After testing, the timelines of different planes will not interfere with each other, which is equivalent to the time in this world stopping after the traveler leaves. As long as Nangong is willing, he can even leave with the forbidden anime characters. There is no need for it yet.

Their worldview will collapse.

"I'm going to go out and have a cigarette to calm down."

With that said, Nangong Xuan gently put down Xiaomeng in his arms without waking him up.

"Come on, don't you don't smoke?"

Alesta yawned and went back to the closet to catch up on her sleep.

Poor woman was sealed in a "small box" and had no choice but to use Dachuancheng's [Golden Dayan Technique]. She was put on the Play and forced to listen to the music of Mi Mi all night.

However, Nangong refused to do anything to her and could only write sensual novels to comfort herself.


Nangong Xuan was surprised to find that the hedgehog next door didn't take a break either, and was breathing some air on the balcony.

", thank you so much for yesterday, Nangong." Kamijou said sincerely.

Nangong shook his head and said, "I didn't do anything."

I only lust after your body... No, right hand.

[Fantasy Killer] restrains [Golden Dayen Technique], but it cannot be effective against Kamijou Touma, and cannot deprive [Fantasy Killer] of it with just one thought. In a sense, isn't this magical power that makes wishes come true the power of one's own wishes?

"Having said that, my father was almost killed yesterday, and my mother was also..."

I almost lost my virginity, there was no way I could say this.

Kamijou Touma felt unusually sad.

"Perhaps, my misfortune has finally affected my family. If I didn't have this right hand, I might be able to develop good abilities and give my family a better life..."

The hedgehog grabbed his right hand and showed a painful expression. From beginning to end, he just wants to live an ordinary life, and he has not yet realized the mission of the protagonist.

"By the way! If you are the one who cured [Vampire Killer], you must have a way to help me solve it, right?"

Across the guardrail, Kamijou Touma stretched out his hand excitedly, as if to grasp a life-saving straw.

[Fantasy Killer] almost collided with [Ideal Exile]. Nangong Xuan was afraid that something bad would happen, so he quickly avoided it.

"I'm not interested in men."

"Sorry..." Kamijou scratched his head in embarrassment.

"If this is your wish, maybe it will come true one day. Kamijou, go to bed early." Nangong turned and left.

In front of Ya Niang, it is impossible to reveal one's true thoughts.

Why is there such a thing as a good thing being delivered to your door? Now I can only reluctantly accept the "girl picker".

That night, Nangong Xuan thought a lot and couldn't calm down for a long time.

I was once an ordinary person. Was I really attracted to this world by the devil's wish, and then [reply] to a distorted phase?

Or is it because of the time-travel fantasies of countless otakus in their previous lives, which means they have been exiled to the second dimension?

Perhaps, the ordinary people on earth who created ACGN have the same will as the devil.

Chapter 121 Torture Chamber, Restraining Angels

After the incident of Angel Falls, the girls continued their seaside holiday and spent a happy week together.

Nangongxuan cherishes the time spent with everyone.

After all, I don’t know when I will travel to another world. I don’t know if [Ideal Exile] can help me find my way back to the third dimension.

Travelers will inevitably have a fondness for dragons. After the initial excitement, there was only an endless emptiness, which was thankfully filled by the harem.

Who among those who are away from home doesn’t look forward to going home?

Nangong Xuan figured out how to use [Li Fang]. He had already classified and processed his memories, and each anime was divided into separate folders - the earliest [memory operation] - which actually came in handy.

Just imagine the anime you have watched in your mind, activate [Ideal Exile] on yourself, and travel to your destination.

This move can also be used to "instantly kill" the enemy. As long as it is covered by the shadow of the right hand, the target can be exiled to another dimension. Whether it is the sun or a black hole, it can be erased with one blow. Unless the other party has a firm will and is unwilling to leave this world.

For example, Aleister.

In the original work, Kamijou Touma's [Phantom Killing], Kamisato Shoryu's [Rifang] and Right Fire's [God's Right] are all abilities related to the right hand, forming a symmetry in some way.

Compared with the wish of the devil, the power of the "right side" that gathers the miracles of the Cross Religion, [Holy Right], is much inferior.

Nangong wanted to complain: Is the right hand their girlfriend?

In my impression, Kamisato Shoryu also had a harem of a hundred people, all of whom were attracted by Rifang. Looking back at himself, a strange combination of circumstances took away the ability that originally belonged to him, but it was the harem that came first.

I am the only one who is not a strong person with a four-letter name. I only know about twenty or thirty female characters in the forbidden plane. Counting my sisters, I have a large harem of more than twenty thousand people?

Now I feel mentally balanced.

During this period, Sasha Kreijef also became good friends with this group of girls. Especially Index, who is similar in age. They are both devout religious people and share a common language.

I'm leaving today.

Sasha felt a touch of sadness in her heart and went back to her room to pack her luggage alone. Her boss at [Annihilation Hakusho], Vasilisa, contacted her many times, but she was deceived by the excuse that she was monitoring [Fantasy Killer].

News was sent to the magic side that [Angel Fall] was destroyed by Kamijou Touma.

Nangong Xuan hid himself perfectly to avoid being involved in other troublesome incidents, especially some sick and crazy nuns, of which there are many in the Roman Orthodox Church.

"Sasha, are you ready?"

When Nangong opened the door - a Japanese sliding door, what came into view was a blonde girl who was changing clothes, revealing a smooth back. The children's swimsuit she was wearing was bought by Xiao Meng, and it was red.

It was much better than a straitjacket.

"Big... big brother?"

Sasha had just untied her "up" and shyly covered her chest.


As he said, Nangong Xuan walked in as if nothing had happened and closed the door.

"Let me help you."

The blonde girl said in shame and anger: "Why is this..."

After a few days of dating, she realized that this man's Hentai level was no less than Sister Vasilisa, but she couldn't hate him.

Every time her skin was touched, she was like a different person.

In fact, it really was.

Nangong said seriously: "It's about time to tell you the truth. The fallen angel lives in you. Don't worry, she dare not hurt you, and can protect you when you are in danger."

"Huh?" Sasha was stunned.

Angel sister?

"Little sister, let me communicate with him."

An angel's voice sounded in Sasha's heart. When she closed her eyes and opened them again, they were already red, clearly the suppressed anger.

But Gabriel had no way to deal with this man. She could only live in this human girl, and this personality can be called "Misha".

"Want to eat candy again? Wait a minute."

After speaking, Nangong Xuan took out a set of restraints from the storage space called [Dimension Folding], as well as hammers and saws and other punishment tools, which Xiaomeng asked him to return to Sasha.

It's useless if the teacher confiscates these tools, and Kamijou classmate is not lucky enough to enjoy them.

Misha said vigilantly: "Question 1: What are you going to do to me?"

"I'll help you put it back on." Nangong smiled brightly, "I'll give you some of your power back. Well, at least you have to reach the level of a cherubim, otherwise you'll be easily killed by human magicians."

It was Gabriel's turn to be transformed into a humble cherubim.

She had experienced Sasha's body, and was wearing a restraint suit after being pulled down by [Angel Fall], but she had never experienced any strange ways of playing.

Humans are so perverted.


In order to gain power, they have to beg for mercy from Satan.

Misha whispered: "Answer 1: Please grant me [God's power], my master..."


Nangong Xuan pinched Misha's chin, feeling like some overbearing president. Just like that, he admired the angel who had become a mortal wearing a restraint suit, and then blushed and lowered his proud head.

Lord, I'm no longer pure...

"Restraining angels is also a good idea." The elusive Yaniang appeared again.

Nangong Xuan and Misha were caught in a good thing. The girl in the straitjacket was used with all kinds of strange props, all made by [Imagination Manifestation]. A room in the hotel seemed to have been transformed into a torture room for beautiful girls.

"Little Nangong, it's not okay to attack such a young girl!"

The head of the family was naturally criticized by the harem. Nangong Xuan was comforting them until he took the private plane of Miss Tokiwadai back to the Academy City.

How to explain, I really just helped them to increase the level limit?

"Goodbye, Sasha-chan..."

The blonde girl still had the crying voice of the little nun when she said goodbye, and she had already cried a lot.

She looked at the plane going away and turned to the sea. She chose to take a boat, after all, so many jingling props could not pass the airport security check.

"Question 2: Sister Misha, what did you eat?"

Sasha had just returned to her body, and there was still [God's Power] in her mouth. She just licked her lips and said nothing.

Without the memory of the other personality, I don't know what happened. I only remember the teachings of my elder brother, to protect myself and continue to lurk in the Russian Adult Church.

It's not bad to convert to the God Church. Because it was the instruction of the angel sister.

Misha said firmly: "Answer 2: Sugar."

"Personal opinion 1: They are all boring compounds."

"Supplement 1: This sugar is the forbidden fruit that God's creation stole."

Even Gabriel was infected by the mouth habit. The way the two female souls communicated in their hearts was very funny.

For Nangong, [God's power] feeding angels is almost the same as [Dragon's power] raising saints.

Gabriel only had one thought left, that it was indeed the snake (dragon) that bewitched Adam and Eve. The guardian of the Garden of Eden, Michael, couldn't save himself.

When Nangong and his group returned to the Academy City, two Flandas were waiting to meet them at the airport. When they saw their sister, they cried and rushed over.

"Fremea, you didn't get lost outside, did you?"

"No way!"

"Wait, where's Kuroko?"

Misaka Mikoto just remembered her junior schoolmate. Nangong's heart moved, [Golden Great Derivation Technique] directly read Shirai Kuroko's experience through the air, and then revealed a strange look.

"She's in the hospital."

In a certain hospital, the four members of the Grand Cannon gathered together again. The girl with twin ponytails was lying on the hospital bed, howling.

"You actually left me alone and went on a trip with love. Brother and sister, it's really too much!"

Nangong said bluntly: "If you want to blame someone, blame the space ability user for not being able to be transferred."

"Kuroko, are you okay?"

Looking at the school girl wrapped in bandages, Mikoto was shocked and distressed.

Hatsuharu sighed and said, "Shirai-san, it's okay if you can still be horny. You can already call Nangong Senior by this name skillfully."

"Where's Hatsuharu? Didn't you cheat on me?" The girl with twin ponytails came up suspiciously.


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