Emperor Kakine gritted his teeth, and of course he could not forget this face. However, when he met him, he was slapped in the face and stamped on the head.

"I disappoint you. Not only did I survive, but I was successfully promoted to an absolute ability user. As you can see, they are all Level 6. You don't really think you can be ranked second, do you?"

The second child in ten thousand years, that’s it for now.

Yuriko Suzuko was still hesitating whether to kill [Weiyuan Material] in the street. After all, he took action against that person's harem. When "opening wings" on the street, there is no consideration for the life and death of passers-by.

A worthy death.

What if Nangong is interested in his abilities? We need to squeeze out the last bit of use value before disposing of it...

"My body...how could this happen?"

The next second, Imperial Governor Kakine disappeared into ashes.

Deterioration (Heal)!

Under the [Golden Dayan Technique], Nangong Xuan can kill a person without touching him.

"You don't want to kill anyone anymore. So, let me do it."

A familiar male voice sounded in Suzuko's ears, which warmed her heart.

It turns out that he has been watching us.

Emperor Yuangen died with his eyes closed.

The white-haired girl looked at his head that finally disappeared and said sympathetically: "Who made you offend someone you shouldn't offend? With six wings, he can't even reach the level of a cherubim. He is the real one." Seraphim."

Not even qualified to be made into a refrigerator, Nangong Xuan became the only [unsubstance]. His consciousness flew towards the headquarters of [School].

Yu Wang Wanhua was monitoring the battle situation of his companions when he suddenly had an ominous premonition. When the young man suddenly looked back, he saw a huge white dragon opening its bloody mouth and biting his head into pieces like a hallucination.


The strongest mental attack!

When the [Primary Dragon] disappeared, he had fainted from fear. No longer nauseated, poor Yu Wang could only spend the rest of his life hiding in a mental hospital.

It turns out that this is Dragon's secret...

"It's so simple and crude, Mr. Nangong."

The police officer observed and controlled the [Liquefied Figure] and recovered the Wanwanhua. She pretended to be [Member]'s new contact person, and when she noticed [School]'s movements, she wanted to repay Nangong, and secretly controlled her ANBU to join the war, but she was a step too late.

"Your [Member] is full of scum, except for the doctor, Yoshiro Baba and Charle."

The purple-haired twin-tailed man heard Nangong's instructions and did not question it.

"...As you command, my master."

A magician mixed in among them, and later saved Leizi and let her go.

As a result, [School] and [Member] were destroyed. [Item] was absorbed by Nangong Xuan.

The [Group] that Fangfang, Yuebiao and Tsuchimikado were supposed to join had not yet taken shape and was completely an empty shell. [Block] will betray Aleister and assassinate him, and leaving him alone will lead to his own destruction.

The five S-class Anbu directly affiliated with the General Council exist in name only.

This meant that Aleister's hands and feet were disabled. Although it is an insignificant consumable to him.

On the street, Saten Ruiko stood in front of Yehu.

The power this girl displays in controlling the wind is terrifying. It's completely unlike an ordinary [Aero User]!

The two Flanders said blankly: "Raizi, aren't you a person with low abilities?"

There is no need for protection in the first place.

"I was promoted recently." Saotian smiled brightly.

"Second sister, are your ears okay?" Fremea looked worried.

Although I wanted to see blood flow, I didn't want my sister to get hurt. There are two Flanders called the eldest sister and the second sister, although she can't tell who is who.

Flanda let go of her hand, and her ears popped out.

"What... what a powerful magic!" Fremea rubbed her eyes.

"How's it going? Lady Frenda sensed the danger, so she folded up part of her body and hid it in a different space. As a result, she stuffed you all into her skirt and hid her..."

If you don't break her skirt, you will never be able to snipe her.

"As expected of you."

Saten Ruiko felt relieved and smiled bitterly. Uiharu Shiri also ran over to join them, Suzuko followed leisurely.

"Everyone, are you okay?"

Nangong Xuan appeared out of thin air.

"Senior." The girls expressed surprise.

It turned out that he had always been secretly protected by him.

"Tiger hunting!"

At this time, Gongjianrulu ran out from the crowd and picked up his sister who was vomiting blood. The young ladies from Tokiwadai were shopping and happened to catch this scene.

Nangong Xuan recognized her as the girl he had [replyed] to. [Fluctuation Operation] was quite useful before.


Junzi Fanfeng ran over quickly and understood something when she saw the bow and arrow sisters. It turns out that the senior student has a younger sister who works in ANBU.

"elder sister……"

Liehu stared blankly at his sister who was so close. I have never had a sense of presence and I haven't made any friends. But my sister has always loved her bad sister.

Guanjianrulu remembered something and said hurriedly: "Doctor Nangong, please, save my sister..."

"You were jealous because of Junzi and attacked me at Tokiwadai." Nangong said with a faint smile, "Do you sisters have a genetic trait?"

"I'm so sorry!"

Yongjian Rulu gritted his teeth, knelt down and smashed his head. Liehu could feel the fear of the two sisters for this man.

He is the hunter, we are the prey.

Fanfeng hesitated and said: "Master, can you give them a way out?"

The death penalty can be avoided, but the living crime cannot be escaped.

Nangong said lightly: "Leave it to Mi Yi, brainwash and use it as a tool."

He knew how sick and crazy this woman, Gongjian Liehu, was. In the original book, she was entangled in revenge for Flanda, and was killed in the end.

"That's enough." Fanfeng breathed a sigh of relief.

Chuchun hurriedly said: "Is it an attack on Branch 177? Then Senior Sister Gufa and Classmate Shirai..."

"It's okay, I just came out of the branch."

It's just that the two women are soft all over, and they look like they have been played.

Nangong Xuan looked at the harem and said gently: "Hatsuharu, Ruiko, you have mastered new abilities, you have done a great job. As compensation, I will go shopping with you."


The two girls blushed because of their lover's praise.

Going shopping for clothes together, they might be bullied by their seniors in the dressing room.

Nangong's heart moved: Don't abuse the ability on the harem. But can [Psychological Rules] be used for women other than good sisters, so that they can accept a closer distance... and then sleep together?

The chat group of [Corpse Eater] exploded.

The problem children chattered: "Lord Zero seems to have destroyed all five Anbu."

"In other words, we have become the last hope of the whole city?"

"I just received a call that I was upgraded to S-level Anbu, [Scavenger]'s S!"

"Long live Lord Nangong!"

At this moment, the acting chairman also received the news from the General Council, and Aleister was extremely calm.

"Hmph, he's such a wife-protecting maniac."

Only [School] still has the dark side of human nature, and the last enemy within the science side has been eliminated.

This city no longer needs the Anbu.

Chapter 127 The Iron Wall Girl, School Hell

The endless August reminds people of the old "Suzumiya Haruhi" series.

With the destruction of [Hanging Loop] and the collapse of the Anbu, the competition between Nangong Xuan and Aleister has shifted from the front stage to the backstage. On the surface, everything is fine, but Nangong knows that he must be brewing a bigger storm in secret.

Just before the outbreak of the Third World War, the Hanged Man does not want the relationship to deteriorate further. As long as they are still in Academy City, they are grasshoppers on a rope, barely partners.

Aleister serves as the acting chairman and has full authority to handle the affairs of Academy City. But she cannot stop the scientific side and the magic side from becoming hostile, and the activities of the Roman Orthodox Church are becoming more and more frequent.

From August to September, a series of major events will occur in the plot.

Shirley Cromwell of the British Puritan invaded Academy City. The Roman Orthodox Janice's troops hunted down Orsola in the "Book of Law" incident, the [Queen of the Adriatic] attacked Academy City from Venice, and later the [Apostle Cross] was erected at the Daiba Star Festival in an attempt to include the city in the Roman Orthodox land, and [God's Right Seat] used Document C to cause a world riot...

They were just the vanguard of the Roman Orthodox Church, and they would be dealt with one by one by [Fantasy Breaker].

Aleister tried to pull the [Plan] back to the right track, so that Kamijou Touma could experience the training of a saint and fight against the magic side alone. After all, even the [Index of Forbidden Books] was taken by Nangong as a forbidden delicacy.

Poor hedgehog head, this summer vacation was miserable, and he was more and more sure of the idea of ​​getting rid of the "unfortunate" right hand.

Nangong Xuan lived a happy life in the harem and studied magic leisurely.

[Kabbalah Rituals], [Lotus Staff], [Shorthand Original], [Apostle Cross] and [Queen of the Adriatic] in the Ten Styles of the Holy Spirit, [Book of Constantine the Great (C Document)]... Whether it is magic rituals or spiritual equipment, they are all recorded in [One Hundred Three Thousand Magic Books].

He mastered the magic that appeared in the Old Testament Magical Index without leaving home, and also made a breakthrough in the use of [Unreal Matter] to replicate spiritual equipment.

Many skills are always good.

Most of them are tricks of religion to control people's hearts, but Aleister's skills are more enviable. [Prototype Control], [Spiritual Trip], [Strike Staff]... All of them are extremely advanced means.

Let the protagonist do the dirty work, I only care about the plug-in of the big boss.

The conventional forces of the Roman Orthodox Church have been almost destroyed, and the real ultimate weapon [God's Right Seat] will join the war, and the final war is about to begin.

In this month, [Right Fire] has not been idle. He gathered parts of religious buildings such as churches and monasteries related to Christianity around the world, secretly built the [Star of Bethlehem], and prepared to summon angels to complete the ambition of "saving the world".

During this period, the right side provoked a political struggle, blasted the British-French Channel Tunnel, and triggered a coup in Buckingham Palace. He wanted to seize the remote control spiritual equipment of the [Automatic Secretary] to serve the next plan, but it was destroyed at the moment he was about to get it.

Degradation (Heal)!

Thousands of miles away, Nangong Xuan shattered Index's last [Collar] with a divine consciousness. Seeing the stunned expression of the [Fire of the Right] conspiracy failed.

This feeling of being high above is very subtle.

The battle ceiling in the Old Testament, the villain who calculated the whole world and was striving towards the top of the human world, is now just an ornament in a glass jar for people to appreciate. The life of an omniscient pseudo-demon god suddenly made Nangong feel empty.

How lonely it is to be invincible.

Wait until the remaining treasures of the magic ban are recovered and travel to other worlds to have some fun.

"I seem to have heard the call of God."

In the dark, [Right Fire] can feel a voice guiding himself, and he is not discouraged.

I don't know if it is an angel or a demon. For him who longs for "God", he doesn't have much respect for the so-called gods. Little did he know that God was NTR.

"Nangong, you have already graduated." Aleister said with relief.

These days, the silver-haired witch has been guiding the practice of outsiders. [Golden Great Evolution] cracked [One Hundred Three Thousand Magic Books] is a treasure house, even she is envious.

What Nangong Xuan cares about most is the [Karma] that Aleister used on Xiao Meng. Maybe it can be used to bring out unexpected results.

What makes him speechless is that there are not only Christian spells in the [Index of Forbidden Books]. The information related to Buddhism has not reached the level of [Karma], but what about this book "Baopuzi"?

It is said that this is a magic book sealed in various parts of the world by institutions including the British Museum. Could it be that the so-called "Empire on which the Sun Never Sets" snatched it away before?

Now the property has been returned to its original owner.

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