Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 81 No capital and huge profits

When General Ross sat back in the hotel again, his arrogance had diminished a lot.

"Let's talk?" He sat down on the high chair in front of the counter.

This is the virtue of the Bald Eagle. When they have an absolute advantage, they can use any means without scruples to achieve their goals; but when they find that they are likely to suffer a loss, they immediately put on a "everything is negotiable" attitude. " attitude, learned to speak well, and even played the safety card, human rights card and even the tragedy card.

"The Punisher" Frank Custer, who was sitting quietly in the corner as the mascot, felt that it was an eye-opener. He had never seen a real ruthless character, holding a nuclear warhead or chemical weapon and using the lives of the whole city as a bargaining chip. But for such terrorists, the federal government generally uses stronger means to fight back. "Never accept negotiations" is the most effective weapon to deal with all threats.

But Kausu's operation directly hit General Ross's life with a stick.

To be able to become a senior military officer, his direct troops are his lifeblood. Ross has no doubt that once the other party turns against him, he is likely to face the embarrassing situation of all his subordinates turning into frogs - to what extent is this incomprehensible method effective? What are the triggering conditions? How big is the safety radius? If the air force is dispatched to carry out long-distance bombing or aircraft bombing, will it be able to effectively attack the opponent?

Without being able to evaluate the opponent's true strength, General Ross did not dare to bet on the opponent's determination. As Kausi said, once the number of soldiers lost exceeds Banner's value, it will be an unprecedented disaster.

Moreover, if the other party turns himself into a frog...

The sudden disappearance of a high-ranking military officer and a battalion of garrison troops will inevitably lead to a massive manhunt by the military. But such a manhunt is likely to turn into a farce, and no judge or lawyer will believe that a group of frogs is what they are looking for.

Of course, General Ross didn't know that SHIELD had placed hidden cameras in Hell's Kitchen at this time - in fact, during the thunderstorm some time ago, most of the cameras in Hell's Kitchen were turned into scrap metal. Considering the situation in this "free country", SHIELD does not dare to replace it in a big way. At least so far, the recovery progress is less than 30%.

Send a special team for a sneak attack? Remote scrubbing? Or... After quickly eliminating all countermeasures one by one, the helpless General Ross finally chose to sit on the negotiating table.

Kausu smiled calmly, "Let's talk? Okay, how do you want to talk?"

"First restore my soldiers to their original status! The Federation will never engage in any negotiations under coercion. According to the Anti-Terrorism Act, I have the right to do so in this situation..."

"as you wish!"

Even if Rose didn't make this request, the effect of the sorcery would be almost over. Kausu knocked on the table calmly, and when Rose's attention was drawn to his right hand, he had quietly withdrawn the voodoo totem.

"What happened?" A group of recovered soldiers looked at each other, completely unaware of what had just happened. The magic has this characteristic - when they turn into small animals, they are completely paralyzed and unconscious. Apart from a few instinctive jumps, they will not remember anything that happened.

Seeing this situation, Ross became even more fearful. He thought for a while and ordered: "You all get out!"

After all the soldiers had left, Ross sighed. His tall and tall figure was slightly stooped. He crossed his hands on the counter and stared into Kausi's eyes. "Mutants? Or..."

"Please don't compare high-end people with superhuman talents like mutants to poor people like me!" Kausi originally planned to pour Rose a glass of "cold spring water", but after thinking about it, considering the My son-in-law is still working in his hotel with minimum wage, but he still exchanges for a glass of juice.

Yes, although Kausu was not interested in this stubborn old man with a strong personality, he couldn't resist the fact that this old man had a good daughter.

"This is an insult to my years of hard study and training, General Ross! If you pay any attention to my information, you will know that SHIELD agents are studying the laws of nature from me."

"Laws of Nature? SHIELD?" Ross frowned, "You mean, these little tricks of yours... can be learned?"

"Sorry, I will not accept any more students, and you are not suitable!"

Ross thought for a while and then changed the topic, "Okay, I'm not interested in your secrets, but I can tell you clearly that I must take Banner away! This is..."

"This is an important part of your super soldier serum project, yes, I know!"


"So from now on, stop your projects that cost countless taxpayers' money. Just give me the money!" Under Ross's gaze, Kausi dug and dug in his pocket...and then took out A small green bottle came out and was placed neatly on the table.

"This bottle is free! I will charge for the rest!"

"What is this?" General Ross tentatively stretched out his hand towards the bottle. Seeing that Kaous had no intention of stopping it, he carefully took the bottle into his hand. Looking at Kausu's encouraging eyes, he opened the lid and smelled it, and a pungent smell of sulfur floated out.

"A by-product of alchemy - don't look at me like that. Many cool gadgets in history were the product of failure, including Viagra! General Ross, do you usually use that gadget? I've always wanted to try it.'s a pity that I don't have a chance!"

"I'm in damn good health! I never need Viagra!" Any man who is questioned like this will immediately become irritable, and Rose is no exception.

The old man gasped helplessly, and it took him a while to calm down, "How do you use this thing? What is its function?"

"Seeing is believing. Even if I say nothing, it's not as good as finding someone to try it in person!"

Ross thought for a moment, raised his voice, turned around and ordered: "Someone come!"

The loyal lieutenant strode into the hotel.

"Drink it!"

The adjutant didn't hesitate at all. He raised his head and drank up the potion in the bottle, then stood there quietly.

But the next moment, his body began to undergo wonderful changes.

His breathing suddenly became heavier, the muscles on his face continued to tremble, and green lines were revealed on his skin. As his whole body continued to shake, his size began to grow. The knotted muscles burst out of the military uniform, and his size quickly expanded to a height of three meters. His exposed skin had veins exposed, and his blood-red eyes and ferocious face were even more... It’s daunting.

"Try to issue an order?" Causs reminded Ross without losing any time.

"Can you still... issue orders?" Ross stared at everything in front of him in disbelief. He knew that the Hulk completely lost his mind when he exploded, but the effect of this potion... seemed to be better than the Hulk?

"Go outside and dismantle that armored vehicle!"

There is no doubt that General Ross's emotions immediately reached their climax when the enlarged adjutant rushed to the street and dismantled the armored vehicle into a pile of scrap metal with his bare hands.

"I solemnly recommend to you, the highest achievement of alchemy - Giant Potion!"

"It has the characteristics of completely controllable, non-toxic and side effects, safe, green and environmentally friendly. It can instantly obtain more than fifteen times the powerful power. The most important thing is that it can provide explosive power for up to an hour. It can also return to its original state after use!"

"A bottle only costs...$5 million!"

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