As long as you take the rank on the Tree of Life, it will be different. Nangong Xuan can maintain his body while upgrading, just like the angels in the Bible appearing in human form.

Divine consciousness, now Nangong can call his consciousness, or spiritual power. In the dark, he sensed a ball of light, that is the so-called God.

In the system text, it is a large ball of light called "Lord God".

"Child, you will become my new [Divine Power]."

"No, I refuse."

When Nangong opened his eyes again, he had a cynical smile.

I am not a believer in Christianity. Do I have to be grateful to God when I see him? Sorry, my belief is atheism.

God, how many divisions does he have?

"Matthew Chapter 10, Verse 34: Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace to the earth, but a sword."

The God of Christianity did not intend to bring peace to the world from the beginning.

There are many anti-God scriptures such as "I have come to alienate daughters from their mothers", "A man's enemies are the members of his own household", and "He who loves his sons or daughters more than me is not worthy of my disciples".

This is the extremism and exclusivity of monotheism. Viral preaching, which does not hesitate to cause the "heretics" to break up their families, is also the style of the Roman Orthodox Church in this plane.

God does not love the world, but only incense.

When they were born based on human beliefs, they realized that the crusade in the world determined the strength of the energy clusters. In order to gain more power of faith, they can also destroy the world and recreate humans.

This false belief, like magic, distorts the phase of the world.

"I've had enough of the fake things of gods and the like. It's enough to get the position on the Kabbalah Tree of Life." Nangong said lightly, "Under the [Golden Great Evolution], you can't extradite me to the heavenly judgment. This is my kingdom of God on earth."

In the eyes of traditional magicians, alchemists are also heretics. They actually abandoned idolatry and believed in "equivalent exchange".

Nangong Xuan had no doubt that if he really ascended to heaven, his fate would be miserable.

Gabriel was the most favored angel of God, and was described as the only female angel in some books. Since she had seized the [Power of God], it was impossible for her not to be retaliated by the "Big Light Ball".

The only angel around God was a female, and the choice of a Virgin Mary also required "virgin conception", which made people suspect that he was also an old pervert - in fact, it was the reflection of male power consciousness in religious mythology during the transition from matriarchal clan to patriarchal society.

This materialistic iron fist, eighteen years of skill.

Then I'll be a harem god.


In the dazzling light, six wings spread out behind Nangong Xuan, rising from the level of Cherubim to the level of Seraph. In the context of the scientific side, it was a breakthrough from Level 5 to Level 6.

The strongest angel in the history of Magical Index!

[The First Dragon] sensed the pressure of the master, and just after filling his stomach, he crossed the space and perched on his naked upper body.

Snake body, dragon wings, pure white "millennium snake" actually has a touch of beauty.

"So cool..."

The harem was stunned, looking up at the familiar man in the sky.

He did not lose himself because of the power, and finally chose the land under his feet... and the harem.

After all, otakus believe in the second dimension.

"It's like a rondo of angels and dragons!" Yan Niang was amazed.

Just as Aleister avoided becoming a demon god through some kind of operation, trying to strangle the demon god and eliminate all the magic phases in the world. Nangong Xuan also avoided himself from "ascending to god" and stayed in the world.

At this time, Gabriel could no longer hear the voice of the Lord.

"God, why did you abandon me..."

The blonde girl in the straitjacket sat on the ground, her heart was dead.

Nangong Xuan stretched out his hand and pressed it on its head. [Vector Operation] Drained the last bit of angel power.


Sasha Kreutzefu is innocent. She was chosen by the incomplete [Angel Fall] and became the target of upgrading. At this time, her soul returned to her body, but Gabriel still dominated her body.

Dual personality.

"Since you want to destroy the world, you are ready to be destroyed, right?"

Nangong Xuan turned on [God Mode], and magic circuits appeared on his face and body. Originally, he could only operate the AIM force field and could not rewrite reality like the devil. [Fantasy Manifestation] is also limited to superpowers.

Completed the transformation under [Golden Great Derivation].

Religious magic is transformed in the way of basic physical phase. Nangong's approach is to translate all magic formulas into programming, and the magic circle is an automatically running program, which is reconstructed with magic power as "electrical energy".

In this way, the defect of [Golden Great Derivation] that cannot be finely operated is made up. The use of Oreos is to say various ways of death of the enemy, just like the name of the enemy in "Death Note".

However, "Can God create a stone that he can't lift" has already proved the defects of the human language logic system.

The potential of [Words Come True] is not limited to this.

It is redefined in assembly language instead of human language. In Nangong's eyes, everything in the world, even magic, has become a "matrix" composed of 0 and 1.

I have finally become a digital demon!

Nangong Xuan does whatever he wants, and one operation separates Sasha and Gabriel's existence.

The abandoned [God's Power] reveals its true appearance.

It has a blue water ring on its head and has a female face. A layer of slippery cloth replaced human skin, and the hair was made of trumpet-shaped cloth. The snow-white body is dotted with golden lines like leaf veins.

Gabriel couldn't believe that he was forced to reveal his true identity.

The distortion of the world was [repaired].

[God's Power] returned to its original state, and the characteristics belonging to Michael disappeared. Only then did Nangong realize that she was really a woman, with obviously bulging breasts, but no human organs.


Nangong Xuan's gaze moved downwards, scaring Gabriel into quickly tightening his legs.

Fortunately, there is nothing extra and nothing missing.

Don't help her!

"[Collar], materialized."

As soon as Nangong raised his hand, he conjured a magic visible to the naked eye, which was exactly the spell that was once applied to Index's throat. Although I have never seen it, I can create it, showing a large "0".

"I define its function as angels bound to human souls."

This is exactly the [Nether Body Connection] for high-dimensional creatures.


Gabriel's pupils trembled, but he was unable to escape. She watched helplessly as she was put in a collar and then locked into Sasha's body, as if her souls were merged into one.

The power of falling from heaven!

The poor angel fell into the mortal world and will never be reincarnated.

"Restoration Warlock" also has a way to absorb experience through magic replenishment - [Plunder]. In fact, it is depriving others of their potential to upgrade.

But it is impossible for Nangong Xuan to do such a thing to the harem.

After [Vector Operation] reached Level 6, the abilities of [Absorption] and [Release] were newly awakened, and [Plunder] was turned on.

If you get it earlier, you can use it to suppress Fang Niang, making her sacrifice her life but not be able to improve her abilities at all... It would be too miserable.

It might come in handy for Miss Angel.

Nangong Xuan looked at Gabriel with a malicious smile.

"To get your [angel power] back, you can only use this woman's body to ask for 'ribose' from a humble mortal like me. Learn more about how humans combine."

A new "Son of God" will be born.

"Answer 1: Bullying..."

The originally aloof archangel was dragged to the ground and imprisoned in a girl's body, making those who heard it cry.

Just a joke.

Today, Nangong Xuan possesses [Dragon Power] and [God Power], and can also use [Vector Operation] to directly inject energy from another dimension into other people's bodies, upgrading them on the spot.

When one person attains enlightenment, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven.

"It's actually quite good to stay in the human world and eat sweets."

After saying that, Nangong conjured up a piece of bread with his backhand, which was the Holy Communion in Christianity. Gabriel hesitated, but still felt the great attraction.

She cried and gnawed on the bread, feeling that her [angel's power] had recovered somewhat.

To be tempted by heretical magic... the fallen angel is actually myself. It turns out that this is God’s gift.

The promised land flowing with milk and honey did not exist, but the place where this man was was "Canaan."

"Before returning to heaven, I am willing to obey your orders..."

The form was stronger than the "god", and Gabriel had to lower his arrogant head.

The mental control effect of Angel's [Collar] is comparable to that of [The Original Dragon]. At this moment, she was transformed by Nangong Xuan into a being similar to an [automatic secretary], and she will protect Sasha from now on.

Gabriel chose to sleep.

As a result, Sasha's personality awakens. Unlike Angel, she hates sweets. Looking at the black-haired young man in front of me, I felt an inexplicable sense of intimacy.

"Question 1: Who are you?"

"Your savior." Nangong stretched out his head and said, "I was the one who saved you from the persecution of [Angel Falls]."


The blond girl nodded in understanding, not having the slightest doubt about what he said.

No one noticed that Nangong Xuan's eyes flickered.

Sasha Kreutzev, you will be my "hot weapon" placed in the Russian Orthodox Church, just like Index and Kanzaki were in the English Puritan Church. It will come in handy if we want to deal with the Roman Orthodox Church in the future.

Whether it is scientific or magical nuclear weapons, [Accelerator], [Forbidden Index], [Saints] and even [Angels] of different phases are all in my hands!

Chapter 11el6

Nangong Xuan turned off [Angel Transformation] and [God Mode], corresponding to combat and non-combat states respectively, and took Sasha back to the hotel.

The abnormality of the celestial phenomena has been restored.

This hour is night, simply because the fighting goes late into the night.

The sun, earth, and moon returned to their normal trajectories, and the small-scale black hole hosting the "Primary Dragon" was also thrown back to the ruins of Alpha Centauri 4.2 light-years away. It seemed that nothing had changed.

Seven billion people around the world were aware of the "supernatural events" that night. Doomsday theories are rampant, and when people are in panic and crisis, religion is growing day by day.

You know, the Roman Orthodox Church in the Forbidden Realm has two billion followers. Now no one believes that magic and miracles do not exist.

Academy City, a city that engages in pseudoscience, seems too normal and incompatible with the world. It’s not surprising that World War III would break out later—even though she was the cause of the first war.

The silver-haired girl praised: "Nangong Xuan, you are the man I expected. Dreams come true, words come true. Celestial control, digital demon..."

"Are you chanting some missionary slogan?" Nangong asked in surprise.

A few numbers summed up the abilities he had acquired so far. In fact, the most suitable identity is still "Healing Hero" or "Repair Magician".

Yaniang said to herself: "At first I thought you could only reach the peak of humanity, but now it seems that your comprehensive level can reach the phase god. With the blessing of [Artificial Heaven] and [Golden Great Evolution], you really took advantage of the opportunity to step into the realm of the devil!"

As long as you have the universal alchemy that makes your wishes come true, you can violently crack the [Forbidden Book Index]. [One Hundred Three Thousand Magic Books] directly announced the correct answer to me, and achieved the god of magic in one step.

For Chinese students, it is a wonderful way to cheat and can be used to cope with exams. With a ruthless answering machine, you don't have to go through the torture of the college entrance examination.

If Yaniang knew Nangong's true thoughts, she would be so angry that she would vomit blood.

What a waste of resources!

Nangong asked knowingly: "Artificial Heaven?"

"Ah, I let it slip by mistake." Yaniang quickly covered her mouth.

"It sounds good, let's use it as the name of this technique. It turns out that you are also good at naming moves." Nangong smiled slightly, "I don't want to become a demon god."

Then I can only hide in the secluded world.

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