As a duke, the size of Karlsten's mansion is second only to the royal palace, and it is easy to recognize in the capital of Lugnica.

The Karlsten family has been loyal to the Lugnica royal family for generations, and it can be said that they are second to none. After the previous king, they were even more powerful in the court and the country, and they can be said to be the uncrowned king who represented the government, and their status reached an unprecedented height.

The head of this generation is only seventeen years old, and she is a talented female hero. It is said that she is a leader born to stand above others, and her reputation is the highest among the new generation of the kingdom, no less than Reinhard.

Crusch Karlsten, the master served by [Sword Ghost] Wilhelm and Blue Magician Felix. Nangong and his party were invited to the mansion and soon met this legendary figure.

In the courtyard under the moon, a graceful girl was practicing sword.

Miss Crusch has long dark green hair, tied with a butterfly tied with a white ribbon, and wears a dark men's military uniform. White trim and gold epaulettes. She wore white gloves and her long legs were in knee-high boots.

This was a handsome and handsome lady in men's clothing.


The strong wind brought by Crusch's sword blew away the fallen leaves under the tree. A leaf was cut in half by the sword that could cut iron like mud and fell slowly.

Wilhelm just stood aside holding a towel.

"It seems that our distinguished guest has arrived."

Crusch wiped off the sweat and looked back suddenly.

At this time, Nangong and his party walked into the yard under the leadership of Felix. Along the way, the "cat girl" was still reminding "Don't call me Miss, Crusch doesn't like others to emphasize her female identity."

"Hello, Crusch...Mr." Nangong hesitated.

"Mr?" Crusch's eyes lit up.

Nangong said: "In my hometown, both men and women can use this honorific title. As the name suggests, it is just a senior who was born first."

"So there is such an explanation, it sounds good." Crusch couldn't help laughing.

Felix was surprised. The serious Lord Crusch was actually amused by this man's words.

When she smiled, the sky was bright.

The petite "cat girl" suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis. She always felt that she had let a wolf into the house, and the hostess she secretly loved would suffer the murderous hands of this philandering man.

Crusch pressed his heart with one hand and bowed slightly, which was the way of a noble man.

"You are the [Sword Hero] who defeated Reinhard and appeared a month ago, and is as famous as the [Sword Saint]. Mr. Nangong, right? Miss Emilia, Miss Firut, hello. I am Crusch Karsten, and I am sorry for not welcoming you."

Emilia and Firut hurriedly returned the greeting. If it weren't for the cram school at Roswaal's mansion, there would be no way to integrate into the etiquette of the upper class.

Nangong said, "In terms of fame, Mr. Crusch and Reinhard are closer."

"It's just a common name. I also want to make a name for myself as a brave warrior and become the twin stars of the kingdom." Crusch was not interested, "I just hate that I am a girl and will always be looked down upon."

Felix said worriedly, "Crouch..."

"I know all about your contract. This is Felix's long-cherished wish. If Mr. Nangong can really 'cure' her gender identity, my Karsten family is willing to form an alliance with you." Crusch said solemnly.

Nangong's [Reply] is omnipotent.

Emilia and Firut both firmly believe in this.

"But I can't believe you easily. Felix is ​​my important partner, and I can't afford any mistakes." Crusch changed the subject, "The wind will tell me the answer."

The "cat girl" on the side was already moved to tears.

[Kaze-seeing Protection], see and understand the wind of human emotions.

Nangong Xuan has already opened the [Emerald Eye] and read the ability of Crusch. Not only that, she also mastered extremely powerful super sword skills.

"Then let's talk with swords." Nangong smiled indifferently, "Or, let's practice?"

Chapter 271 The Feminine Felice

"Just what I want!"

Crouch Karsten was interested.

Although there was a master like [Sword Ghost] around him, Wilhelm's character was too old-fashioned. He followed the principle of hierarchy and refused to attack the head of the family, even if it was just a sparring match.

The young lady who loved swordsmanship was just in need of an opponent. The "heroic deeds" of the brave man in front of her defeating the [Sword Saint] had long been spread in the capital. When she thought of the swordsmanship that surpassed Reinhardt, she was itching to show off her skills.

"I heard that the [Dragon Sword] of the Astraea family fell into your hands. Don't you have the chance to appreciate it?"

Crouch looked at Wilhelm with a hint of meaning. The latter was calm and unmoved.

"Do you really want me to draw my sword?" Nangong shook his head, "Not only your family, but also the royal palace will be affected."

Can this person really draw the [Dragon Sword]?

Everyone in the Crusch camp was very skeptical.

This woman is also a sword fanatic.

Nangong Xuan's heart moved, and he raised his hand to suck the branch that Crusch cut down into his hand.

"The knight will not die with his bare hands, so I will use this."

Crouch said dissatisfiedly: "Nangong Jun, are you looking down on me? Even if I am a girl, my swordsmanship is among the best in the entire Lugnica Kingdom."

"It's nothing, so as not to hurt your precious body."

"If you don't bleed in normal times, how can you have the courage to fight on the battlefield? I only use real swords and guns, and fight with my life. Be careful." Crusch showed a sharp look.

In order to prove that I am not inferior to men, I became serious. Even if the opponent has sword master level strength, is he still afraid that he can't beat him with just a branch?

Don't look down on people so much!

Curxiu's first impression of Nangong was good, but now he lost a bit of favor. Unlike her brisk style of Western swordsmanship, Nangong Xuan showed the starting stance of kendo.

At the same time, the two of them moved.


Nangong Xuan's lightning-fast sword hit the girl's wrist.

The beauty in men's clothing was obviously stunned for a moment. If the opponent was holding a real sword, this blow would have already determined the outcome.

"Come again!" Kurxiu was not convinced.


This time it was a blow to the shoulder.

What Nangong Xuan used was the passive of [Sword Master]. [Weapon Master's Blessing], any prop can be used as a weapon. [War God's Protection], master all weapons proficiently.

The two guardians are linked together.

Flying flowers and picking leaves can hurt people.

After several rounds, the eldest lady was "whipped" all over her body.

"Phyllis also wants to be whipped with a whip by Lord Crusch..."

A certain "cat lady" couldn't help but think about it. Unfortunately, he had been abused since childhood and his physical fitness was very poor. No matter how hard he tried to practice swordsmanship, he made no progress.

Therefore, there is no way to stand beside that person as a swordsman.

A flash of light flashed in Wilhelm's eyes.

This young man is truly unfathomable!

Even without the [Blessing of the Sword Master], this kind of swordsmanship can be practiced for at least a hundred years. How old is he? Did he start practicing swordsmanship from his mother's womb?

What [Sword Demon] didn't know was that Nangong Xuan studied "the way of the sword" day and night with beautiful girls from different worlds. Their talents, experience and even skills have been [imitated].

[Saint] Kanzaki, [Swordswoman] Aisi, [Hayate] Ryu... It can be said that they have learned from both the East and the West and have the best of hundreds of schools of thought.

"It's not advisable to do strenuous exercise before and after meals. I think it's better to stop here today." Nangong put away the branches.

If this continues, the branches will be broken.

This man is too strong. In the end, I didn't even touch the corner of his clothes...

Cruxiu bit his lip, very unwilling to do so.

The delicate body under the men's clothing trembled slightly, and the beautiful breasts rose and fell. The green bangs were soaked with sweat and stuck to her forehead, adding a messy beauty.

"I admire Nangong-Jun's swordsmanship. Please give me some advice." Kurxiu couldn't help but use the honorific.

The black-haired young man said bluntly: "You are not good with your forehand and weak with your backhand. Your steps are loose and your reactions are slow... In short, it is better to lay a good foundation."

Suddenly a game of table tennis started.

Kuruxiu seemed to have some realization. These words are similar to the evaluation given by [Sword Demon].


The beauty in men's clothing suddenly moved. The unique light body of women is like a sword dance. He swung his sword towards Nangong for the last time. When it collided with the blade, the branch broke into two pieces.


Nangong Xuan was startled, and then smiled.

"It seems that Kuer's cultivation skills are superior."

"No, I lost. I only touched your 'sword' once."

Curio put down his sword and was convinced.

It was obvious that his sword skills were showing signs of breakthrough. It's really surprising. Is it possible to make such a big improvement after just one sparring session with this man?

What she doesn't know is that [with the blessing of education], the strength of the students trained by Nangong Zhi's "pointer" will improve by leaps and bounds.

Curxiu returned the sword to its sheath, wiped his sweat with a towel, and then sincerely extended his hand towards Nangong.

"Nangong-kun, you are indeed very powerful. You really have a very sharp sword. With such swordsmanship, you will definitely make the male cat safe and painless."

"Phyllis is going to be castrated?!"

The "Cat Lady" was so frightened that she clamped her legs together and imagined the bloody scene of the sword being raised and falling.

The girls present were all amused.

The originally tense atmosphere became relaxed. Seeing that Nangong used martial arts to make friends and impressed the eldest daughter of the Carlsten family with his strength, Emilia and others were relieved.

"It seems to be the wind of 'trust'."

Nangong Xuan held Kurxiu's delicate hand. Delicate and smooth feel, calluses can be felt at the same time. This characteristic is the same as Kanzaki, Ais and the others. They all grew up holding swords.

The achievement has been achieved, and all the dragon witches have touched their little hands.

Curxiu and Nangong smiled at each other, and then led the way in person.

"Everyone, Phyllis has long said that she will entertain friends coming from afar. The dinner for you has been prepared, please come here!"

It was hard to reject the warm hospitality, so Kurxiu directly arranged for Nangong and his party to stay overnight, saying that they would stay until the day of the king's election. He was obviously thinking about this master of swordsmanship and wanted to practice swordsmanship with Nangong day and night.

No fight, no acquaintance.

In the dead of night, Nangong Xuan slept in the guest room. It was not good for him to take the maid he brought to sleep with him in other people's homes.

But the "cat lady" came to the door sneakily.

Nangong said in surprise: "Do you want me to sleep with you? Forgive me for refusing."

"Who wants it! The Karsten family doesn't have such shameless customs." Felix complained, "Curxiu is looking for you and wants to discuss the treatment."

Do you want a nightclub girl when you first enter the Karsten family?

On the balcony at night, a beautiful young lady has been waiting for her for a long time.

She took a shower and changed into neutral private clothes, which looked somewhere between pajamas and nightgown. After untying the ribbon, a waterfall of dark green hair spread around her slender waist.

"Are you still awake?"

"Yes, after all, it's related to Felice's life event." Crusch said with a smile, "Nangong-kun, sit down and have a drink together?"


Nangong Xuan did not refuse and sat opposite the eldest lady. In Crusch's view, everyone who faced her would be restrained. While being shocked by her beauty, they would also notice their unusual outfit.

Getting along with this man was very natural, and there was a feeling of being bathed in spring breeze.

"Now, there should be no sweat odor." Crusch said embarrassedly.

Nangong said: "I don't smell Crusch's sweat."

It's better to say that it smells good.

Felix hesitated: "Wait, why does Crusch dress like this? What if he is exposed in front of other men..."

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