who was about to take off the economy, even thoughtfully bought turkey, roast suckling pig and Christmas pudding, and convened All the employees, plus Punisher and Daredevil, two regular guests of the hotel, gathered around the fire and had a delicious meal before going back to their rooms.

Perhaps everyone has forgotten that when he recognized Banner, Causs hesitated for a long time. It was not until Banner finished drinking the beer and was about to leave the hotel that he finally made up his mind.

As for why they hesitated for so long, the reason is very simple: How could the military and SHIELD allow such a fat piece of fat to slip away from their mouths like this?

Just as Kausi thought, when Nick Fury received the intelligence that "Bruce Banner was suspected of entering the Mulgore Hotel", he was so shocked that he dropped the cigar he had just lit.

He thinks that he already knows Kausi's background very well - a poor and stingy little boss with pretty good supernatural abilities (Vampire War has improved his evaluation), Phil Coulson and Maria Hill. occult mentor; has close contacts with superheroes or super villains such as Iron Man, Daredevil, Kingpin, and one "maybe" the Punisher; retired killer Erica Narcissus is also working for him.

If that's all, Fury doesn't care what Kaous wants to do. Because he is very confident, and with Tony Stark's rebelliousness and arrogance, he is definitely not someone who can be easily persuaded to join a team or organization. As for third- and fourth-rate characters like Erica and Daredevil, the Director will not take them seriously at all.

The Punisher may be a nuisance, but that's all...

But the Hulk actually appeared in the Mulgore Hotel, which made people suspicious.

Hei Lu Dan rummaged through the table and found a document titled "Analysis of Feasibility of Avengers Team Formation..." and opened the first page, which contained a photo of Iron Man.

"Boy, are you trying to form a supernatural team before me?"

He thought for a while, then reached out and picked up the phone: "Pick me up General Ross——"

The phone call was short, but when Hei Lu Dan put down the phone, he relit the cigar, then took a nice puff, blew out a smoke ring, chuckled and said to himself: "...Then let's get through this first! "

Sure enough, after getting the information from SHIELD, General Ross immediately dropped the phone and rushed into Hell's Kitchen with a murderous special team and armored vehicles.

"Isn't this the place we visited the day before Christmas?"

As soon as the car stopped, General Ross recognized this place at a glance and couldn't help but frowned.

He remembered clearly that his daughter strayed into Hell's Kitchen while taking a walk, encountered a gunfight and hid in a small hotel. Then send a text message to pick it up. I was across the street and saw Betty Ross walking out of the hotel.

"It seems this hotel is not that simple!"

The wily former Secretary of Defense did not rush in directly, but ordered the adjutant in the front row: "Qiao, check the information on this hotel!"

When the military wants to inquire about something, the intelligence is always very timely. Soon, when a piece of information that was so simple that it was speechless was sent to General Ross, he twitched the corners of his mouth and showed a sarcastic smile.

"If this guy named Cous Bradford is really that simple, how dare he take in Bruce Banner?" General Ross sneered, "This information is completely meaningless!"

"The general means..."

“You’ll know when you meet in person!”

General Ross adjusted his uniform, opened the door and got out of the car, and strode towards the Mulgore Hotel.

When the convoy arrived outside the hotel, Erica was the first to notice the movement outside, "The situation is a bit wrong, Kaus. There are many soldiers outside!"

"Sooner or later!" Kausu yawned lazily, stood up slowly, and ordered, "You all go back to your room, and leave the rest to me!"

"I'll be with you too!" Erica just said this, but Kausi waved her away with an impatient look, "Get out of here now, we'll start working later, and I have to protect you!"

"You don't have to go!" Banner, who was cleaning the glass, silently put down the rag in his hand, "They came for me... Kaus, I'm really sorry, I have to take care of my own affairs. Let’s solve it!”

"What to solve? Do you dare to stand in front of your father-in-law and spit on his face?"

Cauvus scolded him unceremoniously, which seemed a bit rude to the new employees when he thought about it, and added, "Don't worry, since I dare to recruit you, I am absolutely sure to settle this matter!"

Thinking of the magic and mystery of the new boss, Banner could not help but feel a glimmer of hope. He has been hiding around the world for a long time, not because he is afraid of the military's attack, but because he really can't kill his father-in-law!

Frank did not move. He had been sitting in the shadow of the corner of the hall, with a glass of strong wine on the small table, wiping the parts of the pistol that seemed to never be clean.

After driving Banner, Erica and Little Carrie back to the room, Frank seemed to ask casually: "Cous, what are you going to do?"

"Look what this old guy does!"

Kausu still looked half-dead and walked slowly towards the basement, "The soldiers will block the water and the earth will cover them. If Thaddeus Ross dares to show off his general majesty here, I dare to show him some shame." Look! Frank, help me deal with this for a few minutes!"

Frank said no more, but a cold smile appeared on his face.

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