Religion can make people crazy without Geass.

The day when the broken sword is reforged, when the knight returns.

Nangong Xuan took the [Seven Heavens and Seven Swords] from Kanzaki and gently placed it on her shoulder, just like the etiquette of knight awarding. The saintly lady living in England is very fond of this.

In an instant, the movement patterns of celestial bodies were clearly visible.

The sun is so white... No, the earth is so big.

"I strengthened it for you. Take it and follow me."

There is knowledge related to magical spiritual equipment in the "One Hundred and Thirty-Thousand Magical Books", and Nangong casually upgraded the "Seven Swords in Seven Heavens" to a magic weapon. Under the AIM force field, a delicate magic circuit faintly emerged.

The super powerful king, the god of magic!

In God Mode, such small things can be easily accomplished, although it is not even comparable to a hair of the orthodox Demon God.

Nangongxuan tore the wormhole apart with his hands, shattering the void.


Event Horizon!

The original meaning is a curved boundary between space and time, which he used to define the ability to control black holes. Now he has developed two brand new holes in the universe.

Events within the boundaries of black holes and white holes cannot be known from the outside, there are phases that no one can detect, and there is no concept of time and space. Therefore, Nangong was able to escape from the observation of the great god through the wormhole.

He looks like the space-traveling character in Death, and he has just boarded a return ticket on the Earth-Moon train.

Perhaps, the same principle applies to the hidden world where the demon gods live.

Only then did Kanzaki Kaori have the opportunity to observe the technique that transported her to the moon.

As long as he wants, any living thing will be transported to the sun and burned to ashes, right?

"Be careful, don't be swept away by the turbulence of time and space. In this space-time tunnel with negative energy density, saints will also be wiped out." Nangong smiled and said, "Your ponytail is very beautiful, it would be a pity if it breaks. "

Kanzaki Kaori blushed as she recalled the way she was dragged over.

It turns out that the ponytail is my [collar].

Isn't this like a puppy on a leash? But...if it's to serve the God who redeems you, it doesn't matter if you sacrifice three thousand worry threads, right? Just like this saint's body, waiting for the coming of our Lord...

"Please allow me to hold your hand reverently... Lord God!"

"Call me Nangong."

"Yes, Lord Nangong!"

"'s up to you."

Chapter 095 Memories of Index


A few minutes ago, Kamijou Touma used [Fantasy Killer] to successfully destroy the [collar] hidden in Index's throat, but he was also knocked out. The wound on his right hand burst open again, and blood continued to flow.

The silver-haired nun was forced to trigger [Automatic Script], releasing powerful magic power, and magic circles appeared in her eyes.

"Warning, Chapter 3, Section 2, confirms that the first to third barriers have all been penetrated and cannot regenerate on their own... Currently, in order to protect the library of 13,000 volumes, priority is given to attacking the intruder - Kamijou Touma. Unable to do so. Analyze the corresponding spell and start to activate the specific magic [St. George's Sanctuary]."

After a hard fight, a white beam of light shot out from the depths of the space crack caused by Index's sanctuary, but it was still blocked by Kamijou's right hand.

Ya Niang said with great interest: "Hey, it's really a powerful magic power."

Kanzaki Kaori was taken to the moon, and Steele was still seriously injured. Poor Kamijou had to fight alone, and Teacher Xiaomeng was so anxious that he almost cried.

"What's wrong, little nun? Don't fight in my house!"

"Now is not the time, teacher!" Kamijou said with difficulty, "Is there any way to call Nangong-san back?"

The pink-haired loli said cutely: "Ah, let me try to make a call...but there is no base station built on the moon yet!"

It takes more than a second for the moon's light to reach the earth.

[Dragon King's Sigh]?

"Hey, don't destroy my nest."

Seeing that her closet was about to suffer, Alesta was unhappy. She raised her broom and swatted away the beam released by the [Automatic Secretary] and flew straight into the sky.

The ceiling of Xiaomeng's house was penetrated.


Far away in outer space, the artificial satellite Vega 1 and its dendrogram designer were destroyed.

"Ah, it was a mistake."

It's not within the scope of the [Plan], but I already have the failure buff of being a useless person who can't do anything, so it doesn't matter.

I hope another "I" won't come to settle accounts.

Yue Yong Xiaomeng murmured: "It turns out that this is the bloody disaster that Xiao Nangong was talking about."

Kamijou Touma dragged his seriously injured body forward step by step. As long as he can meet Index, he is confident that he can wake her up. However, the destroyed [Dragon King Sigh] turned into white luminous feathers, floating all over the sky.

"Hey, there is hell ahead." Ya Niang said leisurely, "Ordinary people will lose their memory as long as their heads are hit by a dragon king's feather, right?"

Kamijou gritted his teeth and said, "That kind of thing is boring no matter what."

"Tatami", who had been killed seven times by Kanzaki in an instant, had already destroyed the floor of the room. In the three-square-meter room, there was only a small area where Index could lie down and examine it, and now it was covered with feathers.


Kamijou Touma felt the light feathers falling on his arms and thighs... as if they weighed a thousand pounds. He spit out blood from his mouth and his whole body was pressed to the ground.

Alesita's eyes flickered.

It must be said that erasing memory like Laura is the best way to control chess pieces. Kamijou Touma has met many people on the magic side. If he didn't lose his memory here, the British Puritan Church would not be so confident to leave the [Index of Forbidden Books], right?

Nangong Xuan already has a "manuscript" that is more restored than the [original].

Goodbye, the former God of Purification and Demon Slayer.

The small room is close yet far away. No one can help Kamijou, and Yan Niang stands by and looks forward to his growth after losing his memory.

Even so, Kamijou Touma crawled towards the silver-haired little nun with difficulty.

"This fantasy... I will kill it!"

Seeing that a feather would fall on his head in the next second, the hedgehog head had no time to take care of it. It was only a little distance away from the [Automatic Secretary].

"Thank you for your hard work."

Only a familiar male voice was heard, and a light gate appeared out of thin air. Nangong Xuan led Kamijou out of the black cavity, and this way of appearance alone surprised Stiyl.

The two of them were unscathed in the battle in the vacuum, which was very suspicious.

The ponytailed beautiful girl was a little embarrassed and quickly let go of the "God's Hand". At the moment of shuttling through the wormhole, even the clothes were [restored] by the Lord God.

It would be fine to fight naked on the moon where no one can see, but it would be too bad to run naked all the way back to Earth.

"Little Nangong!"

The pink-haired loli immediately felt relieved.

Unconsciously, a thought came into her little head: the man in my family is omnipotent.

Nangong Xuan turned on [Reflection] and ignored the pressure brought by [Automatic Secretary]. The materialized magic power was bounced away. He stretched out his hand and caught the feather on Kamijou's head.

"Don't mess up the hedgehog hairstyle."

"...Mind your business." Yan Niang pouted.

Kamijou said with a sense of relief: "You're back."

"Well, leave it to me next."

The two strangers before this became companions fighting side by side, perhaps it was the tacit understanding of men. Although, no one can stand beside Nangong anymore.

"Be careful, Lord Nangong!"

Kamizaki Kaori stepped forward like his loyal bodyguard. Seeing Index's miserable condition now, the "God"'s statement has been verified.

It's simply prophetic.

"... Lord?"

Stiyl's worldview collapsed again.

The former female pope of Amakusa was "naturalized" by the British Puritan Church, more like a collaborator, when did she serve a man as her master?

What happened in these dozens of minutes of fighting?

Kamizaki and Stiyl were also very concerned about Index's safety. As early as two years ago, they were companions, much closer than Xiaomeng and Kamijou who had known each other for less than a day.

"Matthew Chapter 27, Verse 46: God, why have you forsaken me (Eli Eli Lema Sabachthani)?"

"Don't be nervous, this little magic is useless to me. My magic name is Judgelight."

It's a made-up English word, no one has the same name.

Nangong smiled calmly, and then read out a simple syllable. [Automatic Scribe]'s action stagnated, and the magic being released was instantly seized.

Forced Spell Intercept!

"...Switch the target, the most threatening enemy at the moment - Nangong Xuan. The Kabbalah spelling has been identified, and the chanting is compressed with unknown technology."

This is the "Nine Swords of Dugu" that uses the knowledge of [One Hundred and Three Thousand Magic Books] to crack all magic, forcibly interrupt the enemy's chanting, seize unfinished magic, and even interfere with the command text in the opponent's brain.

In a sense, it is a human-shaped magic jammer, which was originally Index's ultimate move who could not use magic.

Not only that, Nangong Xuan added a little bit of ingredients - [High-speed Divine Words]. As early as when he crossed over, he had used the [Telepathy Ability] to abandon the chanting of himself.

The [Reply] in the novel "Reply Warlock" actually has a spell. Similarly, Nangong Xuan can also use [Psychological Mastery] to compress the chanting words in his mind when releasing more than 103,000 forbidden spells, realizing magic without chanting.

This is the BUG of using magic and superpowers at the same time.

Shen Lie said in a daze: "Magic technology that does not belong to this world..."

He has already written a magic paper "Why Nangong is a God" in his mind.

"So that's it, even the physique of a saint... completely mastered magic overnight, what a terrible man." Yan Niang grinned.

Immediately afterwards, Nangong Xuan issued a terrifying magic sound. It does not need to use [Vector Operation] to strengthen the physical attack of the sound wave, but a magic attack against the spirit.

The Voice of Demonic Destruction (Sheol Fear)!

"Cannot be recognized."

The [Automatic Secretary] crashed. Although she does not have a complete personality, she does not care about the criticism of the contradictions in the doctrine of the Cross.

However, the collapse of the faith of the Christians made it impossible to use the corresponding magic.

[The Index of Forbidden Books] tried to find ways to attack in [103,000 Magic Books], but each one was seen through by Nangong [Sensory Reflection], who pointed out the weaknesses first and denied the doctrine. [Automatic Scribe], which could not draw a "magic card", would naturally freeze.

I didn't expect to trigger such a bug.

How could the "hymn" that only [Index] could master be used against me?

"God, no longer exists..."

Stiyl and Kanzaki on the side were both affected by the "demon sound". Fortunately, Amakusa Shiki is a mixed doctrine, and will not be severely hit like pure British Puritans like Stiyl and Index.

When she thought that she believed in the "God of the Other World", Kanzaki Kaori strengthened her faith.

Nangong said: "Question, can God create a stone that he cannot move?"

God's paradox.

"This question..."

[Automatic Secretary] deduced N possibilities, and in the end they would be refuted by his own [Demon Destruction Voice], and countless religious people's "debates" merged into one in his brain.

The brain circuit was tangled.

"This is a loophole in the human language system. A false proposition with a logical error can neither prove atheism nor theism." Instead, Xiao Meng interrupted.

The scientific side does not deny the possibility of God's existence.

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