"You are so strong, your brain is trembling! As long as I tear you into pieces, I can feel more love from the master from the 'gospel', right?"

Jius smiled ferociously, powerful magic power erupted from his body, and dozens of [Invisible Hands] flew out.

"Are your 'fingers' still good enough?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Nangong Xuan waved the [Yang Sword].

One hundred men, one sword!

[Yang Sword] was possessed by the wind spirit and launched a slash that ignored distance. The power of a single sword is enough to sweep through thousands of armies.


Including Jiusi, all the witch cultists stopped their actions. Their upper bodies were seen slowly sliding down and burned in the fire.


Cut in the waist, kill instantly.

Everyone was shocked by the scene in front of them.

They haven't figured out yet what kind of power the [Lazy Archbishop] has. But he couldn't make a single move in front of the [Sword Hero].

Julius must be lucky that he was not defeated during the duel. He even doubted whether his upper body was still there.

"My adoptive father?"

Looking at the flickering firelight, Emilia's eyes trembled slightly.

Until the end, we have no memory of the past. Perhaps, this person also hides a tragic past...


Elsa smelled the strong smell of blood, accompanied by the smell of burnt flesh, and felt only pleasure.

"Not yet, my eyes can see through his power. [Fingertips of Sloth], Jius can forcibly possess others, and every witch cultist is his container. Unless everyone is killed at the same time, he will be killed at any time. It is possible to transfer." Nangong explained.

This is the real secret of [Lazy Archbishop]'s love of playing with his "finger", his ability to be very difficult to deal with.

"Miss Anna, are you okay?"

In full view of everyone, Julius hurriedly came to his monarch and knelt down on one knee. Purple bangs covered his face, making his expression unclear.


Seeing that the guardian knight was about to kiss the hand as a way of reconciliation, Anastasia was slightly distracted.

Never been kissed...

The next second, Nangong Xuan grabbed Julius' hand. With a "click", five of his fingers were broken off.

"I said, are your fingers still good enough?" Nangong said lightly.


When Julius raised his head again, he had a crazy expression. It is the vessel possessed by [The Sloth Archbishop].

"Why, can you see it?"

Nangong said: "Your body is an elf, so you can only possess humans who are more compatible with the elf and have not signed a contract. It's really easy to understand."

Just because Julius had six elves taken away from him, he suffered an unthinkable disaster. [The Best Knight] is persecuted every day.

Damn it!

The purple-haired knight drooped his head, and when he woke up, he burst into tears from the pain. Phyllis quickly ran over to help him treat him and explained the cause and effect.

The soul of [Sloth Archbishop] has long since fled.

Julius broke into a cold sweat after hearing this. If he was really possessed by an enemy and attacked Miss Anna, he would be absolutely responsible for his death.

"Thank you! Master Nangong."


No one noticed that the black-haired boy at the end of the crowd tilted his head at a ninety-degree angle, and then showed a weird smile.

Really lazy.

"Are you okay? Miss Satila!"

Natsuki Subaru ran over while waving and shouting exaggeratedly.

"Huh? You were from that time..."

After hearing this call, Emilia didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

This was the reunion Natsuki Subaru had dreamed of, but it didn't have the beauty of an encounter in another world that he had imagined.

This is not a lazy if line.

Nangong Xuan pressed the young man's shoulders and said with a half-smile, "Let's stop your puppet show here."

"Natsuki Subaru" turned back stiffly, showing an expression of disbelief.

Why can this man see through me every time? !

"That 'insect transformation' technique is obviously not the power of [Sloth Archbishop]. You also have accomplices. I'm curious, who is your target? Are you targeting Emilia?"

"Yes, we are here to examine the qualifications of the 'silver-haired witch'. She is the vessel that resurrects that adult!"

Jius, who fell into madness, loudly told his conspiracy.

Satira is the name of the [Witch of Jealousy].

"How could..."

Emilia couldn't help but take a step back.

The former relatives turned into enemies. He wanted to sacrifice his former "adopted daughter" while unconscious.

Nangong knew it very well.

In another world line, [Sloth Priest] will lead a team to attack Roswaal's mansion and even massacre Aram Village. Rem, Ram and even Emilia will be tortured many times.

Now, no more.

"This container is my once-in-a-century excellent qualification. My brain is trembling!"

"Natsuki Subaru" scratched his face with both hands, his eyes turning red. His frantic movements suddenly stopped, he just moved his lips and uttered emotionless words.


The black-haired boy quickly expanded into an indescribable monster. [Invisible Hands] formed multiple legs and crawled on the ground. With him as the center, an invisible impact spreads in all directions, and the static and rotating picture brings a strong visual impact.

Mental pollution!

The five king candidates all held their heads in pain.

"No, it's an elf attack!" Phyllis exclaimed.

He almost self-destructed to drag down all the people at the Five Kings Banquet. The polluted humans either turned into idiots or fell into madness.

"My [Curse] is above yours."

Nangong Xuan snapped his fingers, and everyone woke up. [Psychological Control] instantly dispelled the mental DeBuff of the people present.

[Archbishop of Sloth] was shocked to find that his soul and magic hand were stripped from Natsuki Subaru's body. He never understood why the two people had the "witch's fragrance" left on them?

"Unfortunately, my [Sword Saint Constitution] likes to absorb elves. Why doesn't it possess me?" Nangong smiled indifferently, "For other information, I will directly torture you in your brain."


Degradation (Heal)!


Only a cry came from the depths of the soul, and Natsuki Subaru's head drooped.

Nangong Xuan absorbed and shattered the body of the micro-elf, and at the same time seized the power and even the witch factor held by Jus.

The power of laziness has been recovered, [Invisible Hand]!

At the same time, a huge amount of memories of Joss poured into Nangong's brain. This person's life span is more than four hundred years, but most of it was tampered by [Witch of Pretense].

The Witch Cult was also usurped.

During this hundred years, the group of [Archbishop of Sloth] committed most of the evil deeds of the Witch Cult. It can be said that it is contrary to the name, and it is one of the most "diligent".

The many archbishops of major sins are not the same kind of people.

This group of dangerous elements do their own thing most of the time, just like the Akatsuki organization in Naruto.

A golden-haired lolita wearing a bikini appeared in the memory, and her appearance was somewhat similar to Firut, which can be said to interpret the meaning of "lust".

[Archbishop of Lust], Capella Emerada Lugnica. She and Joss met in private, which is very rare.

"Is your purpose to test the silver-haired witch? She is protected by experts, and even my child was devoured. You can't escape from the capital guarded by the Sword Saint."

"What should we do?"

"Then fly in with wings, destroy the royal election, destroy everything! Kill all the future kings of Lugnica, and let this boring country fall into a situation of no leader." Capella grinned, "I will help you transform your body, bugs."

The power of [body transformation], all the witch cultists were "insectized".

"You are the embodiment of diligence!" Jus couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

"No, it's just the revenge of a princess abandoned by her country!"

Chapter 282 Resurrection of Jus, the Tyrannical Princess

Deep in the memory, the fire of the night of genocide burned again in front of her eyes.

The ghost sisters will never be hurt again. Looking at the bodies of the witch cultists scattered all over the ground, they just felt happy.

The master is the strongest!

When Natsuki Subaru woke up, he felt like he had a nightmare. What made him happy was that Felice's treatment made him and Julius become brothers in distress.

"In the end, I still couldn't talk to Satira... no, Miss Emilia."

"Are you going to leave Betty too?"

Beatrice came to the body of Juice, holding a [Crystal Ball] tightly in her hand. The death of the [Archbishop of Sloth] was reflected on the surface of the glass ball. In his arms, another degraded "Gospel" burned out.

It was just a version tampered by the [Witch of Falsehood], a tool used to control the Witch Cult.

The prophecy of the [Crystal Ball] was stronger than the "Gospel".

"Huh, this magic weapon can also be used to predict the future?" Anastasia's eyes lit up.

Dona Fox said helplessly: "This is not the point, right? Anna!"

"Although he is a nasty guy, he is also one of Betty's few friends..."

Beatrice showed grief. She has the memory of four hundred years ago, and knows more about Joss's past and present life than Emilia.

"Don't worry, I won't let you cry."

As he said, Nangong Xuan rubbed the little head of the loli elf. He stamped his feet, and the corpse of the [Archbishop of Sloth] was shrouded in a faint green light, reborn from the ashes.


Not only that, the necrotic skin was peeling off. As if time was going back, Joss became younger. His handsome face seemed to have returned to the appearance of four hundred years ago, and he also recovered his memory before being tampered with.

Return to normal.


Witnessing the miracle of resurrection from the dead, everyone was so shocked that they couldn't speak.

Wilhelm and Phyllis showed a trace of heat in their eyes.

If even the dead can [recover], maybe our important people also have a chance...


Emilia was stunned and came to the black-haired young man. Nangong held her cheek and gently activated [Recovery]. In the warm big hand, the half-elf girl finally recovered her lost memory.

That was a disaster caused by a witch in a frozen forest a hundred years ago.

At the beginning, Joss was entrusted with the factor of the [Witch of Sloth], but he failed to fully master it and once lost control. [Witch of Pretense] Pandora used the power of [Change Events], causing Joss to accidentally kill Emilia's aunt, Fortuna.

This is the real reason why the "Silver Hair Witch" went berserk and was frozen for a hundred years.

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